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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I had Roberts sprint past me under the west grandstand after practise, trying to get to the back door of the locker room so he wouldn't get spotted by reporters. Yeah, he was a bit of a head case.
  2. It's a bizarre situation where the refs are getting the call right on the field in live time, and the people who have access to multiple looks at multiple angles of slow-mo replays get it horrifyingly wrong.
  3. They won't have their first practise of the week until tomorrow. The earliest you will normally get an injury update is after the first practise.
  4. I haven't watched the second half yet, so I can't say if Poop made a big splash.
  5. Normally I agree with 17to85 just so he doesn't yell at me, but in this case he's also right - TSN cut away from the first game on Friday and stuck with the first game on Saturday. That's really stupid. Have a policy. Stick to it. Someone's going to be mad anyways. Probably 17to85.
  6. Please remove those cameras from my bedroom at your earliest convenience!
  7. a ) Voters are morons, b ) Is anyone still indignant about Glenn not winning in '07?, c ) Nichols is an also-ran in a 2 horse Alberta QB race. I don't care at all if he wins or not. There are only two individual awards Bomber players need to win. Grey Cup MVP and Grey Cup MOC. And I don't care who wins them. If it's Lankford and Hurl, I'll lead the parade.
  8. I might be off, this is entirely anecdotal, but I'd say Briggs has been on the field for about 20% of the defensive reps this year. To me it seems like he's seeing action on about 1/2 of the second down reps.
  9. It's nice that we're not the team getting Lindleyed. Or Butlered. Or even Lulayed. That's why I don't dismiss last week's win. Wins are hard. Every win is a precious diamond.* *bad analogy - I don't give a crap about diamonds
  10. Share the costs between players and owners. Then the sticker shock won't scare everyone away. No one who cares about this league wants players to be treated as disposable.
  11. That might be a bit chicken and egg - the Bombers had success against Edmonton in the last game by running the hurry-up offence as much as possible, but one of the statistical consequences was losing the time of possession battle. I'd argue losing that battle is what helped them win the game. If we slow the offence down to hang on to the ball for more of the game, we don't take advantage of their defensive weaknesses like we did last time.
  12. Mike Quinn. Stuck down on the depth chart of the Chicago Bears for a while until he came up here and got stuck down on the depth chart. No success in either league. Sounds like Lindley.
  13. You talking about Timmy Chang? Okay, so a trip to wikipedia resulted in the most entertaining paragraph ever: Chang played in his first regular season game on June 30, 2007 against the Calgary Stampeders when he replaced the struggling Jason Maas towards the end of the fourth quarter, completing his first career CFL pass, a 51-yard pass to Jesse Lumsden, overall finishing 4 of 7 for 86 yards. He threw his first career CFL touchdown on July 14 during the Ticats 29-20 loss to Montreal, a 71-yard pass to Brock Ralph. Chang was released by the Tiger-Cats on August 29, 2008 and signed by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers the following day.[5] He retired in 2009 and returned to the University of Hawaii to complete his bachelor's degree.[6] Memories!
  14. Injuries happen and he's decent depth. I know I sound a bit down on him but we could do worse. Dano is exactly the kind of player expansion teams used to get and put in their top 6. Enough good things in the scouting report that fans can feel optimistic about those first few seasons, and yet, nope, it's a bad team. He has some value, but whatever hopeful expectations people had about him reaching his potential can be tossed in the wastebin at this point.
  15. Last night was the first time I've ever thought Petan looked good enough to be anywhere other than the pressbox or AHL. He may finally be ready. He was making good decisions with and away from the puck and did not resemble the defensive liability he has been in the past. Connor is not ready. Dano is just weird. There are so many shifts where he does nothing to change what's happening on the ice. They aren't good shifts, they aren't bad shifts, he just sort of exists out there. He throws in an occasional great shift to trick you into thinking he can be so much more, but he almost never is. He'll probably get that spot on the 4th line, but I wouldn't mind the Jets using that spot to give Lemeuix or Lipon an entry level position like they did with Copp a few years ago. Five minutes a game to start and slowly expose him to more minutes and responsibilities if he responds well. It doesn't seem like we'll ever get more from Dano than what he's already showed us.
  16. Me neither. Yellow is the colour of urine. Thankfully, we have gold. The colour of champions.
  17. Popularity contest? So that would mean the Argos made it to the finals because they have the second most fans in the CFL? Must be hard to get a seat at BMO with that kind of popularity.
  18. Ship sailed? Think viking funeral...
  19. I heard he said something nice about Lankford.
  20. No one knows, but there is also what is probable and what is less probable. And it is extremely improbable that he would be making his full salary or anywhere close to it on the practise roster. You will have to accept that the discussions on this message board will normally take place in the absence of complete knowledge. Even when the league or club or player makes a statement on a subject, that does not guarantee it is entirely truthful or complete or free of subjectivity or bias or completely accidental oversight. Personally, I will continue to be fine with having the bar set at thoughtful reasoning.
  21. Poolman should be on the ice against competition at every opportunity, not in a pressbox, but he is way closer to NHL ready than I thought he would be. I never get to watch all of the game, but I can't recall a single shift where he looked outclassed against professional competition. I'd say the question has changed from is he ready to play in the NHL to is he ready to play an 82 game season in the NHL?
  22. “I recently had a really positive meeting with Commissioner Ambrosie and welcomed the chance for us to get to know each other and have an in-depth talk about a possible future with the CFL. I love this game and want to be back on the field in a situation where I can help a franchise in the long term. Over the past months, my agent helped me vet all of my options for playing, figuring out where I could be most effective and get back to having the most fun with the game I love. I’m ready to play today, but we all agreed with the Commissioner that it made no sense for me to join a team with only a month left in the season – it wouldn’t have been fair to my teammates, coaches or the fan base. I want to come into a team and earn my job day one, like everyone else. I look forward to preparing myself as best I can and look forward to what the future holds.” So removing all the questions about intentions and ulterior motives and douchebaggery from this, and accepting it at face value, the following statement seems either unwise or untrue: "I’m ready to play today, but we all agreed with the Commissioner that it made no sense for me to join a team with only a month left in the season – it wouldn’t have been fair to my teammates, coaches or the fan base. I want to come into a team and earn my job day one, like everyone else. I look forward to preparing myself as best I can" If Hamilton was involved in these conversations, and they should have been, they should know that it makes perfect sense to join the team with only a month left in the season. Teams expand their practise rosters this time of year for that reason. The QB position in the CFL is very different and most QBs take years getting adjusted to these differences. He could be two months ahead of where he'll be at the start of next year if he started attending practises today. This should have nothing to do with earning a job - he should be wearing a "trainee" badge every time he steps on the field. And Hamilton should know this. Were they telling him he'd come in and get to start in 2 weeks? That's idiocy. It's doomed to fail. And it will be doomed to fail next May as well. If he wants to be a CFL QB, he has years of learning just like everyone else.
  23. Perreault feels like a much better fit on that line than Connor. In the absence of Roslovic I'd sooner pair Connor with Little. Finding a good fit between players is why lines get switched up in pre-season. There's no way to know without testing these ideas on the ice. Maybe Connor and Lowry can develop a unique chemistry that works for them. Lowry (to me) is a power forward type of center who doesn't have refined skills. He seems to succeed most in front of the net finishing on medium skill opportunities, plus he has great forechecking abilities to help create those opportunities. To me it doesn't feel like putting Connor in that situation would allow either player to thrive. Mattias is a great forechecker as well, and Armia surprised me in that regard. When we acquired him I incorrectly formed the idea that he was an average sized player. He's pretty big. I think the average size of those three is 6'4", 212 pounds. I can't see Connor playing with Armia and Lowry without recreating the identity of that line, and I don't think Lowry has enough skill to make that happen. But until tested on the ice, that's just a theory.
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