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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. They also had tons of money to throw around cuz of lots of cfl rookies. Let's see what happens in a year or 2 there when the rookies get paid. Pruneau being one. What will happen when hank hangs them up.
  2. Apparently they do it on purpose. Was done for another team b4 also
  3. A gimmick isn't the same as being gay. That's almost like dressing up as batman for Halloween and thinking you actually are batman lol
  4. A healthy QB is most important. Look at Hamilton now
  5. Richards is 22. Probably on IR cuz he was a rookie. Not like Harty or Durant did much this year either.
  6. Chris Randle is NOT a free agent according to Penton.
  7. Kind of like Jason Maas. No experience as OC at all before this year. Was Khari not oc with Hamilton. Is he another Bellefuile?
  8. Then why are they out in the third so much when we need to score
  9. I think Marcel is viewed as dead man walking. It's not if he will be fired... it's when and it's obvious.
  10. There is no doubt in my mind that MB is gone. Probably not until after the grey cup but he's done. If he's not... I'm done posting here. Won't post here next season if MB is back and probably won't care about the bombers
  11. Bombers used him fine. He just couldn't catch. Still can't but when you throw at him 20 times a game he's gonna make a few catches
  12. Jets were the better team but Neuvirth and penalties made the difference
  13. Willy.Nichols.Davis would be fine with me next season. I actually think Davis might have more upside than Nichols. I'm torn on Nichols actually... Brohm not getting 1 pass last night proved to me that he is DONE.
  14. Well, The pens major issue is their D that's for sure, But they have a ton of O and that was their decision to go that route, they could have probably fixed their D but they decided to not go that route, Chicago is more balanced for sure, top to bottom, they have a damn good top 6 and they have a damn good top 4 D. As for Captain, This is for the world cup right? I'm not sure i really care about it but my vote would go to Toews because of all the intangibles he has but.... if i had to guess, SID will get the C because he's probably still the best player in the world.
  15. Sure they have, just some refuse to see what they have done. I'm starting to change my tune on Walters because the lack of talent on the team is somewhat shocking actually, the lack of depth... but... to say they have done nothing is just bullcrap. I'm not even sure what Millers job is, he's the president and he's done lots to try and improve the game day experience, isn't that his job? His job isn't really the onfield product, that's Walters job. If any of them shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt at this moment, it's walters.
  16. Or change it to... those who think things are always so bad and those who think things are never as bad as some others make it out to be.. Long title but pretty much.. I'm with Noeller on this one... Things are never as bad as some make it out to be, they aren't as good as some make it out to be either...
  17. Bob McKenzie seems to think Buff will get 7 years 7 million per on the open market... If that's the case, adios Buff. Trade him now while you can really. Cuz no way I'd give him 7 years.
  18. Isn't the real problem a lack of depth and a lack of actual impact players on our team? I mean,Westerman,Bass, Wild (not enough games tho) are our impact players on D, Let's throw in Adams, he's a damn rookie tho (3 of those 4, that was their first year with us) On O, who are our impact players? Moore? Denmark? Willy? That's it. But in all reality, It's probably pretty tough to judge the O since that assclown Bellefeuille was in charge of it all season.... FIRE HIS ASS NOW Depth is a huge problem and that's on Walters... If you don't have the talent to replace the talent who aren't good enough, then what can you do? Maybe O'shea and the coaches did want to replace some guys but maybe the biggest problem is... they didn't have anybody to replace them with, that's on walters and the scouts.
  19. Go with an all international defensive back group and play a Canadian at Safety, surely one of Wagonner, Sherman,Jones,Morgan,Whoever the **** else could play safety and we could go with Randle,Rookie,Johnson,Adams.
  20. I watched the game, did half ass pay attention as I was kind of babysitting my almost 1 year old but.... or daddy daughter time lol but.... What I saw was the usual suspects busting their butts out there and several saying "**** it, i'm done" Who were those usual suspects?? on D it was Westerman, It was Leggett, It was Bass, it was... pretty much that was it, Honorable mention to Bruce Johnson and Posey who i thought was ok for a guy making his first CFL start... Of course Ian Wild always busts his ass too On O, I thought Davis looked pretty good for a guy making his first real start in like 3 years... I love Marshall's never give up attitude, I liked Nick Moore out there, I liked Denmark, I'm not an expert Oline guy i Liked what the Oline did for the most part, Goosen showed some fire there on several plays... But outside of those what? 10 11 maybe 12 guys if i include Spencer Davis on special teams, The rest weren't really that good. Let's say 12 maybe more depending on the Oline guys who actually looked like they actually gave a crap? That's not good enough. Never thought I'd say this but a large part of me hopes Walters does take that Guelph Job so the bombers are forced to move on, because I don't think Wade is gonna fire him or O'shea and while I don't think O'shea is the problem, I do think Walters and the scouts need to wake up and find some damn talent.
  21. I believe he would be playing the right side... Stuart is LHD is he not? Pretty sure, Postma would be the RHD on the pair, These lines are based on Ken Wiebes reporting about an hour ago so who knows how accurate they are but... Pretty sure Postma would be the Right Handed D man on his pair with the Left Handed Stuart.
  22. You can disagree, that's fine, that's your opinion and that's well and good but, I think it's pretty obvious that we are lacking team speed on O.. Moore isn't the fastest guy, He's not the slowest either, Denmark is a burner for sure but i agree wasn't really used properly at all, Kohlert is not a fast guy, The other Canadian be it, JFG or Bastien were not fast either, Adams is a little too inconsistent for my liking, there is a reason Toronto let him go and I think, at times he showed why they let him go and quite honestly, why we signed him in the same game, He has flashes but also tons of mental brain farts... First pass of the game last night, nice ball to adams, really nice throw actually... drops it, no excuse for that and we've seen that from adams a bunch of times... I mean, i Don't want a guy like that track start a few years ago who couldn't catch, Ibrahim something or Abraham something, all speed and no ability to catch but we definitely need to improve our team speed on O as a whole, maybe we do have it but MB just never took advantage of it but... it seemed to me when you compare our 5 receivers vs anyone elses top 5 receivers, bombers are pretty damn slow. And maybe it is a result of the OC just being a stupid asshat but... it's tough to say... Really think we could use another burner on the roster, maybe it's by finding a way to play with the ratio a bit and start 4 International receivers and Kohlert but... Definitely seemed to lack team speed on O... Think theres some quotes out there from other teams coaches saying Winnipeg is easy to play against because they lack team speed on O... they are easy to defend. Again perhaps it's MB and his schemes but.. some of it has to be on the players doesn't it? I mean, Import/International Receiver should not be that difficult to find or replace... Wheres our Eric Rogers or Darrel Walker or SJ Green or Ryan Smith or Manny Arcenaux or Sinopoli for that matter, Earnest Jackson, Kevin Elliot, are we the only team in the league without a receiver who hit 1000 yards???
  23. Estrada and Stroman both proved that when the game matters most, they are MONEY... Price did not, I'd rather give that money to Estrada than Price that's for sure... Price sucks when it matters most.
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