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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. It's not Linkin Park lol. Hozier is my guess... take me to church is a song lol
  2. All I'll say... in the end it doesn't even matter
  3. Yup. Stand alone town altho not that far from Minneapolis
  4. Are you not allowed to Hit montreal players? Let's be honest, if Buff got Gallagher in the head, Gallagher would not have gotten up that quick.
  5. QB- Willy RB- Marshall... but go after Harris if he makes it to free agency OL- Bryant,Chungh,Goossen,Daniels Rec- Kohlert,JFG,Moore,Denmark DL- Westerman,Thomas, LB- Wild,Bass,Briggs,Waggoner DB- Randle,Leggett,Johnson,Adams
  6. WOW. RIDICULOUS doesn't even begin to describe this.... In Person or over the phone? If in person, probably 2 -4 games, if over phone probably 1 game.
  7. Burris was outside the pocket last game, he essentially become a running back at that time, Not sure why hitting him low would be seen as such a terrible thing when he's outside the pocket... the westerman hit was pretty brutal but it happens to every qb at least once or twice a year.
  8. The Brandon Raw i believe was the one after the "IN YOUR HOUSE" PPV they did here... HBK got beat up real good in syracuse or something and had to relinquish the IC Title to Dean Douglas and then Razor beat him immediately for the IC Title.
  9. Except for the fact that the majority of QB's injured have been when they were outside the pocket... Hell, Durant injured himself.
  10. Hope they sit some vets... hope they give some PR guys a chance. The game doesn't matter... it's not like a win will make a difference... O'shea's job is not on the line, He will be back and i guess the quicker people realize that or figure it out the better, I'd be shocked if Lawless was wrong on that one.
  11. Well, hate to say it but... one way to possibly prevent Injuries to QB's and you can't exactly prevent all injuries, no way you could have prevented Durant or Willys injury or even Collaros or Reillys for that matter or Lulay or Glenns or just about every one who has been injured this year... But changing the ratio might help, have to start 6 canadians only.. then you could maybe play more Americans on the Oline and not even that guarantees anything. I'm really not sure if anything can be done... It's football, contact sport... Think the QB's are a little too protected as is, not sure what else they can do besides putting a flag on the QB's wasit and instead of hitting him, you have to pull the flag off. Good fan support in Ottawa and Hamilton is considered a terrible crowd in Winnipeg... 24000 for those 2 teams are considered good crowd support, everywhere else other than toronto montreal and even bc, it's considered crap.
  12. Montreal has nothing really of interest to the JETS tho.... I'm also not convinced Buff would want to play in that market. I get this crazy feeling that a trade to Edmonton is more likely than a trade to Montreal or New York with Buff.
  13. LOL. it won't be as cold as people think it will be... No snow in the forecast for the next 2 weeks at least.... probably not until december is what they are saying... Cold? I dunno, I'd honestly expect it to be about plus 3 or 4 at kick off and doubt the temperature will drop that much. Looking at the weather forecast, the lowest temperature they are saying is -2 and that's over night one night.. the rest of the days, it's around 0 as the over night low... It won't be that cold, guaranteed.
  14. I've been to about 6 in my life time, one in minny( RAW), was at the RAW in Winnipeg too and I would honestly say that the house shows are 100000x better than the TV show The TV show has so many breaks, you really don't know what you are gonna get either, with house shows, the guys can go out there and actually wrestle and when they actually are allowed to wrestle and go 15 20 minutes plus, It's damn good. I'll take the 15 20 minute matches over the 5 minute TV matches any day Raw was cool, was really cool but... at the same time, I'm not sure I'd go to another RAW because you really don't get your moneys worth like you do at a house show.
  15. I don't ever see Lesnar vs Del Rio happening, It's just not believable that Del Rio could beat him.... Not sure what's next for Lesnar but.... If i was the guy in charge... Wrestlemania coming up in a few months.. time for some slow builds to start Rock vs Brock Undertaker vs Cena Those are 2 matches I wouldn't mind seeing Would love to see Austin vs Lesnar but.. unlikely I also think you will see Rollins vs HHH (but not if Rollins is still champ)
  16. The Only game the Jets have won when Peluso played was against CBJ... the rest that he has dressed for, they have lost. He's not the reason for the loss but it's interesting none the less. Also Buff, just terrible and who lead the team in ice last night? You guessed it, Buff. Not sure why Maurice doesn't sit Buff down a bit more at times, he is a liability out there at times, pinches, gets caught, coasts back.. no effort at all. The short handed goal was a direct result of buff pinching at a bad time. Saw a nice little quote from a habs fan last night on twitter, said... Buff is more valuable to other teams than he is to the Jets, I have to agree with that especially when his effort and hustle level was so poor last night. Teams value him, Jets need to move him before it's too late. And I thought that was a pretty clean hit, puck was there, just Buff is bigger and Gallagher sold it pretty good, Thought maybe Gallagher should have got extra for diving... One thing I also noticed on twitter, Habs fans complain about everything, every hit is illegal according to them I guess, the only question i'd have is, if Buffs hit was illegal, what's a clean hit? I don't even think Montreal played that good, the Jets were just really bad. Like worst game i've seen in a long long time from the Jets bad.
  17. Buff was just awful. Really lacks the effort out there at times. Stu is the fans whipping boy but him and trouba both played well tonight. Buff was really bad tho.
  18. Congratulations KC. What a team.
  19. Because its the last game. Play everyone you can. If you aren't gonna play brohm don't dress him.
  20. Yeah. I get it tonight but I hope they call someone up from the farm for next game vs Toronto if copp can't go
  21. Hating? Lol. Nope. Calling it like I see it. Yes dressing both Thor and Peluso is bad roster management. I get it today but... dressing your 2 worst players isn't good. Maurice is a great coach but has hid flaws too. His biggest one is he likes the face punching plugs too much and won't discipline the vets
  22. It's the last game. I think brohm is gone but give him a quarter just because
  23. Maurice disagrees as Burmi was on the 4th all 3rd. Only change they made. He hasn't been good.
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