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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. 1 yr deals I'll bet for Henoc. Fire the agent and I'd talk to him but pass
  2. Pardy will be fine and probably help the tank. Postma obviously doesn't have the coaches trust for some reason or another.
  3. Ray Bourque? Or Josh Bourke? ? Josh signed with the argos on day 1 of FA frenzy lol. Talk about beating a dead horse
  4. Gotta question Muambas agent here. Odd time to have a bonus coming up. Right after free agency. If I'm Henoc I'd probably think long and hard about getting myself a new agent. I think 1 yr deals are likely for him and if that's the case... I'd rather just pass. If he was willing to sign for 2 or more I'd make him an offer.... take it or leave it style. If he takes it... great. If not.. that's ok 2 cuz I don't think we need him as bad as some think we do. He would be nice to have but... 1 year deal? No thanks. My guess Is he probably signs a 1 yr deal in Edmonton or Sask. They say 3 teams showed interest. Wonder who the 3rd was cuz rumor has it.. it wasn't us
  5. Laing and Grymes are Def exploring nfl opportunities. Norman I believe has injury concerns. Wouldn't surprise me if we give him a shot here but... at the same time I think his injury issues are the reason he hasn't been signed. I believe players 1 2 4 and 6 are exploring nfl opportunities. Not sure about B Hall but I'll bet he is also
  6. Hhh vs Reigns vs Ambrose might be the thought now. However I still think it's Reigns vs HHH at Mania Ambrose is way more over tho. Reigns gets very little reaction and for the amount they pushed him that has to be concerning
  7. I'm tired of Muamba. CFL tour part 2 coming up.
  8. Connor and Armia on the top line seems unlikely. Ehlers Scheif Wheeler Connor Perreault Armia Where's Little? He's traded
  9. Morrissey coming in to his own on the farm. Best to leave him there for now. Pardy and Postma will play and don't be surprised if Jay Harrison is called up. Mo loves his vets. And Stuart is the worst penalty killer in the league. Not sure why some need to stick up for these mediocre players. I'll say this.... the less Stu the better. Yup good community guy but on the ice he's not. You know who also was a good community guy? Jim Slater but.... he can't play in the NHL anymore. Stu if anything is overrated by some. They see him step up for the big hit and they cheer Stuuuuuuuuu but 2 seconds later puck in our net cuz his hit lead to a 2 on 1
  10. Stats show Stu is the worst penalty killer in the league and it's not even close
  11. If Ladd is Signed... Perreault probably won't be unless they play him as 3rd line center. He's got 1 year left after this season. Ladd Ehlers Connor Lemieux all LW Yeah Ehlers can play RW but hasn't been recently
  12. Broken hand. Out 4 to 6 weeks
  13. He was at the NBA all star game in TO. Called in apparently
  14. HANGOVER is the proper term. But gonna file this under the not our problem category
  15. Ya cuz losing pav stu thorburn Burmi and 1 of trouba myers or enstrom would just end us
  16. FWIW... If Ladd signs expect Perreault Stafford to be moved. Also I'd expect Pav to be traded also. Enstrom and 1 of trouba or Myers or even both might be on the block also. Don't be surprised if stu Burmi Thorburn aren't around much longer either
  17. Anyone been able to watch Lucha Underground at all and if so what are your thoughts on it. Mine? It's a TV show that has wrestling. It's a spot fest.
  18. No Floyd. You trade Burmi or Thorburn. Probably Burmi and you go Lowry Copp Thorburn. Lowry has no finish at all. He's best suited as 4th line winger
  19. Lowry was good vs Edmonton but he was terrible for the first half of the season. So much so that they sent him to the farm
  20. Bombers will have at least 2 road games late October next year with the outdoor hockey game between jets and oilers happening
  21. Armia has tons of potential and would probably be putting up better numbers if he was playing with a Center who has the ability to score. Lowry quite frankly should be on the 4th line as a winger. However since Maurice is dating Lowry and won't do that.... Here's what I'd do Ehlers Little Wheeler Perreault Scheif Armia Ladd Lowry Stafford Thorburn Copp Burmi Stafford isn't good enough defensively to be on the 2nd line. Imo he's actually dragging Perreault and Scheif down right now
  22. Myers and at most Burmi for Hamonic. If Petan is traded a prospect of equal value needs to come back. Petan is playing really well for the Moose. I doubt they consider trading him.
  23. 2 million for Lowry seems like a million 2 much.
  24. I can guarantee you that TNSE would want local boy Bowey also
  25. There's something called a salary cap. Buff. Hamonic. Postma on the right.
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