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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Little bit of love for the defensively strong undrafted cap dumb AI. Playing in his 500th nhl game. That’s seriously quite the accomplishment for any nhl player never mind a guy who wasn’t even drafted.
  2. Damn. I’m out at the lake. There was a fire in the marsh yesterday but wow 2 0 jets and AVs with zero shots? Is that right or is my phone being weird. Says 2 shots now for Colorado. Must have been right. Crazy.
  3. Salt lake (Utah)west of Colorado and directly north of Arizona but they get snow. They will stay in the central.
  4. With 2 games remaining. Dallas would just need 1 point to clinch first since they won the season series. If the Jets and Colorado finish same points we are 2nd cuz regardless of tomorrow we have the season series.
  5. Legit contenders back tonight. last couple weeks we dominated the 2 best teams in the league in their rinks and won. Dallas and NYR. lost to garbage teams. Streaking. Best overall game since the rangers win. stanley and samberg were very good together today. Stanley making a case.
  6. Dude lied for 30 years pretty much. Doubt he’d say oh hey I know everyone knows cuz you’d have to be mentally gone to think I didn’t kill Ron and Nicole but hey I did it. Yeah right. He lied for 30 years. Why would he say he did it now. So god could have mercy on him eventho he lied for 30 years. lol. please.
  7. Well considering roadrunners is the name of an ahl team what is this. 1980s Saturday morning cartoons?
  8. People don’t even call weed pot anymore. Last time I heard it called pot was 25 years ago and by people who have no clue. You’re quite ignorant on the subject it appears tho and pretty much don’t have a clue.
  9. I said this months ago. why would they call them roadrunners when none exist in Utah? Utah Polygamists more likely than Roadrunners.
  10. May Nicole and Ron rest in peace now that OJ is chilling with Satan.
  11. Jets hit 20 shots with 3 minutes left. Nashville put up 20 in period 2.
  12. Bowness can’t stay out the way. Connor with scheif and Vilardi and it’s 3 3. Jets sucking badly. Helle trying.
  13. 3 teams in central 100 points plus. Nashville even with a loss to the Jets still would have a shot at 100. 4 central teams 100 points plus. That’s insanity. Division of death.
  14. Doubt it. Torts isn’t the issue there. Those guys over achieved plus lost their starter Carter Hart for well, we all know why now. Philly just not good enough. Them even having a shot a while ago, It’s a bigger surprise than the jets being a top 4 team in the west.
  15. Jets and preds going up and down the ice. That’s not jets hockey. That’s Blake wheeler Jets hockey. It don’t work. Not sustainable.
  16. 3rd at worst. They would be tied with Colorado with a win at 102 points with 4 left. Fun. We play them also.
  17. 3 on 5 shots. Dylan Demelo says let’s do it. 4th line shift. 3 1
  18. 2 shots. 2 goals. 2 1 Jets. 2 beautiful goals. refs calling chincy crap on the Jets tho. preds back to power play.
  19. Stanley looks to be much improved. miller was a 7 D in New Jersey. He’s not the same guy from years ago. I don’t get why pionk always plays tho. He’s much worse than Schmidt for long stretches but Nate sits. Pionk plays. It’s mind boggling. Nate can’t make any mistakes when he plays, pionk can make 5 every game. I don’t get it. Ehlers also, yeah he gives pucks away but so does scheif Vilardi Connor and all of them but he’s the guy getting demoted. It’s just interesting. Bowness is just Paul Maurice with a better defensive bottom 6. What a goal. Vilardi. Wow. 1 1.
  20. Nashville clinches with a win against the jets lol.
  21. So despite what Facebook reels have been trying to say, Jesus has not been spotted in America today.
  22. We will put it here. Jets prospect Colby Barlow assigned to Moose. Brad lambert named rookie of the month. 4gs 14As.
  23. 100. 2 points back of the avs for home ice in our 1st rd series. And jets looked dominating for long stretches. The pp still isn’t good tho. Stars can play the knights kings or preds. And lose. we can beat the Avs
  24. Damien Jackson is truly legendary I feel that in years we will be talking about him like SNL talked about Bill Brasky. Truly a man of the people for the people.
  25. Bowness needs to stop trying to make Connor and Scheifele and Vilardi work. Ehlers scheif Vilardi Connor Mono Perfetti Nino Lowry Toffoli Barron Names Iafallo/Apples.
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