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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Keep in mind they are practicing against our pk. Connor Scheifele Vilardi did nothing when they were together. Ehlers Scheifele Vilardi was a top 5 in the league line. Until Connor is off the top line and accountability isn’t just a thing with 3 players on the 4th line, absolutely nothing changes. Nothing.
  2. Apparently Miller was number 7 in NJ also tho.
  3. Next practice I tape Kyle Connor to the boards and have guys practice their hitting on him. Dude needs to take some contact. I tell the drs to say pionk has a week long form of covid. And I switch up the top 6 significantly cuz switching guys on the 4th don’t matter. Gus tho was very good today. Better than 55. Nino scheif Ehlers Connor Monahan Toffoli Iafallo Lowry Apple Perfetti Gus Names.
  4. They were dominating at times, all 2nd and 3/4 the 3rd tonight. Stan and samberg were solid. Josh was dominant. Demelo was Demelo. Dillon struggles when pionk does. Sit pionk. go samberg Dillon Schmidt Stanley. Just do it
  5. Honestly thought the jets were the better team. But in the end 0 for 50 on the PP. special teams cost us the win. Hopefully 55 is ok cuz we suck even worse without him. id sit pionk tho. Dudes not good.
  6. Good game so far tho. Was a nice VGK goal. Kevin Sawyer is unbearable tho. And Monahan ties it on an Ehlers shot. Questionable??? No call on jets seconds earlier.
  7. So the kicker is now gonna just kick it through the end zones more ??
  8. Only a few back from Colorado tho also. And Dallas. Preds on a roll. Wild card vs Colorado or Vancouver might be a better way for the jets tho. Central is the division of death. For some reason tho we play well vs Colorado.
  9. Sums it up. KC with a chance but no shot on goal. They come back and Helle makes 1 great save but not 2.
  10. Refs cost the jets a goal there. Call the trip and Jets on the power play.
  11. Refs are reaching tho. How do u not call the trip.
  12. I’d take out Connor and pionk to send that message. I mean Connor can’t accept simple passes and pionk turns the puck over every shift. Sawyer constantly sucking off Connor and shitting on Ehlers for doing the same stuff is wild. Sucking off pionk now also. Dude is out to lunch.
  13. Pionk pinches and that leads to goal 1. Pionk coming on early I believe leads to too many men. Stan will come out next game tho. he’s been ok but his lack of speed is showing. Dude can’t keep up with the oiler forwards. But I’ll take him over pionk right now. Top 4 D and top 6 forward should sit to send the message that nobody is above it. Jets top 6 minus Ehlers(only guy doing things ) doing nothing again. Toffoli looks slow bro.
  14. Stanley for samberg is ridiculous. Regardless of how shitty pionk or Dillon play, the guy that plays well comes out for Stanley. I don’t mind Stan but this is definitely an underlying issue with the team. Why is samberg out but pionk can be on the ice for 10 goals against in 2 games yet he plays. Just one of those things. Like how is competition for the 4th line spots effecting Kyle Connor or the top 6. It’s not. It’s just weird. Every team and coach does it tho.
  15. To be fair 13 games in 24 days I think. That’s tough.
  16. Chevy is gonna win the gm of the year award. At what point do we realize it’s the players on the ice. What more could Chevy do exactly to help them besides getting them mental help. Cuz that’s what it is. Mental. It’s effort level. It’s compete. The nhl has tons of parity and the team who wins is usually the one who out competes the other team. How do you dominate the rangers 5 on 5 then **** the bed the next 3. Effort. Compete.
  17. Mentally weak team. There’s no explanation for this other than mentally weak because it’s a yearly theme.
  18. Who cares. It’s not about yesterday. It’s about what this team does when it matters. Every year at this time they do this, every year. The players change but it’s the same every year. it’s happening again. They will be in the wildcard spot next week.
  19. Scheifele on his first shift has no interest in the corner battle there. Washington sucks tho so I have some hope
  20. Connor will be back on line 1 by the 2nd period. Appleton is pointless on line 1. Ehlers Scheifele Toffoli be better.
  21. Ehlers Scheifele Appleton. Just LOL. Helle in goal. This team has lost the plot. Honestly. Just throwing **** at the wall. id love to know the logic. Apples has sucked for a while? Let’s put him top line, Toffoli to the 3rd line. Just losing the plot. Same roster that lost yesterday less than 24 hours later but kinda throwing **** at the wall and seeing what sticks. They deserve to lose again.
  22. Let’s go Wild Carding. It might be the easiest way honestly. lol.
  23. Let’s give it up to Damian Jackson. Jackson sacrificed himself so MBB could talk about Full Backs. We salute you sir. A true American hero and cfl legend. Damian Jackson man, that dude was something, ex marine, the few the proud, perhaps like his fan base but Damn it dude is a MBB.com legend. Does make you wonder tho which scrub Osh will get a boner for this year tho. Always one it seems.
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