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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. If we finish 3rd in the West at... say 9-9... and we go into Calgary for the west SF... that's, surprisingly, not the scariest proposition... or even cross over and have to play in Toronto in the East SF....
  2. You're probably right. That'll hopefully soften them up for the LDC and Banjo Bowl. I'm not sure what I prefer... a completely dejected but probably motivated 0-9 team... or a slightly more confident, less pressure-filled 1-8 team...
  3. I don't think it's even a two team race.... despite their matching records, Hammy is miles ahead of Tor at this point...
  4. Bomber still have a legitimate shot at 3rd in the West... or even third in the east... I don't see Mtl or Ott doing much down the stretch... I can realistically see the bomber going 5-5... optimistically 6-4... down the stretch... 8 or 9 wins will definitely be good enough for the playoffs this year...
  5. I hate to pull the revisionist history card... but I'll do it anyways... if we had drafted Darryl Waud at 11 we could be using two NI spots on the D-line with Westerman/Brown and Waud/Thomas... that would help the ratio and I actually think we would be getting better interior DL play with Thomas/Waud and Collins/Turner... but what do I know?
  6. Size definitely matters at MLBer. I mean you can go a bit undersized like we did with Wild last year....but Brackenridge? Good grief....he's going to get himself hurt playing in the box. Teams will run at will over top of him. Very true... size isn't everything... but it means a lot at MLB... as mentioned above Wild, was small at 210 lbs... but he's still got 20 lbs on Brack... smallest MLB in the league right now is probably Sherrit at 5'9 218 lbs...
  7. Thsi is essentially the same as saying there's 9 teams fighting for 6 playoff spots... But I do like that we technically moved into a playoff spot without playing... with the addition of Simmons it's been a pretty successful bye week....
  8. good point... never once in the CFL has a player struggled in one city and turned it around in another city...
  9. I think that was in part of the video that ISO put up. They talked about that. It was ridiculous how the politician was like "I was on the great wall of china with my Bucks jersey on and some chinese person came up to me and said that he knew the bucks were basketball team....that means something". It was the lamest thing I ever heard. Actually it was me that put up the video ... and yes, I'm pretty sure the arena in Milwaukee was the impetus for that entire segment...
  10. you know what that poll proves... only Bomber and Rider fans are voting... I'm not sure what's more laughable... Elimimian and Bighill combining for only 7% of the vote or Brackenridge getting 37% of votes....
  11. Before reading this thread I predicted JFG, Neufeld, and Bucknor would get the most "attention"... but right now, I'd probably go with Neufeld...
  12. They would obviously be doing a lot of changes to the traffic flow there. To be honest I don't think it'd be all that much worse than where Mcmahon is now for traffic. There's some ****** up places down there but it all seems to be changing anyway because they know it's ****** up. ******* eh! **** **** balls ass ***** ***** **** .... just testing to see what gets past the filter... that's what we're all doing, right? EDIT: only 2 of my 7 words made it
  13. Whoa, where have you been? I was going to DM you on twitter just to make sure you're still alive! Good to see you're back.... Anyways, wondering why they would bring in another QB at this point... should we start the speculation that Willy will be gone more than 8 weeks??... or maybe he's just a better prospect than Davis....
  14. This sounds like a fan-created rumour... but it would be amazing if it's true... He needs to get off twitter... or at least make his fan interaction more about his play and not his complaints...
  15. None... we start Corey Lewis and start to look at NFL cuts...
  16. I'm sure a big chunk of those fans are driving in from Calgary for the game. Considering it's only half Stampeder fans at McMahon for games against the Riders, not even a chance. Obviously some, but not many. That's total bullshit. That's why I hate & totally disrespect the Rider fanbase when they post total garbage like this. The Stamps have 24,000 season tickets in a 35.000 seat stadium. So how do nearly 20,000 Rider fans get in? Most of the fans there cheering for the Riders are drunken douchebags. Give me a frigging break. It's actually pretty basic Saskatchewan math... There's 30,000 people at a game... 3,000 are Rider fans... 50/50 split... not sure what's so hard to understand here?
  17. We lose this week and we are going 2-16 or something nasty. We win and we are right back in it. Personally have my doubts, but I'll be there cheering like always. I still think the Riders will win at least 3 or 4 games... 6-12 at best... 2015 Riders >>>>> 2013 Bombers who (somehow??) won 3 games...
  18. Basically. Also strengths and weaknesses. Better vs run or pass type stuff, or a specific role. But clearly for most guys if you can limit their snaps a bit you're going to get better production from them when they are in the game and have guys relatively fresh in the 4th quarter in terms of DL. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any DL playing more than about 3/4 snaps on either side of the border nowadays, you'd be looking at JJ Watt and guys in that echelon. There are no other guys in that echelon right now...
  19. Have you looked at the rosters? Thomas is in the top half of NI DL who are playing. Obviously he's not an every down guy and would only ever play that role if 2-3 injuries happened in game, so basically never. But for 25 snaps a game he's a very good player. In my defense I didn't say Thomas should be a starter now... I asked if anyone thinks he could progress into a starter over the next year or so... I sure would like to see 2 starting Canadians on the DL...
  20. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet... this obviously doesn't apply to all situations... but the point is there...
  21. Which is a handful of boneheaded plays by players in almost half a season. On the whole special teams have been average to good. Take away a handful of bad kicks by Hajrullahu and Stoudermire being a dummy and they are good. Should we get a punter or be patient with Hajrullahu? I think it would be a great idea to bring in a punter and let Lirim stick to FGs... only if he's Canadian though... no use in DI-ing a guy just to punt...
  22. Has anyone else noticed a nice progression from Jake Thomas?... Seems he makes some nice plays when given the opportunity... I'm wondering if he might turn out to be a starter on the D-line... this is his 4th year in the league and he's still shy of 25 years old... I'd love to see him develop into a starter by next year...
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