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Posts posted by camper_2

  1. 3 hours ago, GCJenks said:

    As a Bomber fan I love this. As. CFL fan I wonder how this makes the league look…

    Sadly, the re-hiring of Chris Jones should never have been done by Toronto, this past summer. He didn't deserve a 2nd opportunity with them, let alone the CFL, now. He claimed he had his dream job (coaching in his home town, plus the NFL Cleveland job, after he left the Riders high/dry, which sadly Rider fans don't see it, as he does no wrong). His leaving or screwing other CFL teams is his passion, as in: Riders (all CFL coaching staff were set at the time, although Rider nation was upset with the Bombers as we should have given Lapo an opportunity to interview), Eskimos (after winning the Grey Cup, no need to cerebrate with championship team, focus on another team ), Argos (there is something there, but can't remember) & the Stamps (I know Huff was really upset with him when he left). 

    Now, with the Elks, yes he will find ways to improve the team quickly and the winning will happen sooner than later. But with him come the shenanigans as we all saw with the Riders (fake injuries during the game creating play stoppage, player stashing and anything else that comes to his mind). 

    I have posted earlier about Chris Jones and my dislike for his ways. He can coach/manage a football team, that I know. But, in my way of thinking there are capable people in our league that could have done the job(s) in Edmonton or for that matter in Toronto earlier this year. He definitely can/will do a quick fix, but for how long he stays there or even the CFL, is my question.

    Remember, Edmonton, under lots of fanfare, 2 years ago, you guys paid a head football coach for a complete year to sit on his back side, collect his salary & leave for the NFL on short notice. Hopefully, its not a repeat, with Mr. Jones. In closing, I'm disappointed with the group that was the Edmonton selection group, but like the outcome in Ottawa.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    We did lose Glen Young last season. 

    Maybe Jordan Younger as a DC somewhere? 

    I don't have a problem with promotions or people accepting better jobs, as many of these individuals have earned these opportunities. I'm speaking about guys within our organization and those outside of our organization.

    But, I hope to heck Chris Jones is not considered by any organization. Although, one organization speaks highly of him after he left them high & dry well after the period were most teams had their coaching staffs in place & set. This guy is strictly about himself and only himself. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, JCon said:

    I bet they restructure and extend him. I can't see how he's earned $515k. 

    I think I had read something, that Fajardo's contract was restructured, either in 2020 or 2021 based on previous performance/play i.e. 2019. The actually number(s) I'm not certain on. Now this is an aging memory with a who cares attitude towards the Green/White activities....

  4. 6 minutes ago, JCon said:

    If he does get cut, I wonder if Maas tries to talk him into coming to the Riders to back-up CF? I feel like their relationship didn't end on a high note though, correct? 

    I could see that happening, a two (2) QB system in Regina. Remember, Grey Cup in Saskatchewan, we know how they worked with the salary cap when they last hosted.... 

    6 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    The players are tight to get home for Christmas. If they get a positive test before they get on the plane, they are stuck here, so I don't blame some for getting ahead of it.

    Just my observation on our QB's and what all u are saying, is possible/probable

  5. 1 hour ago, rebusrankin said:

    Kyle Walters said last night that the off season plan is something to the effect of we have a good team with good players. Let's try to bring them all back and go back to back to back in 2022. Excited to see who is announced first. My guess is Yoshi or Bailey. 

    Got me wondering why only 1 of the 3 QB's was at last nights function? Perhaps the end of season discussions has something to do with it? 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Booch said:

    he also going into his 6th yr now as a QB....He is not 2 years new to the game, and he is already 30 for 2022 season....He is/was a run first QB...in College and CFL, and can't read a defense to be able to make a play if it's not the primary read, and I cant recall may a time seeing him go through read progressions...he always locked on his guy pre snap...I don't think he has worked on, or has anyone working with him there to try and learn and evolve past the one read, and chuck and duck or run metality.

    He would be a great QB used ala the Strev, just not as punishing, or as hard to take down as Strev was, and a guy who in game injury can give u a win...thats what I see

    Thanks, Booch, agree with you. He would blend in nicely, with a system that uses two (2) QB's... I have wondered how, he would look in a offense such as the Bombers...

  7. 19 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Fajardo is already better than Reilly according to the stubble-jumpers in SK... Despite all evidence to the contrary, I might add.

    Remember, the Sask media/fan base had Fajardo MOP at the first snap of the 2021 season. That changed quickly this season, once all DC's figured it out...  But, this group (Sk media/fan base) still living in a dream world. The sad thing, Cody keeps reading this stuff, takes it to heart and then it effects his game. I honestly, feel for the guy.

    At the start of 2019 Fajardo was the 2nd string QB behind ZC for the Riders. I will give Fajardo this, that once he got his opportunity, he got on a roll and things went his way. But, he is far from the starting QB's out here in the western conference. He did make the statement, I'm in my second year as a starting QB.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    Reports out of Edmonton is that the Edmonton Ungulates have asked for permission to speak to Mike O'Shea for the GM/HC openings there. 

    I call "BS" to his report by Arash Madani & 3 Down ... Wally Buono (won't let this happen doing Grey Cup week) has been hired to oversee the hiring & interviewing of the Elk openings... If this news came out next week, say Tue/Wed, I would put some stock into it... 

    1 minute ago, camper_2 said:

    I call "BS" to his report by Arash Madani & 3 Down ... Wally Buono (won't let this happen doing Grey Cup week) has been hired to oversee the hiring & interviewing of the Elk openings... If this news came out next week, say Tue/Wed, I would put some stock into it... 

    during Grey Cup*

  9. 7 minutes ago, Saidin said:

    So you're telling me, we went what 11-1 in meaningful games this year, and Hamilton has looked like hot garbage for how many games (8-6 in the standings), and just because it's in Hamilton, they are favorites?

    I've always believed in the best athletes out there produce 'chips on the shoulder' and use it as fuel.  God knows I'm peeved for some reason with all of them picking Hamilton I hope the Bombers use that too.

    Material for the bulletin board! But our team doesn't need that as they will go 1 - 0 this week....

  10. 16 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    The cold is a nuisance but manageable with the proper attire. Big thing is the feet. Wear winter boots, don’t make your feet too tight in your footwear with too many layers. A good old time trick was sock, plastic bag, sock to keep your sweat in, but keep your feet moving and move around at the half. Also, styrofoam between your feet and the cold concrete floor works. 

    My concern game-wise is the increasing threat of snowfall. Now up to 80%. Bad weather is a great equalizer for a weaker team. This is where a healthy Andrew Harris would make a huge difference if it turns into a run game battle. 

    But again, those in the know on Riders.com, say #33 will be & is a non-factor for this game.

    Agree with your comment, snowy weather can definitely be a factor or a equalizer, but I believe this Bomber team is built for these situations. 

  11. 47 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Leonard's injury is interesting. Purifoy hurt an ankle today too but believe he came back to practice. Johnson was a DNP yesterday, Duke is a little banged up and Dearborn who played LB last week is also banged up. 

    Not that I will defend Rider Nation or its players, but Micah Johnson lost his father a couple weeks back and was attending/doing a family virtual yesterday. I will respect. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, JCon said:

    He's a former "media relations" guy for the Bombers. He has a seething hatred for the CFL. 

    Wow, thanks!!! Was not aware of that, interesting... 

    I listen to Derek Taylor (DT SportsCage) every so often, Get my fill of Rider happens, besides Madini who guests on the show.. Once Madini comes on, its exit stage left... 

  13. 16 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    Arash is the last guy I would believe 

    Are you referring to Arash Madani?

    That's one individual & some others from (Big Smoke area code 416) I don't bother reading any or for that matter listening to their words of wisdom..

    As far as Madani, in the past when I've heard or listened to him, its always negative about the CFL...  He's big on Toronto & sports connected to the States. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Booch said:

    11.45 points a game given up...crazy

    And rider fans saying our secondary is a weakness??!!...they given up what...2 TD's via the pass all yr...oh...and we added Rose...what a dumb fan base


    As a fan base here, all we can do is plainly sit back and enjoy our team, its fun to watch & cheer for. We have lived through many disappointments throughout the previous years, which the Saskatchewan fan base, fails to see or mention.

    All I will say is: those were some interesting comments provided in the Rider fan forum, this past evening!!!  Its not worth spending time on their views, it is what it is.

    Looking forward to the next three (3) regular season games, including the Dec 5th game here in the Peg. Go Bombers!!!!!

  15. 9 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    I'm not excited about bringing Cooper in. It makes me think that Harris is out for the duration.

    I'm very excited about getting Rose back.

    Cooper maybe a replacement for Nelson.

    Concerns have been raised over the return game on here, which also includes the odd offensive play, as well.. Grant is fine today, but just in case down the road, Cooper may become a need.  

    I can see the reason for this move..

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