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    BigBlue got a reaction from Fatty Liver in Blowouts & Emergency Surgery: Buck   
    Blow outs are what get coaches (and GM's) fired
    If MOS wants to save his job for next year he must appear to do something, attempt to resucitate the patient which is in this case is the BB Offence.
    Making Buck Pierce OC might do it. The elephant in the parlor is of course MB's predictability, timidity and whatever else adds up to this tepid incompetence. Buck at least has fire in his belly and the courage to try.
    The other appearance needed is to cut Brohm; If you won't cut incompetence you appear indifferent.
    Bringing back Yantz might appease some of us. Saying he was too green to play was just MB's cowardice. He could find a receiver downfield and rifle it in to him. No skipped balls with Canadian star. And he brings a history of success and confidence, If that is too big a move, then go find Portris although that feels like defeatism.
    The brass have to make a move or two immediately .... none of this rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
  2. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from B-F-F-C in OverTime History   
    I can't remember the last time we had two overtime games in 1 CFL season. But look Ma, the Riders had back to back OTs, and they lost them both. What's the chances of that happening Ma?
    Do the Riders lack courage or wisdom Ma, being spooked about their short yardage team, gambling when they should have kicked and then kicking when they should have gambled....
    Great entertainment this CFL!
    When was the last time we had this kind of excitement? 
  3. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from the watcher in Bombers/Als Gameday Non-Chat Room Non-GIF Thread   
    For those of us too challenged to use the chat room ... For those of us ... who don't know a gif from a pdf ... For those of us ... who value our own opinion and just can't type fast enough to remember what everyone is discussing and don't want to scroll up all the time in case we can't find our place again
    For those of hoping to be able to remember our own chain of thought .... here is our game day thread
  4. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Logan007 in Protecting the QB's: NFL vs. CFL   
    One pass rusher holds Willy while another goes straight at him full force leading with his helmut. If that is not intent to injure then I have never seen it in 50+ years of watching football.
    In hockey the punishment would be severe for that... part or all of a season.
    The Zebra's yawned .... ever hear of spearing, hit-to-the- head, or even UNNECESSARY roughness?
    Ever hear of an unwritten players code-of-conduct?
    The League has to go past fining players for intent to injure. They need to suspend players for multiple games. Suspend Tom Brady for 4 games for football deflation. What does this rate?
  5. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mark F in Protecting the QB's: NFL vs. CFL   
    One pass rusher holds Willy while another goes straight at him full force leading with his helmut. If that is not intent to injure then I have never seen it in 50+ years of watching football.
    In hockey the punishment would be severe for that... part or all of a season.
    The Zebra's yawned .... ever hear of spearing, hit-to-the- head, or even UNNECESSARY roughness?
    Ever hear of an unwritten players code-of-conduct?
    The League has to go past fining players for intent to injure. They need to suspend players for multiple games. Suspend Tom Brady for 4 games for football deflation. What does this rate?
  6. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Goalie in Protecting the QB's: NFL vs. CFL   
    One pass rusher holds Willy while another goes straight at him full force leading with his helmut. If that is not intent to injure then I have never seen it in 50+ years of watching football.
    In hockey the punishment would be severe for that... part or all of a season.
    The Zebra's yawned .... ever hear of spearing, hit-to-the- head, or even UNNECESSARY roughness?
    Ever hear of an unwritten players code-of-conduct?
    The League has to go past fining players for intent to injure. They need to suspend players for multiple games. Suspend Tom Brady for 4 games for football deflation. What does this rate?
  7. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mark F in Protecting the QB's: NFL vs. CFL   
    Could Dave Semenko play fullback for us?
  8. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mark F in Paul McCallum   
    McCullum new QB in Regina?
  9. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Goalie in Bombers TC/Practice -- June 11th   
    Who makes up these rules?
  10. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Tracker in Who was the best coach for interviews?   
    "All is good... We are making good progress; we have better talent than last year ... No real problems and we are working on what little there is to improve ... I can't really single out one or two players as outstanding stars, we have a very nice set of players, none seem to stand out above the others ... You can't say we have any real weaknesses, we just have to make some adjustments to our schemes ... Before commenting on that I'll have to study the film but overall I am quite pleased with our team ... No, I can't say that any one play did it... We just played together better as a team than ever before ...  It wasn't an individual effort it was a team effort ... " puke, puke, puke, yawn, yawn,yawn,yawn, snore (listening to Michael O'Shea being interviewed by Bob Irving on CJOB)
    This goes beyond "it's being handled internally".
    Perhaps O'Shea is a better coach than we've had in a while but as an interview I am bored and frustrated about the non-statements and politically correct answers while saying absolutely nothing. At least with Mike Kelly I wanted to stand up and throttle the guy (not really but he made my blood boil).
    Of all the Bomber coaches you've known who has given the best interviews? Who made you think? Who created the fan with real respect and honesty?
    Who was your favourite coach of the Bomber's all-time?
  11. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mark F in Who was the best coach for interviews?   
    "All is good... We are making good progress; we have better talent than last year ... No real problems and we are working on what little there is to improve ... I can't really single out one or two players as outstanding stars, we have a very nice set of players, none seem to stand out above the others ... You can't say we have any real weaknesses, we just have to make some adjustments to our schemes ... Before commenting on that I'll have to study the film but overall I am quite pleased with our team ... No, I can't say that any one play did it... We just played together better as a team than ever before ...  It wasn't an individual effort it was a team effort ... " puke, puke, puke, yawn, yawn,yawn,yawn, snore (listening to Michael O'Shea being interviewed by Bob Irving on CJOB)
    This goes beyond "it's being handled internally".
    Perhaps O'Shea is a better coach than we've had in a while but as an interview I am bored and frustrated about the non-statements and politically correct answers while saying absolutely nothing. At least with Mike Kelly I wanted to stand up and throttle the guy (not really but he made my blood boil).
    Of all the Bomber coaches you've known who has given the best interviews? Who made you think? Who created the fan with real respect and honesty?
    Who was your favourite coach of the Bomber's all-time?
  12. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mark F in QB Jordan Yantz (undrafted camp invitee)   
    Yantz can throw the ball on a rope 40 yards with great accuracy ... possibly the best arm in camp .... could be the next Russ Jackson .... he is also an elusive QB with good feet
    Little known is he is a decent punter... defenses cannot play loose when he is punting cause he will burn them with his passing ability ... at least a backup punter special fake guy ... think higher than Bob Cameron: could be a starting QB in 3 years
  13. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Floyd in How happy are you with Walters' Draft work?   
    After taking Chungh does anyone think we should have traded up for Demski using our 2nd & 3rd picks in some kind of package?
  14. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mr Dee in Draft Day Thread - - It's here, its now   
    Now Walters goes on to sign the undrafted gems. His talent assessment seems remarkable.
  15. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Noeller in Draft Day Thread - - It's here, its now   
    Demski's stock fell when he played poorly in the playoffs (I witnessed the disappointment). He was playing injured so they mainly used him as a decoy.
    Those football seirs  in the know rate him as extremely talented.
  16. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Blue-urns in Draft Day Thread - - It's here, its now   
    While I am glad we have gone from 50 to 250 seats in the chat room, it's not my style, I don't care for it. I would much rather have the full discussion format we have in our usual topics. I like being able to respond specifically to a poster and her/his specific point of view. Chronological ordering by speed of typing is fast but I find it chaotic. There is other things too and I don't want to debate what may be better. I am just saying I have a preference.
    So here is the topic thread for the big day that we have been anticipating for months.
    Let me start by saying I don't think Walters is going to make a trade for his number 2 overall pick. There is just too little difference between the top linemen. AND the pricetag would be just too high. A team like Hamilton trading up for a lineman would mean the Blue wouldn't get a difference-maker. They would need too much back to compensate.
    The wisdom of Walters is now on display.
  17. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Yourface in Draft Day Thread - - It's here, its now   
    While I am glad we have gone from 50 to 250 seats in the chat room, it's not my style, I don't care for it. I would much rather have the full discussion format we have in our usual topics. I like being able to respond specifically to a poster and her/his specific point of view. Chronological ordering by speed of typing is fast but I find it chaotic. There is other things too and I don't want to debate what may be better. I am just saying I have a preference.
    So here is the topic thread for the big day that we have been anticipating for months.
    Let me start by saying I don't think Walters is going to make a trade for his number 2 overall pick. There is just too little difference between the top linemen. AND the pricetag would be just too high. A team like Hamilton trading up for a lineman would mean the Blue wouldn't get a difference-maker. They would need too much back to compensate.
    The wisdom of Walters is now on display.
  18. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Mark F in Brohm re-signs with Bombers   
    l expect we will have 1 QB in sick bay a fair bit .... may trade 1 qb if need be ... LOTS OF GOOD THINGS CAN HAPPEN ... good players eventually get their opportunity
  19. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from johnzo in It's being handled internally   
    Since we want to toughen up our D maybe we could bring in Angelo Mosca as DC and to keep things lively Joe Kapp as OC
  20. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Rids in It's being handled internally   
    Since we want to toughen up our D maybe we could bring in Angelo Mosca as DC and to keep things lively Joe Kapp as OC
  21. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from rebusrankin in George Cortez won't be back with Riders in 2015   
    I am not at all confident about what the Blue are going to do about our coordinators .. in fact I feel nervous about what is being argued out behind the scenes
  22. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from DR. CFL in How Good is MOS at Evaluating Talent?   
    " Hopefully in talks with the coaches and Walters, things will be put in better perspective going forward."
    I can't seem to figure out whether MOS listens too much or not enough .... what I do detect is a bull-headed stubborn streak ... I hope I am wrong but there is something bugging me about him and my radar keeps going off saying "Warning Will Smith - Warning!!!"
  23. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from KptKrunch in Bomber free agents   
    Its important we sign Brohm .... and I would pay up for him ... can trade a QB later if necessary .... but more important than all that is firing Bellf
  24. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from sweep the leg in Tired of Living On Hope?   
    Nobody knew better when to take a deliberate offside .... knowledgeable and a genuine leader
  25. Like
    BigBlue got a reaction from Westy Sucks in Tired of Living On Hope?   
    I am the opposite of a drunken fan but a devoted fan I am - - for over 50 years a Bomber diehard - - And I am always "depressed" for 3 days after a Bomber loss ... I am just tired of the lack of talent on our club and the inability of our management to build the club into something special ... how many above average players do we have on the club right now: Randle, Wild and maybe a couple others ... Why is that? What is going to change for next year?
    I am not buying season tickets next year because I care too much and the disappointment ruins my week ... I am just getting too old to not be happy because of my ball club
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