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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Bring back hockey to Quebec! Yea I know I need to keep up with the hard numbers that tell one where to place an expansion team.
  2. I would take out the words 'the local' and replace them with 'a CFL'. The debate is not his elite impact, its more where's the max you need to pay balanced with ensuring you're not greatly impacting other areas of team development/improvement.
  3. I don't think I could stomach watching CF throw up one his his many fluttering duck passes, DS of course makes his trademark play on it for a catch then seeing CF strutting around like a peacock. Ugh.
  4. Poached from the Canadian Press: "It was kind of one of those things where I wasn't getting a ton of real looks anymore," Streveler told reporters Thursday during a video conference. "I've been home since August . . . I've been training waiting for a call for 18 weeks and it just got to the point where I was kind of tired of playing that game. "Everyone knows how much respect I have for this (CFL) game and the players up north and, of course, my love for Winnipeg. It was dry on the NFL side and I was like, 'Let's do it.' I just want to play ball and fortunately was able to get the opportunity here. I'm beyond excited about it." I enjoy that last sentence.
  5. Yup one dimensional player who excels at that one dimension but once teams figure out what to with that one dimension he fades away into the background unable to provide anything else. And having CS around now might open up even more parts of his game we haven't seen yet.
  6. I'm hoping with this signing we employ at times a 2qb formation set to keep the D on their heels. That will be fun to watch.
  7. All the best to him, looks like he’s doing what he needs to do.
  8. Cuthbert has tweeted he’s not cheering for or cheering against your team. I’m sure he would apply that to the Leafs as well. Eye roll. losing to the Leafs back to back is deflating.
  9. Watching the camera pan Leaf fans in our own building is probably the most nauseating thing to see.
  10. Yup, rubes that reflect the rich and powerful all the way down to people who can't rub two nickels together. Trump is nothing to me just a gross human being inside out, on his own he's meaningless but its these rubes from so many different walks of life that have been drawn out and emulate him that is real scary and unsettling. When I'm in a bad spot looking at humanity, I think sometimes in terms of progress we're making as humankind, I think of that cliche dressing up a pig with lipstick comes to mind but then thankfully I come across a great human-being that counters it.
  11. I don't know if most but definitely important. It was such a pleasure after a TD to continue to celebrate while they line up for the EP and not fret will the EP will be made.
  12. Hmmmmmmm let’s hope it’s just MM’s grammatical faux pas.
  13. Now next step crush the Leafs please and thank you.
  14. Fingers crossed emoticon. AND another kick in the nads is it appears the Oliers are going to in out the season. Ugh.
  15. Yup I've heard standing upright as a QB is important.
  16. Not only Oiler fans at work but some Leaf fans as well. Work tomorrow is going to be great. Ugh.
  17. Shocking said every sarcastic non-oiler fan.
  18. Yup and I'm assuming, if it's proven these players did nefarious things, that the Edmonton Oilers will sign them all.
  19. Yup unfortunately for some though it may becoming to roost as the saying goes. It will be interesting in how the NHL handles the facts in this situation.
  20. Muh freedoms. Muh rights. Civic responsibility is for suckers.
  21. I would have been fine with the opposite. Winning the game and losing the streak.
  22. I’d lose the word again. I so hope this blows up in their face.
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