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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Protect NE at all costs please and thank you. He's just starting to get his mojo back.
  2. If I was Dru Brown, Calgary is the best landing spot for me. I can get the cash, DD is a former QB with some similarities to me in how he played and JM I can beat out in TC.
  3. Looking forward to getting VH back after his conditioning period and see if he can pick up where he left off after his best TC with us.
  4. With all this aging can't play in poor weather talk, I know I'm cutting against the grain but I still feel pretty good with ZC behind centre for us but obviously important to not go into the season without a competent 2nd stringer.
  5. Well if your guess is correct that needs to be communicated directly to the teams and fans of the league.
  6. To me this makes no sense if he's a confident young man in his abilities as he'd want to play on a top tier team. Also, if you believe what he said, he said it had nothing to do with the coach.
  7. Taken from The Score Josh Wegman: Cutter Gauthier didn't divulge the exact reason for his trade request from the Philadelphia Flyers, but he did shed some light on his decision. "It wasn't one specific reason why I asked for a trade," Gauthier told reporters on a Zoom call Wednesday, including The Sporting Tribune's Derek Lee. "It was multiple, re-occurring issues that I'd seen over the past year and a half, two years of being under the Flyers organization. It kind of hit me all at once, thinking 'I can't move forward with this' and 'I really need to step up for myself and see what's best for my future' and that's what I did." He added: "I haven't seen one thing that's been remotely close to the reasons that I decided." Cryptic at its best.
  8. Reading the The Golden Knights are struggling right now. Awwwwwwwwwww. Man there's a team I would love to see drop real quick right out of a playoff spot.
  9. Great question. Reasonable to ask so decisions are evidence-informed not a small group of people cooking something up.
  10. Absolutely, but in some cases like this one in particular, its not the what he's doing, its the how he's doing it. But at EOD to each their own.
  11. I always love it when the family of the player gets involved. Get yer popcorn here.
  12. Ahhhhhhhh I guess we will see. I hope you’re correct.
  13. Yes but not at his quality. I think we will find that out next year if we don't re-sign him imo.
  14. Probably the Oilers, they seem to enjoy make work projects (see Evander Kane). Sorry I haven't given a shot to the Oilers lately. Taking a break from the Leafs.
  15. Even before this latest situation, hard pass.
  16. There's humble yet confident and there's obnoxious over the top please stop talking (or writing). I wish BO would demonstrate the first part of this sentence to secure the best situation for himself. But to each their own.
  17. If we lose Brady, I will greatly miss how he dictated the tone to opponents, how he established the run to open up play action the pass game, how he was a multi threat and, as importantly, his sidelines off field contributions. I don't think he's a dime a dozen.
  18. To me a great indicator to help decide who won the trade is would you reverse the trade and get back Dubois? Methinks the answer is pretty clear. Hell no.
  19. And/or 'The starting role is his to lose' could mean he will lose it if he doesn't shine/out-perform others by a mile in TC.
  20. I don't know where to put this so I'll put it here. Just read that Roger Stone denied an audio of him saying nefarious things by claiming it was chatgpt. It's getting so easy to distort, distract and move on with little consequence. We're doomed. My motivational speech for the day.
  21. Taken from the Winnipeg Sun: 'Vilardi has eight goals, Iafallo seven — again, more than the $9-million man they were acquired for. Combined, they earn less than Dubois'. Dubois who? Laine who?
  22. For some they're 'blind' to the CFL cuz they have no interest in relocating to the north and/or they're not good enough to play in this league.
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