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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Shame he wasn’t with his wife to celebrate the birth. JMO.
  2. May be time to each name 3, one offence one defence, one ST. Most right wins.
  3. For us to clinch first, we need a combination of wins and BC losses totalling 4 (or 3 if we win one of the head-to-head games with them). Bombers clinch first if they win all 3 of their remaining home games. If they split their games with BC, then the Lions need to win all of their other games and the Bombers need to lose all of theirs (and the Bombers have both Edmonton and Saskatchewan at home).
  4. Except when you can spin it as “I have to protect myself from the deep state trying to sabotage me in their quest for power, I’m being persecuted, unfair lies and fraud from the other side, blah, blah, blah” and your brainwashed masses buy that excuse because that’s all they’ve heard and believed for the past 6 years.
  5. Week 16 update: this week’s playoff clinching scenarios - Winnipeg: has clinched a West playoff spot. Can clinch a home playoff game this week with a Calgary loss. BC: Can clinch a West playoff spot with a win. Can clinch a crossover playoff spot with losses by both Hamilton and Ottawa. Calgary: Can clinch a crossover playoff spot with a win AND losses by both Hamilton and Ottawa. Saskatchewan: No clinching scenarios this week. Edmonton: No elimination scenarios this week. There are no East crossover possibilities. Toronto: Can clinch 3rd in the East win a win. Can clinch 2nd in the East and a home playoff game with a win and a loss by Hamilton. Montreal: No clinching scenarios this week Hamilton: Can finish no better than 2nd in the East if they lose and Toronto wins this week. Ottawa: Can finish no better than 2nd in the East if they lose this week.
  6. I would like to see the Bombers not play to the level of their opponent today and show more of what we saw in BC and the Banjo Bowl. I would also like to see us stop the run better. Most importantly, I would like to see no injuries today.
  7. There is no point trying to debate this with TBurg. He will continue to incite and troll on this “don’t blow the whistle early on a fumble that no one thought was a fumble” rant, and will double-down with less and less logic to keep the nonsense going for his own bemusement. Let’s simply respond with this and move on.
  8. https://winnipegsun.com/sports/football/cfl/winnipeg-bluebombers/bombers-quarterback-matt-nichols-sounds-off-about-fans-booing/wcm/ece13f58-74dc-4c9a-9293-c434e0f67fa3/amp/
  9. The answer is no. Edmonton has 3 home games left, so to lose them all and win the road game (in Winnipeg) would give them a 5-13 record. Saskatchewan already has 6 wins, so they would finish 5th in the West. But it is possible they could still be better than both Hamilton and Ottawa (they play each other twice so of they split and lost all their other games they’d both finish with only 4 wins). EDIT: Answered this post before I saw @Bomber_fanaddict had already answered it correctly. Merci.
  10. Given that the WHA team was founded and named in 1972 and the song was written in 1973 and released in 1974, it’s safe to say the team was NOT named after the song. Hatskin has been quoted as saying the NY Jets were a rebel team (from the AFL) with a rebel QB (Namath) who took on the big boys and won, and he like that and wanted his WHA team to have the same swagger and image. Hence the name.
  11. He’s walked the walk pretty well in the last decade. 9th most total points over that time in the whole NHL, 21st overall in points per game, number one on the Jets in those categories and points per 60 minutes (yes, ahead of Ehlers from where I looked it up). People can chafe at his personality, but he has produced.
  12. What exactly is the issue with the LIV Tour? I hear the noise about the human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, so it’s a good talking point for the PGA, but they themselves have 27 major sponsors who do $40 billion in business with the Saudis, have tournaments sponsored by banks with some shady business dealings (Deutsche Bank and Wells-Fargo come to mind), and they sanction the PGA China tour in a country with its own highly questionable human rights record. So is this a legitimate concern or just hypocrisy from the big boy on the block not wanting another group to cut into their monopoly? Opinions from those more in the know than me, please.
  13. My understanding is that the appeals court based in Atlanta that has appellate jurisdiction over this case has 11 members, 6 of whom were Trump appointees (all from the Federalist Society, and 4 of whom Trump put on his short-list for SCOTUS before Comey-Barrett got picked), so already concerns about partisan voting on the issue (stunning that a court should have to worry about that, but again the entire SCOTUS balance has had this issue for decades, which should de-legitimize any decision coming out of it regardless of which party you support). Some portions of the appeal before the circuit court (emergency measures - say in this case a review of the Judge’s ruling that the investigation must completely stop while the documents are being examined by the Special Master) can be reviewed by the District Court Justice, who can also look at opinions on the case before the court. The District Court is assigned by the Supreme Court, with one of its Justices appointed to cover the region. The overseeing SCOTUS Justice for that district? Clarence Thomas.
  14. The team looking to move him (which they acknowledged last season) and him asking for a trade are very different things. Even submitting a list of teams (which he was required to do as of July 1 when his full no-move lapsed) is different than asking outright for a trade. You said he asked for a trade, and wondered how I possibly could have missed it during the off-season. Now you admit you have no quote of source but are “deducing” it. Again, the team looking to move him and him asking are very different things. Please don’t lump him in the Evander Kane/Jacob Trouba/ Patrick Laine disgruntled group.
  15. The same rumours that were swirling around Scheifele. Lowry’s salary is brought up when looking at his performance. He underperformed last year compared to the value of his contract, in many eyes. You need more than 20 points and third/fourth line production for the money he is making, even if he can win faceoffs. Respect aside, there is a reason teams make their best players captains - so that when they demand more from their teammates they can defend themselves against the “yeah, who are YOU to say that?” blowback with solid underlying numbers and game production.
  16. Do you have a source for that? Could not find anything in Google, other than all the media articles or Twitter saying he SHOULD be traded, or WILL be traded. Those requests came from disgruntled fans, not Wheeler himself, from what I read. But I may have missed something.
  17. Not if you believe the rumours that have been floating around. That aside, when the Captain has to lean on the group to say they need to be better, who will respond to a guy who had 21 points on a $3.25 million contract last year, and whose daddy they didn’t play hard for?
  18. The fact that the Super Bowl trophy is presented to the owner first each year tells you where the players rank on the hierarchy there. And that TV deal per team For one year is 42% of the players’ concussion settlement total amount. League has never cared about its players.
  19. Nah, the Libtard snowflake sheeple are just falling for another Big Pharma/Bill Gates 5G nanotech tracking scam. FREEDOM! My body, my choice.
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