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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. If BA is back at safety running the back end, then I feel that Bighill can get back to just worrying about his position and not trying to compensate for the deficiencies elsewhere, and that makes us stronger in two positions. Don’t move Alexander into a Linebacker spot.
  2. I’m sure he couldn’t give a rat’s ass about stabilizing his position with the fans, nor should he. The patience of the fans is only as good as his next kick. Another big miss and the fair weather fans will be all over him, and another big make and they will kiss his ass and call it ice cream. For him and the team, the only importance was that it won them the game.
  3. He does know the offensive system and the QBs, so short term he may be a better plug-in option.
  4. I never bother reading that site, so who knows what the overall mood is, but I would suspect the forum fans are not fully representative of all fans, just like MBB likely is not the voice of every Bomber fan out there. The diehards frequent the sites so their opinions are likely more extreme. And although misguided IMO, the “outrage” reaction is not unexpected. When Brendan Dyson was run out of the league, more than a few Bomber fans screamed conspiracy on the old website and claimed the league and TSN were out to unfairly get us with the “Dyson cam” focus, rather than acknowledging that the player was truly dirty as opposed to “hard nosed”. Over time and given the benefit of reflection, fans have changed the narrative and acknowledged that he did not belong in the league either. Typical of any fan base. Thankful that the current Bomber team culture has rubbed off to an extent on the fan base and we won’t make knee jerk excuses for bad apples if they are on our team, for the most part.
  5. FIFY. When in doubt, always go for the meme. 🤣
  6. If there is an example of “addition by subtraction” this is it. Whatever he brought as a player, ALL of his attention was negative, it was a mental drain on the team having to answer for him, and he had earned extra attention for his team from the refs, so any halfway calls are not going to buy them the benefit of the doubt. The distraction and negative effects of penalties outweighed any value he had as a player, so in that sense the team is in a better place. Here’s a layered question for the board - if Duke Williams was very publicly cut after the loss for his sideline misconduct penalty while being non-rostered on game day (which if I was the coach and after all he has piled up this year I would have done), what kind of message would it have sent to the rest of the team, could it have re-gained some form of coaching control over the rest of the inmates, does Williams’ ability supersede the harm he is doing, and if he was cut would another team pick him up?
  7. If you believe that the league had a hand in getting him cut (I can’t speculate one way or another) then I don’t see how another team could now pick him up. The one thing the League can do is approve or deny a new contract being signed based on certain policies (domestic violence for one example) so if they forced him out there’s no way they’d let him back in, IMO.
  8. At least he owned his mistake rather than claiming his prior bad take was the result of being hacked.
  9. Remember that the Constitution was framed around the Revolutionary War, where Americans were fighting against the British founding government of America at the time. So anyone fighting for the President would be branded a traitor against the British rulers. So of course pardon powers would protect those doing something "illegal" for the Americans. Also to forgive those who fought for the South in there Civil war in an effort to heal the nation. And as Nixon said, when the President does it, it's not illegal". Now I'm sure they did contemplate that a President would do some illegal stuff, like ordering the murder of enemies or even civilians in drone strikes against hostiles, that don't quite fit the definition or "act of war", and would want to protect those carrying out the orders. But they likely never envisioned that a President would use the power of the office solely for personal monetary gain 250 years later. Which has been Trump's whole life goal - how THAT fact escaped all those who voted for him is the truly baffling part, and is and indictment of the American educational system.
  10. Or you need to have at least a semblance of a sense of humour……..
  11. So I guess the fact he was caught shows that there aren’t vulnerabilities in the system, no?
  12. That has been Trump’s M.O. for decades. Threaten lawsuits to negotiate better money deals for himself, or defend a lawsuit by dragging things out so long the other side goes bankrupt fighting him in court, the n negotiates a buyout settlement at pennies on the dollar with a non-disclosure agreement so he never admits liability or loss. Fortunately, when the government is involved, they have deeper pockets than him and all the resources at their disposal. His hope is all the flunkies he installed while President, including all the way up to the Supreme Court, will cover his ass now.
  13. Reminder that school zone speed limits go back to 30kph today, even though school starts next week.
  14. That’s a flawed way of justifying the correctness of your opinion, demanding that we prove a negative to change your mind. It would be like me saying “Hey, in my opinion GCn20 likes to have sex with barnyard animals, and I have seen no indication that this is untrue (of course if he himself says that it is untrue, well, that’s just a self-serving statement, so that is not suitable as reasoning), so my opinion must be valid”. However, to offer you what you ask for, in my opinion a senator of 36 years service and Vice President for 8 who has never been proven to be tied to or suffered political fallout from a scandal, and who has only been mentioned in a scandal through his (non-politician) son by political opponents with a proven documented record of lying, would seem to belie your belief that he is corrupt. As for incompetent, I think his age, folksy storytelling, and his lifelong stutter may give optics to that narrative, but again his lifetime of public service and his achievements in getting bills passed recently given the partisan political climate are evidence of his competency. Again, the narrative that he is incompetent comes from his partisan opponents, not sure what proof you have that the majority of Americans feel that way (not having a high approval rating or the desire for someone else to run next time do not equate to incompetent). So you are entitled to your opinion, and you are not wrong for having an opinion, but you may well be wrong for having THAT opinion, as it does not seem to have any factual backing to make it a valid one.
  15. Do games on the practice roster count towards earning an NFL pension?
  16. Why do you think I come to this site day after day? I need my fix. 🤣
  17. I won’t ask you to justify your opinion of your Biden dislike - you of course are entitled to your opinion on his abilities. I would like to ask what draws you to the GOP platform as opposed to the Democrats, however(if I am correct that you lean that way). If you are concerned about corruption or incompetency, who out there do you see as the best option?
  18. All field logos are now digitally imposed on the TV broadcast. Wonder if that would be affected if the Bombers switched to a blue turf? Or if the adjustment to block out the turf as a “blue screen” would make the Bomber jerseys disappear as well? Bunch of floating heads running around a football field.
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