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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Needed to be said, I guess, but weird timing. Sounds like he knew that fiery calling-out wouldn’t motivate them during the series, so it comes across more as a “**** it, I am out of here, so I may as well tell the boss what I really think of them on my last day” than a desire to push the team.
  2. Now to answer your last comment directly. The first move is simple - pull Connor Hellebuyck aside and ask him how much he wants to get paid on a long term extension. If he says he wants to be the highest paid goalie in the league, you find a way to do it. An 8 figure annual salary is not out of the question. I’m not sure there is a ceiling unless he asks for more than McDavid makes. If he says no and wants to go to free agency, that simply speeds up the blow-up. But he is the starting point - build from the net out in a Nashville model like they did with Pekka Rinne. Step 2 is once you have your price point for Hellebuyck, you now know what your ceiling is for Dubois, and you offer it. If that requires a Wheeler buyout to open up more cap space now, do it. If he continues to say he wants to go to free agency and will only sign a one year qualifying offer, move him immediately. Hands are tied since he has been pretty obviously pining for Montreal since his Columbus days (supposedly that is what soured him with their management in the first place) but they have a draft pick to spare, and they’d probably prefer a year of exclusive negotiating before his UFA price goes up. Third, once you know where you stand with Dubois (and you need to have that answer before draft day this year), you can decide on Scheifele. If you lose your (future? current?) number one centre, you can’t really afford to lose Scheifele as well, unless you truly commit to the tank. But as gritty as he is, if Adam Lowry is your number 1 line offensive centre, your team will suck or have to play a 1995-level New Jersey style of trap to win anything. Scheifele will still net you 30+ goals, especially in a contract year where all NHL players magically get better. But if Dubois magically signs long term, trade Scheifele. Some significant pieces need to go. I’d argue Kyle Connor would be on the “move out” list too if he didn’t have such a cap-friendly contract, but his defence needs to get so much better, I honestly think he is a bigger liability than Scheifele (and that is saying something). And is Ehlers worth it if he can’t stay healthy any more? Now as for the defence, trade Heinola. Yep. Jets are getting killed with lack of size on the back end ever since the Trouba/Myers/Chariot/Byfuglien purge, and that was especially exposed in the playoffs. 4 of the Jets starting 6 are under 200 pounds and shorter than 6’1”, and a 5th is 6’2” and 201 pounds. We do not need another tiny puck mover if Morrissey and Pionk play that role, and Heinola probably gets more in return than Pionk, hence why I would move him over Neal. And either commit to Stanley and his size and play him more to get better, or decide now that he will never progress and move him for another asset to a team that thinks they can make him better. And based on Bowness’ comments tonight, might as well move to Arniel now at head coach, since Rick sounds like he wants to follow Maurice to quits-ville. Funny time to blow up, given how all series he remained positive and calm and said they played hard and showed no quit and suffered from unlucky bounces, and after all the injuries he waits until it’s over to say no push back. But those comments would suggest that he is done with this core of Scheifele and Dubois and Wheeler. Not sure if a coach who retired last year only to come back and bail out the Jets wants to enter into a full-scale re-build at age 70. Staying in Dallas sure looks like the wiser move now, I bet And if Cheveldayoff needs to go, I wouldn’t object but would sure want a ready replacement with a track record, and not just fire for firings-sake. Wonder if David Poile wants one more go-round as a GM?
  3. Sad truth is in the NHL of you want to be at the very top, you pretty much have to go to the very bottom. So Jets fans who want to blow it up, are you honestly prepared to continue to support the team (in a real ticket-buying sense) if they sell assets for draft picks and are a lottery team for the next 3-4 years? Because that is what it will take, IMO. And I believe if they try and stall now, you can extended the re-build to 6-7 years.
  4. If the Jets had any net presence they could get a bunch of greasy goals. Brossoit is pretty bad about giving up rebounds but no one nearby to get a second shot.
  5. It’s clear Ehlers should not have been cleared to play. Terrified to take any contact, which makes him pretty much useless out there.
  6. As much as Scheifele is the lightning rod for criticism on the team for lazy play, the team’s worst playoff games have been without him in the lineup the last 3 seasons.
  7. A Brossoit shutout would be the final insult in this series given how our one big advantage was supposed to be in goal. And the poor defensive play from the forward group does not appear to be just a Scheifele issue. Connor has looked lost on both goals, Dubois played that last one pretty softly.
  8. So everyone screaming for a re-build is going to abandon the team now until they are good again? Some great fans here.
  9. Dubois and Pionk both on the ice for 3 Vegas goals against tonight. Also on for both power play goals. Feel like Pionk deserved a better fate, but Dubois did not do what he needed to do.
  10. How so? Not like Morrissey, Ehlers, Perfetti and Scheifele got hurt on purpose. They are in a hole, but dug it themselves? No way. But moral victories count for nothing in the playoffs.
  11. It’s not just the injuries, but the timing of them. Jets have played two straight games down a man for the entire time. Messes with line combos and match-ups, and exhausts the players left.
  12. He was living with Lowry and Trouba. One guy to fight off still.
  13. Wanna wait a few minutes for the corpse to cool before you throw dirt on the grave?
  14. Bad Dubois showing up again. It’s going to cost us one of these times.
  15. HNIC confirms the worst secret in hockey - Scheifele done for the game. Already seeing tweets asking if that is the last we ever see of him in a Winnipeg jersey.
  16. Nice pick play by Stevenson on that goal. By nice, I mean “illegal interference”.
  17. Worried Scheifele has separated his shoulder. Someone in Vegas was clearly sticking pins in his Jets voodoo doll since the Minnesota game. Dropping like flies.
  18. And Lou Dobbs. And Glenn Beck. And Rush Limbaugh.
  19. Thoughts and prayers, Tucker.
  20. Bowness talked about playing 7 D tonight with the long minutes put in by Pionk et al on Saturday, so it well could be both Stanley and Capo going tonight.
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