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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Frankie Williams had the most memorable highlight, just not the way he wishes. Never. Gets. Old.
  2. What is this, the cfl.ca stats page??????? All good, appreciate the effort in running this for us.
  3. I would say the same, as I went with all home teams except Winnipeg.
  4. I guess the Tyrell Pigrome experiment is done for now.
  5. Here is the link: https://d3ham790trbkqy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2023-CFL-Guide-PDF-for-site.pdf Page 204. This is the CFL Guide and Record book. If you go to cfl.ca and click on “stats” in the menu (the 3 stripes on the top left side of the web page is the main menu) it will list 2023 CFL Guide book in the drop down sub-menu. That guide includes the record book, updated yearly.
  6. Actually, record is 20 for both teams (Ott @Ham Oct. 23/71 - each team had 10) and 13 for one team (Toronto, in Winnipeg on July 20/90). Winnipeg has 6 in that game as well, so their 19 combined was just shy of the record.
  7. https://twitter.com/swimcharlieswim/status/1668815618404155393?s=46
  8. Dalton, until I get bounced or he actually scores.
  9. Agreed. He sees the suggestions, pulls a George Constanza and “does the opposite”. “Putrid roster management? I’ll keep on keeping on doing it my way instead. Criticisms of that approach? I’ll point to the number of games it has cost us (zero by Speedflex’s admission) vs. the win-loss record I’ve compiled the last 6 years. Any other complaints?”
  10. You win the internet this afternoon, good sir! Soda out my nose.
  11. That’s only a kickoff rule. If player is out of bounds when the ball is fielded, the ball is considered an extension of the player and is itself out of bounds, making it an illegal kickoff. Don’t ask me why it is allowed to be that way.
  12. Please identify when and in what way his roster management has cost us a game in the last few years. And sitting Collaros in a late season loss to rest up for the playoffs does not count. Neither does simply having Liegghio as our kicker count as “roster management”.
  13. I’ll jump on the Dalton bandwagon until the first few games shake out.
  14. It’s 8 pm Thursday and it looks like picking is closed, but if I can still register my picks for the week (just got off work) I would like to pick all home teams this week.
  15. Sensing some simmering schaudenfraude on the board about a possible comeuppance for Booch if Holm sticks. What’s up with that?
  16. This just in: Mike O’Shea “out to lunch”. Nah, the year they turned on him was 2015 after 5-13. And 2016 after Medlock’s missed 61 yarder against BC. And 2017 after losing to the Esks in a home playoff game. And 2018 after the playoff loss in Calgary. And the whole “fire O’Shea” thread. And right up to half time in the west semi in 2019 when he needed to be turfed. Because fans are silly like that.
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