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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. I see LaPo the opposite way. Strong co-ordinator, problems as a head coach. His record as both bears that out.
  2. OK folks, have done my part to spur the Bombers on to victory. Just bought 2 tickets to the Jets game against Dallas. Never mess with a streak. This will be my 4th double-header. The prior 3: Oct. 19/91 - Bombers beat the Ti-Cats 68-14, Jets beat the Leafs 4-2. Oct. 22, 2011 - Bombers beat the Alouettes 26-25, Jets beat the Hurricanes 5-3 Dec. 5, 2021 - Bombers beat the Roughriders 21-17, Jets beat the Leafs 6-3. Perfect record so far.
  3. I really should try to play out an entire season just once instead of quitting in week 4 every year when I fall behind.
  4. You’d better not be planning to watch the game from your La-Z-Boy making a wish like that. Fans in the stands would prefer a bit warmer.
  5. Congrats Gordo, and thanks JPan for all the work, and letting us have a do-over this season.
  6. The only time I have heard it mentioned was by a few posters who say that Walters must be unhappy with the roster management decisions of O’Shea (presumably because they are unhappy with it, so every one in the organization must be as well) and it has caused a rift. And that the rift extends to Miller, who needs to sit OSH down and give him a talking to. Serious projection from some disgruntled posters, IMO. But if any of the “insiders” know differently, by all means let’s hear it. It would be very surprising to me though. Why would Walters be mad that the roster he has built has been very successfully deployed by OSH at a level of excellence not seen consistently in these parts for some 60 years. And is Miller really upset with his coach for rostering a team that has gotten them their 3rd straight home West Final playoff game, led to a surge in season tickets and sellouts, and big profits? Things have not been this rosy in Bomberland in my lifetime, except for those unhappy folks lamenting the inevitable decline and worrying about the other shoe dropping instead of embracing the joyful ride, and the mild criticisms take on a life of their own, and then it manifests itself into these types of rumours of a hidden bad blood that will topple the house of cards. Just my take.
  7. Nichols actually finished the year with one more knockdown than Holm (12 to 11, both just behind Willie Jefferson’s league-leading 13). Where Holm statistically outshone Nichols was tackles (68 - second only to Biggie on the team, to 37), sacks (2 to 0) and INTs (2 to 0). I suspect some of the difference in stats is due to how often each was targeted in the pass game (I can’t find those stats) and it is likely teams were more hesitant to test Nichols. As for physicality and tackling, Holm may not be everyone’s cup of tea because he can’t break a receiver’s spine like a BA used to, but I found his closing speed on receivers pretty good in coverage, and he looked to me like a pretty sure and sound fundamental tackler, even if not laying the lumber. And yes he missed a few, as anyone does. But I think of his sack against Tre Ford as a solid example of his discipline, fundamentally good knowledge of his angles, and sound tackling ability. Seeing how much escapability Ford has displayed, given that Holm quickly wrapped him up on an open field tackle was quite impressive.
  8. Some random data as we enter the playoffs, or “why your team won’t win”: For Calgary or Hamilton to even get to the Grey Cup, they would need to pull off the greatest playoff upset in CFL history. Each of them recorded 8 wins less than a team they would need to beat to get to the championship game. The biggest margin between team records for an upset win was 7 (Sask at 9-9 beat Edm at 16-2 in the 1997 West Final, Ottawa at 8-9-1 beat Calgary at 15-2-1 in the 2016 Grey Cup). In fact, only once has the difference in wins been greater between two teams who played a playoff game against each other. In 1981, 5-11 Ottawa met 14-1-1 Edmonton in the Grey Cup, and were a huge comeback and a field goal away from pulling off the miracle upset. BC and Montreal both finished 2nd in their divisions, and neither club has ever won a Grey Cup in the CFL era when finishing second in the regular season (BC has won 4 Cups from 1st and 2 from 3rd, Montreal has won 5 from 1st place, and 1 from 3rd place). A bit of an asterisk for the Alouettes as they did win the 1949 Cup after finishing 2nd, but that was in the pre-CFL era. Winnipeg has won at least 14 games for the 5th time in club history. None of the prior 4 teams won the Cup (sorry). 1960 14-2 and lost the West Final to Edmonton, 1993 14-4 lost the Grey Cup to Edmonton, 2001 let us not speak of it, and last year again less said the better. Toronto is the second team to ever win 16 games in a season. The only other team to do it (1989 Edmonton) did not make it to the Grey Cup game. And should the Argos and Bombers get to a re-match, it will match the 1995 Grey Cup for the record for the most combined wins (30) by two teams playing for the title, when 15-3 Baltimore beat 15-3 Calgary.
  9. I remember when the 2015 Grey Cup was in Winnipeg, and season ticket holders were given $100 off for a ticket - on two conditions. First, it had to be a $400 or $300 ticket, and second you had to commit to season tickets for the next 3 seasons. Then come October when sales were at about 60% capacity, the club gave every fan the same $100 off discount for all seats, no other conditions applied. As a season ticket holder, I was none too pleased.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/01/sport/bobby-knight-death-spt
  11. Strength of schedule (this is misleading since because all teams with better records will not be competing with themselves, and the percentages are based on this year’s records, not last year’s) and record against teams over .500 and under .500: Strength >.500 <.500 Tor .417 4-1 12-1 Wpg .438 5-1 9-3 BC .457 3-3 9-3 Mtl .500 0-7 11-0 Ssk .515 2-7 4-5 Ham .528 2-9 6-1 Cal .537 2-8 4-4 Ott .537 1-8 3-6 Edm .540 0-9 4-5
  12. I can legitimately say this much - Only going back as far as 2016, there have been 18 QBs with more passing yards in a season than Kelly produced this year (20 if you pro-rate the 2021 season which was only 13 games), and 17 QBs with more single season TDs (18 if pro-rated to include 2021). Consider that 7 year comparison to Brady’s 70 year comparable span.
  13. Here is a list or every rusher who has gone over 1,500 yards in a season (tracked since 1954): 2065 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (1998) 1972 - Mike Pringle, Bal (1994) 1896 - Willie Burden, Cgy (1975) 1813 - Jon Cornish, Cgy (2013) 1794 - Earl Lunsford, Cgy (1961) 1791 - Mike Pringle, Bal (1995) 1778 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (2000) 1775 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (1997) 1769 - Robert Mimbs, Wpg (1991) 1768 - George Reed, Ssk (1965) 1733 - Willard Reaves, Wpg (1984) 1722 - Johnny Bright, Edm (1958) 1679 - Johnny Bright, Edm (1957) 1678 - David Green, Mtl (1979) 1656 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (1999) 1629 - Lovell Coleman, Cgy (1964) 1628 - Troy Davis, Ham (2004) 1624 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2005) 1609 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2006) 1581 - Jimmie Edwards, Ham (1977) 1554 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2003) 1541 - Joffrey Reynolds, Cgy (2006) 1534 - Brady Oliveira, Wpg (2023) 1527 - Mack Herron, Wpg (1972) 1522 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2004) 1520 - George Dixon, Mtl (1962) 1510 - Joe Smith, BC (2007) 1504 - Joffrey Reynolds, Cgy (2009) 1503 - Reggie Taylor, Edm (1989) Oliveira had the 23rd highest total in CFL history. And here is the list of players over 2000 yards from scrimmage in a single season since 1954: 2414 - Mike Pringle, Bal (1994) 2414 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (1998) 2207 - Robert Mimbs, Wpg (1991) 2157 - Jon Cornish, Cgy (2013) 2140 - Willard Reaves, Wpg (1984) 2127 - Willie Burden, Cgy (1975) 2111 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (2000) 2102 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2003) 2098 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2005) 2088 - Mike Pringle, Mtl (1997) 2071 - Ed Buchanan, Ssk (1964) 2039 - Hal Patterson, Mtl (1956) 2034 - Tim McCray, Ssk (1989) 2020 - Charles Roberts, Wpg (2006) 2019 - Brandon Whitaker, Mtl (2011) 2018 - Terry Greer, Tor (1983) 2016 - Brady Oliveira, Wpg (2023) Oliveira had the 17th highest total in CFL history.
  14. No way would I take Bailey over Lawler. 9 CFL teams would agree.
  15. What was the deal with Madani when he was here? Was working with the Bombers directly in their social media department or director of communications, or something like that IIRC, then swiftly disappeared. I think Bauming is now doing the job he had, but his departure always seemed sudden and I thought there were rumblings of discontent somewhere during his tenure. Am I remembering any of this correctly, or do I need to visit concussion protocol again?
  16. And would have likely had 9 100 yard games if he hadn’t been benched early in the last couple of games.
  17. Based on topics that came up in this weekend’s games: 1. The Alouettes “dribble kick for a first down” play: like or dislike? 2. If Zach struggles in the WF (and his post-season history suggests a non-zero percent possibility of this) should we consider bringing in Dru Brown to spark the offence, or do we sink or swim with Collaros and let him ride out the rough patch? How much rope does/should Collaros have? 3. Pure hypothetical since none of this may come to pass, but if the Bombers had to pick between having Dru Brown or Chris Streveler on their roster next year, who do you choose?
  18. I think a distinction could be made with a blocked punt since the other team touches the ball behind the line of scrimmage and it’s a loose ball situation. This seems like weird rule (ties to the old rugby union knock-on style kick). Remember when OSH did the fake field goal in BC where he hid a player on the sidelines and deliberately shanked the kick to that onside player for a first down? The league jumped pretty quickly to alter that rule. I imagine there will be a review on the off-season about this type of play.
  19. Hard to say. League is being pretty tight lipped about what he actually did so far.
  20. Yep. Other teams have attendance issues from time to time, but 3 games for the Jets this year and the “can they survive in Winnipeg?” media jackals pounce.
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