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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. At some point you have to make the defence fear your arm if you want to have success running the ball as a QB. Hill has shown enough to be a viable threat. Streveler has not done that even in his time in the CFL. His success here in the short term was largely based on having Harris and Demski as viable options out of the backfield so teams could not just key on him on random plays. That credit goes to LaPolice despite many not wanting to give that due credit. When Streveler became the full time starter after Nichols’ injury, teams got wise by spying him and forcing him to beat them with his passing. For the most part, he was unsuccessful and that is why they rushed in Collaros to save the season. The question is will he become a Turner Gill who shows that he has no real talent as a QB and is a glorified runner who can throw a ball but does not have the mental skill set to pick apart a defence, or does he become a Henry Burris or Tracy Ham who learns the passing game and evolves out of the “gimmick running QB” mould to become a mobile passer?
  2. A healthy Kyler Murray would have made a huge difference. Him in playing against Watford and I say the Cards win
  3. When that one leg also includes an arm and the ability to read an NFL defence, absolutely.
  4. He’s a 23 year old kid with $14 million guaranteed in the bank and a lifetime of being protected and coddled as a star athlete from high school through college whose destiny from an early age was to be a pro football player. Doesn’t make him stupid or a bozo. Pro athletes live in a very different world than the average fan. Frankly, I’d be more surprised if I heard that he WASN’T snorting cocaine off a hooker’s ass on a daily basis. Even if he never plays another down in his life, he’s already made out better financially then I ever will, and I’ve been working 35 years.
  5. According to TSN, the Germans were given the option of rescheduling their initial games once the COVID outbreak hit. They chose to keep the games as they were. The rationale was that they were going to lose these 2 games anyway, so the scores don’t matter, and they would rather get their full compliment back for the games that matter to them against the Swiss and the Slovaks to try and crack the playoffs. I was literally typing my response at the same time. You are just faster on the send button. 🤣
  6. I was given the option of getting a 90th anniversary ring from the club, personalized and only 90 maximum were to be made. Absolutely love it.
  7. How big are the replica rings? Can they actually be worn, or just displayed?
  8. And tunnel vision is how wrongful convictions can occur. Let the facts dictate the theory, not lead with a theory and then make the facts fit it.
  9. I take no issue with the statement that domestic terrorism is a main threat in the US, but it is premature to lay blame on the right wing before the facts are known. Just as irresponsible as those who blame ANTIFA and BLM for riots ahead of the facts. And it is especially wrong to say they should be “rightfully blamed until proven innocent”. This is the kind of division that o would like to see the ISA walk away from, it has done too match damage already. There is talk of this being a suicide bombing, but it is odd that it was done very publicly with the intent of causing mass damage but with care not to inflict harm on humans. 6:30 am on Christmas with warning announcements in advance. Why go through such trouble if all you wanted to do was kill yourself. The profiler in me wonders if someone wanted to cover up a murder and left an already dead body in the RV and then staged a suicide bombing? Far-fetched but I have heard of more elaborate plots. But it would explain the public display but concern for others’ safety. Who the RV is tied to will give some more answers. One big flaw in my alternate theory is how long it would take to amass that amount of explosive, which would take away from a need to cover up a murder, unless it was very premeditated . Anyway, just a random theory meant to not overlook anything, not making an assertion.
  10. And happy Festivus to all. This year we’ll take a break from the airing of grievances as it would take all of 2021 to get through it, and as for feats of strength we’ve all survived the year, and that takes some serious strength. All the best to everyone this holiday season.
  11. Can’t re-impeach him either, even if all the folks who ducked subpoenas before are forced to testify. NY state will get him on his tax stuff and get a more substantial sentence than anything the Feds will get. The government system was always predicated on a President being checked by the other branches and his own conscience to not wield his power for corrupt reasons. Partisanship has eroded the checks and balances of the first safeguard, and a narcissistic sociopath like Trump exposed the flaws in relying on the second. The Constitution, long touted by Americans as the “greatest living document in history” is showing its warts once again.
  12. You can’t legally prosecute someone twice for the same crime. Pardons are stupid, whichever President hands them out , but it is Constitutionally allowed. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
  13. Making the GOP accountable with hearings won’t stop their behaviour, and it won’t turn the Conservative public against them. It will make them martyrs. So as much as the anti-Trump brigade would love that comeuppance, and the news media on both sides would eat up the spectacle (left wing could crow about the corruption, right wing could scream witch hunt and hypocrisy, and neither side would really care about the principles at play so long as it meant ratings), nothing of substance would be gained. The failed Trump impeachment resolved nothing, and only hardened each side’s pre-existing mindset of the other side, without truly exposing what we already knew or obviously suspected. So as fun as the circus/drive-by car crash might be, it would not get the nation anywhere productive and just cost a lot of money to put on political theatre. I think Biden knows how tired the nation is and sees giving it a rest from the freak show as the way to go. Now, if he gains control of the Senate in January then it will be much easier to skip the retribution hearings and heal the nation his way, since the GOP will need to bend to his will and cooperate to get anything from him, since he will hold the cards.
  14. Anyone want to take odds on if Kyle Rittenhouse gets a pardon? 100-1, 25-1, 10-1, even money? If Roberts wanted to take Trump down, he totally had his chance at the impeachment hearing when he could have stepped in and demanded more evidence be presented before the Senate trial. Not sure why he would change his stance between January and August. Sounds like, what’s that phrase, “fake news”?
  15. Watched The Late Show tonight and Colbert had President and Dr. Biden on for an interview. I was struck by the plain decency of the man. Lots of mud has been slung by all sides and certainly this thread is no exception. But amid so many calls to make the current administration accountable for its corruption and take down all of Trump’s enablers for their action or inaction, I heard an incoming President tonight look past all of it. Call it naive, call it blissfully out of touch, call it hopelessly optimistic, but here was a man and his wife rising above, shrugging off the partisan attacks and personal shots against his son as being a nuisance but one that will not drag them down. Colbert himself said “you are a better man than I could be”. Maybe Biden sees no need to score political points against those who would keep the MAGA spirit alive, maybe he truly sees that there are more pressing needs in America and the world than revenge or comeuppance, but he sounds like someone who wants to just move forward, not focus on the past, and still believes in the best of all Americans - that the last 4 years is not really who Americans are. It could be seen as hokey, but it was uplifting to hear such calm patience. And then I heard him talk about Christmas at his house, and he talked about decorating the tree. Jill joked about how obsessive he was about hanging the tinsel, and he said without apology and full sincerity how vital it is that he hangs each strand individually, how you just cannot throw clumps at the tree. And it hit me - some think of him as the grandpa of the nation, but in that moment I saw my father. My father was a paediatrician for 45 years and the kindest person I have ever known. And he had the same obsession with tinsel, one strand at a time, and I know it was more than just his compulsive nature (a trait I am proud to share). It was about this perfection making things happier for all of us, to see a beautiful tree that brought joy in its pristine state, his labour was a labour of love. Hearing Biden talk about it with such reverence brought many memories and tears flooding back for a man I lost 3 years ago. I can only hope Biden is as good as his word and that all Americans truly give him a chance to fulfill his vision of decency and a better tomorrow. We all really need it, but it is on us to make it happen - together. Because if he can turn that optimism into reality, he will bring much joy, like I saw my father bring to my life. I guess I am getting sappy in my advancing age. Anyway, it was a nice moment in a very tough year. And by the way, Colbert’s band leader Jon Batiste, who is another amazingly positive soul and by all accounts a genuinely good person, did a beautifully soulful performance of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” to close the show, and you could not hear it and feel bad afterwards. A stirring rendition that just makes you feel better about the world.
  16. Here’s the US version of that concept a few years ago.
  17. There is no room for this king of smut on this site. This is supposed to be about football, and I must object. Moderators, please delete this topic and censor the parties who.......... Ok, my wife left the room and stopped watching me type. As you were.
  18. Apparently Trump has intervened to change this plan. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/13/politics/white-house-coronavirus-vaccine/index.html
  19. Keep the name (since it identifies an army regiment, and COULD also just mean a bird), change the logo. Or just go with Hawks. As for the logo, this would be quite fitting (even if it is actually an eagle) since it is already tied to the club’s history: https://pin.it/3yp2gB3
  20. Today is the 8th anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre. The day the NRA debate logically ended. If 26 childrens’ deaths cannot provoke meaningful gun law change, don’t think anything will. In the aftermath, conspiracy theories rose. None of this SHOULD be in a political thread, but such is the state of the USA now that this seemed to be the most appropriate place to put this piece. It begs the huge question - how did the US get to this point where this kind of thinking not only takes hold but is allowed to grow in the mainstream? What had driven so many to believe all of these conspiracy theories? https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1338497105627734016?s=20
  21. By definition, you cannot be both unaware and aware of something. If you are ignorant, you are unaware and this have no intent to refuse to accept what you know is reality. You honestly but mistakenly believe something that is false. If you are willful then you make a conscious choice to not accept what you know is reality.
  22. I’d watch Jets-Preds or Jets-Wild any day over seeing the Sens.
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