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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Of course. Overthought it and forgot that Harris would no longer be the deciding vote there in my alternate reality. This is why I can’t have nice things! That raises an interesting question though. If Pence was being impeached, and it went to the Senate for vote on removing him, would he be allowed to cast a tiebreaker vote if he himself was the accused party?
  2. 9-0 decision. So much for Trump’s hand-picked conservative judges returning the favour. Correct me if I am wrong, but this SCOTUS decision is NOT the Texas state suit against the swing states, correct?
  3. Hate to go all grammar Nazi here, especially given my penchant for long-winded posts, but that opening statement had less periods than a pregnant woman. As for Trump’s babblings, a tiny (really tiny) part of me would accept him ramming a false Presidency through SCOTUS if I was promised that Dems won both run-offs. Then with control of both the House and the Senate, re-impeach him day one and get Pence too, and then let Pelosi or someone else be appointed President since they would have the votes to evict him.
  4. The Niners shifted their offence last year to a massively run heavy game plan simply to, in the words of reporters who followed the team and talked to the coaching staff, “keep Garoppolo from costing us the game with a bad pick”. Not sure if that is completely accurate, but he is not well regarded it seems despite a gaudy won-lost record overall. Having said that, Kirk Cousins is the most overpaid QB in the game today, and would be a big downgrade. He is Jimmy without the winning percentage.
  5. Actually, it’s “re-elect”. So they really could. And both GOP candidates did get the most votes in November, they just did not cross the magic 50% + 1 barrier needed because of 3rd party candidates on the ballot. So the Dems winning both would legitimately be the surprise. Never underestimate the stupidity of large swaths of the American public.
  6. Well, Trump left his supporters high and dry with no buses home once after a rally. Fitting that his ride home would abandon him and leave him standing around after his next one. Actually, my favourite visual from Twitter is the person who suggested that the NYSE draft up an indictment while he is in the air from Washington, and get an arrest warrant and apprehend him the second he descends from the stairs of Air Force One in Florida. Then perp walk him in handcuffs live on TV into a waiting police vehicle before he can start his rally. Now THAT would be event television.
  7. So quick poll question for the masses. Should the CFL allow for a window where individual teams get an exclusive chance to re-sign players that were on their club roster and that they let go when the pandemic shut down the year before they can be scooped by any other team, or should they all be treated as pure free agents free to sign with any team they want right from the get go?
  8. Unless Dems win both run-off seats and gain control of the Senate, we will not see Trump prosecuted. Even if they do, he will have his hands full with many things and may not want to distract Congress with a political pissing match. If the Dems want to enact true change and bring a scorched earth policy to crush all the Republican corruption and enabling, they first need the clear majority mandate not to lose power in 2 years. So gain the Senate first, then open up voting laws to ensure a maximum participation of voters and elimination of gerrymandering and the electoral college. Then they will have a solid long term base of the majority of voters and can make change without much fear of reprisal. Only then can they safely engage in Trump payback, which would be more for show than actual punishment anyway. They may be content to let NY state take a run at the Donald, and let Rudy and Roger Stone and Steve Bannon slink back under hero respective rocks of irrelevance once they have no true influential power.
  9. So what’s the discussion? Who is the bigger loud mouthed egotistical d*ck? Kelly or Pederson? Sure. Discuss.
  10. The follow-up back story to this is quite something. After he opened his own phony church and asked for money, Oliver shut it down. Not because he had to, but because people sent more than just money, and it became a public health issue. Won’t spoil it if you don’t know, but here is the link to the progression of episodes.
  11. Sorry, stopped reading your post after I saw you reduce all of the Streveler man crush posts you yourself requested down to “blah blah blah”. Hilariously accurate. Succinct, spot on, perfect. Well done.
  12. Well, only since you asked. Here are the receipts: FYI the Cards have the #2 offence in the NFL, only behind the Chiefs. And they are #3 in rushing.
  13. He moves like he still has the hanger inside his shirt.
  14. My disdain is not for Streveler or those who merely hope he does well.
  15. The desperation of the Streveler fan boys to see him play and their belief that he is the end all be all but for being held back is rivalling Trump supporters who still believe he lost the election.
  16. At least a glimmer of good news there. Recovered cases outpaced new cases for the first time since September I believe, so total cases are down. Deaths are going to increase for a bit I fear since they always lag behind case increases, but hopefully the measures are starting to take effect in terms of lessening transmission.
  17. How any senator gets to play the stock market given potential conflict of interest or potential for insider trading abuse is beyond me, but her husband is literally the chairman of the NYSE, how is this not an immediate conflict the moment she plays the market?
  18. This is her “living pay check to pay check” house:
  19. Such a waste of time trying to argue with these Trump supporters. They can’t be reasoned with, bargained with, ever convinced that they are completely wrong in their beliefs, and unwilling to accept logic and cold hard facts. Biden and the Democrats need to realize this and honestly stop trying to placate them with “unite the country” talk. I find it hard to see anything redeemable about the Republican Party, so burn it to the ground while you have the liberal numbers. Kill the electoral college, eliminate gerrymandering, stack the Supreme Court. Republicans manipulated the rules without apology to their benefit and never sweated the fallout because these are their followers and they know people’s attention spans are too short for there to be repercussions. Time to bury this hateful segment of America once and for all. Monday rant over.
  20. Somehow it does not bother me that Trump is fleecing his gullible flock for money to line his pockets. Biden has more to worry about than opening an investigation into this particular problem. Let those Republican donors who feel ripped off bring a class action civil suit.
  21. I just don’t understand how they determine if an outbreak is contained or not. Denver had 3 QBs who were negative but had close contact with the positive QB, so all 4 deemed ineligible - but the outbreak is contained? And Baltimore QB gets a positive test, and they say it is not contained? It would have been better for the Broncos to declare that they couldn’t confirm all those who had contact with the positive testing QB, so their outbreak was not contained, and then they get a delay. The rule may be spelled out, but how the NFL is implementing it needs a better explanation, or else it looks random and inconsistent.
  22. The issue isn’t comparing football players to the real world. The issue is equity and consistency within the NFL itself. The Titans have a COVID outbreak, they get a pass until they can field a proper team at the expense of the Steelers bye week. The Niners team gets decimated due in part to COVID protocols, too bad you have to play as planned, put out your practice squad. Baltimore has a COVID outbreak, sure we can put off your match until your QB and other starters are cleared, who cares if we force the Steelers to lose another mini-bye and now make them play twice on 5 days. But hey Denver, you have no quarterbacks, but we can’t postpone your match, sucks to be you. Rules are completely inconsistent and are screwing some teams while giving others a competitive advantage.
  23. Wonder what the pastor would say about this counterpoint opinion on religious freedom vs. “tyrannical edicts” from another religious figure - the Pope. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/26/opinion/pope-francis-covid.html#click=https://t.co/uT9CQoJ5OE
  24. It’s a life sentence, not 25 years. And with the Faint Hope clause he could apply for parole in 15 years anyway. I wouldn’t worry, I’d wager big money he isn’t going to be seeing the outside of a prison any time while I still walk this earth, and I plan on being around for 40 more years at least.
  25. Aw, it would be such a shame to see all of Trump’s “lawsuit campaign” fund (a.k.a. “recoup all the money we spent running a losing election campaign” fund) money get eaten up defending these civil suits and paying out settlements.
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