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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Apparently Wild and Dressler will likely be back for the next game. It might be asking a bit too much for them to be right back up to speed, particularly Dressler.
  2. Nichols seemed to be off a notch or two after that hit and seemed to be stiffer for the rest of the game. I wouldn't want to be him waking up tomorrow morning.
  3. Gonna be some hard decisions for the BB coaching staff.
  4. An ankle sprain (particularly a high ankle sprain) or a broken metatarsal can hurt like crazy, too. A lot of things in the bottom half of a leg.
  5. The BC game plan was obviously to take Harris out of the Bomber game plan and they mostly did that. We were fortunate to win after losing Adams, Leggett and Walker. I wasn't sure that Nichols would finish the game after that hit to his back.
  6. You may well be right. What gives me reason for hope is that Leggett seemed to have gotten his injury when already on the ground as opposed to when he jumped contracting his Achilles tendon. Someone I knew who sustained one of those said that the instant it happened, it felt like someone slammed an axe into his calf/ankle and he did his while leaping in a Tennis game. He described the pain as overwhelming and instantaneous. Leggett's injury may be as serious, but at a glance, it seemed to be different reactions. With a torn Achilles' tendon the attending medical staff immediately try to tape the foot so that the toe extends downwards to relieve any further damage to a partially torn tendon or muscle. At least that was the way it was done then.
  7. He was a clutch receiver, but his pressure plate has burned out.
  8. We'll know in a couple of days. I remain hopeful.
  9. I am not defending O'Shea's decisions, but if Thorpe had stuck around, maybe Lankford wouldn't be starting. Too bad Thorpe had a hissy-fit and got himself turfed.
  10. On the OB pregame show, it was reported that the Bombers have had the fewest player-games lost to injuries, so I guess we were due. Leggett went down after falling to the ground catching a short kickoff, so I think its likely he will be ok. Our receiving core was barely good enough before Adams went down, so it looks like we are in trouble there.
  11. Toronto showing nothing so far.
  12. Adams looked done, but I'm betting on Leggett's return.
  13. Dressler wasn't his 2016 self this year, so I don't know how much help he will be. Probably better than Lankford, though.
  14. We finished the game with the weakest set of receivers of the season. They are simply not good enough to win in the playoffs, so we better pray that Adams is not out for long, but he looked to be seriously hurt.
  15. Its sad when we need to worry more about our defensive coach than the opposing team.
  16. How was Elimimian's hit on Harris not helmet to helmet?
  17. I'll take your word for this, but yesterday in the morning monologue on 1290, Olshevsky said he'd been in the league for 6 years. That didn't fit for me but what the heck, I don't make a living at this sort of thing.
  18. Hmmm...not a spring chicken, well traveled and hasn't really played in what-18 months? Surprised to see that he isn't Caucasian.
  19. Agreed. It was obvious to all and sundry that the Bombers were flat as piss on a plate. At least his driving finger is intact.
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