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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Heinicke looks to have all the physical tools but I would questions his smarts. Still, everyone has the occasional brain cramp, particularly after some demon rum.
  2. I would not call him pretentious. He took a principled stand that has cost him a lot of abuse and has given up millions in income.
  3. Moreover, you are apparently literate.
  4. And wasn't LeFevour both useless and a dink here?
  5. Excited can mean stressed and fearful, just as a dog wagging his tail does not mean he is happy.
  6. You are being charitable in your description of the game. Bombers were beaten like the proverbial rented mule and Nichols was just horrible.
  7. Dunnigan also ran like a fullback and accumulated all those injuries wile playing what....four decades?
  8. Mitchell may be afflicted with irritant dermatitis as well. Could be serious.
  9. Irritant dermatitis can be real tough to shake.
  10. Being physically strong has nothing to do with how well your parts stay together. Louis Cyr, the Montreal policeman who was undoubtedly one of the strongest men in the world, had to sleep sitting up because of his COPD. Some of us are just brittle.
  11. You're in luck. The BDI is still open.
  12. "Cautious optimism" is the word of the day here. It may be my imagination, but the offensive players look like they wake up when Streveler comes in. With Nichols, unless it it is a Harris running play, the attitude seems to be, "ho hum-here's another six yard pass".
  13. With our O-line bulldozing the opposing D-line and linebackers pretty much every game and with Eli as a TE, there should be no stopping them and that opens up the defensive secondary.
  14. There is absolutely no reason why this team with Streveler cannot compete with, even beat the Riders. We have injuries but we still ought to be able to out-talent and out-work them.We shouldn't be out-coached, either.
  15. Vernon Adams gave us a demonstration yesterday of what Streveler will probably look like in the next few games- high risk but high excitement and high possible reward. If our current coaches cannot bring out in Big Chris what Kingly did for Adams, there is something wrong.
  16. Yup. His body and his Rice Krispies will make the same sounds in the morning.
  17. The Bombers may face an interesting dilemma in time. If the offence takes off under Streveler, what will they do with Nichols? There is an understanding that a starter does not lose his job due to injury, but this is not iron-clad (Hello Zach Collaros). Hmmmmm...
  18. That can be coached out if Streveler is open to that sort of thing.
  19. Lulay would be the best option, IMO, but only if he passes a physical. God knows, he would have the protection of the best O-line in the CFL and the best he has had since he came into the league.
  20. Reilly must go into each game with about 20 pounds of duct tape holding him together.
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