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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Proper daily eliminations are important. That way you don't need to call Roto-Rooter.
  2. Was that a real 'stache or a repurposed roadkill dead muskrat?
  3. That would be my game plan, but Woli can neutralize that linebacker easily enough and allow CS17 to break out into the secondary. I remember Peter Dalla Riva doing that to Dan Kepley way back in a Grey Cup game, Kepley became an instant non-factor.
  4. Sounds like my old dating criteria.
  5. So...it looks like Harris is available. If he is a bit nicked up, he may start but be platooned with Augustine.
  6. Bridge is at large is he not? Can't get cheaper than free, and you can always get your money back.
  7. "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently determined fool".
  8. Bridge has kinda shown the same, but he has played a bit more and a helluva lot cheaper. It may come down to who is more coachable.
  9. The Edmonton Inuit could be forgiven for feeling overconfident. They have the healthiest starting quarterback in the league and overall their starters have not been decimated like much of the rest of the league. Given Streveler's inexperience, their defence is probably smacking their lips, but his tendency to take off with the ball may be a big advantage. I do not think much of their linebackers but their D-line is solid,
  10. I see several problems with a trade for Franklin, if it comes to that. Firstly, it would leave the Argos without any credible backup to Bethel-Thompson. Secondly, he would not come cheap and it has been very evident that Walters treasures his draft picks and has done well with them. Thirdly, it would be a clear signal that the Bomber brain trust has no confidence in either Streveler or McGuire, and that would be a Bad Thing. Fourthly, since leaving the Esks, Franklin has shown very little. So- a hard no.
  11. Yup. the Lions, Argos and probably the Riders would have to be interested.
  12. For all of Nichols' accomplishments, all the team has to show, but if this year results for his time here is...one playoff win. Before you succumb to apoplexy, this is obviously not all his fault, but if at the end of the season, all the team has to show for it is just one more playoff win, a shakeup has to be considered.
  13. They were going to meet Manase Foketi for lunch.
  14. Agreed. The common theme that has been in interviews with players who were in the NFL and then came to the CFL was exactly that. The NFL is a machine- all hype and money
  15. I would bet the farm that Harris could start Friday, but I wouldn't put it past O'Shea to hold him out so as to keep him spry for the Rider games. I do not know if this would signify that they are conceding the Esk game or if they think that the team can get along without Harris and Nichols.
  16. If the Bombers do well against the Esks with Streveler at the helm, it ought to make the back-to-back against the Riders a whole lot easier.
  17. Today O'Shea was quoted as saying that they would not get serious about looking for another QB until early next week.
  18. To be fair to Desjardins, he lost a very good QB, and a top receiver with no way to replace Harris with a QB of equal or near-equal ability. Hard to pick up and carry on like you did before under those circumstances.
  19. That's what happens when you're on a perpetual Bender.
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