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Posts posted by BomberfanMKS

  1. 20 minutes ago, Booch said:

    actually think he may be a more than serviceable QB..as the tools...needs the reps, and some stability around him...betting on him, and doing the in house developing could pay off

    I've been saying Cornelius looks to have the tools since last year.

    Edmonton has been a complete shitshow with personnel changes and instability... judging a QB who was straight out of college (last year) in that kind of environment because he made mistakes..... eh

  2. 14 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I don't know about that. It's not like Hamilton did anything different. Got the ball out quickly to their play makers to take the Dline out of the game. Our secondary just couldn't keep up. O had a bad day in term of turn overs. Take away a PIC and Collaros fumble and the game is different.

    Speaking of that. Collaros HAS to start protecting the ball better when under pressure. It's been an issue all year.

    The fumble wasn't really about Collaros being careless trying to make something happen while trying to avoid a sack - He was winding up to throw and didn't see the guy coming unblocked from his blind side (who got there just as he was pulling the ball back).

  3. 22 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Nah the problems were mostly Hamilton blitzes being effective. Offense wasn't bad truthfully. Couple turnovers aside. This one is all on the defence.

    The TD fumble blitz happened later in the game as well and was equally effective - Both times they sent an extra guy on Bryant's side that Oliviera took away, Hardrick gets pulled to the left because their entire DL pushed to the right and a delayed blitz by the LB on the right side comes free at Collaros.

    They ran the exact same blitz at least twice - the first time was the fumble TD and the second was basically equally effective in blowing Collaros up.

    It didn't look like a mistake from anyone on the OL or from Oliviera... more like a mistake by whomever was supposed to set up the protection/play.


    HH - BOLO I thought played really well - didn't look out of place at all.

  4. 5 hours ago, Tracker said:

    As an FYI, you do not have to be over 0.08 BAC to be charged and convicted of a DWI offence. You do not even need to be behind the wheel (care and control) or reacting to fatigue and/or a reaction to prescription drugs (even if taking as directed). If you blow over .08 though, you will be charged. You can even be sleeping it off in the box of a truck and charged if you have the keys in your possession. 

    If you show signs of intoxication. you can be charged, although there is a degree of discretion for the officer. Diabetics and someone suffering from various medical conditions (like a petit-mal seizure or stroke) can present as intoxicated.

    In Canada you basically do need to be behind the wheel for Care and Control.  The law specifically says if you're in the seat normally occupied by the driver.

    Common law rulings have now found that simply being in the driver seat isn't sufficient to convict for care and control if you've got a good reason for being in the seat (the supreme court specifically ruled that someone found sleeping across the front seats of a vehicle, with the key in the ignition but the car turned off, was not convictable for " care and control"

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