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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I like Oshea, sure he is learning as he goes, and has made some mistakes along way and stuck with an OC that just isn't capable of installing a new and creative offensive and that is what needs to be addressed, and quite frankly now is gonna have to wait until end of the year. If MO does the right thing, and releases MB right after the season ends (within weeks) then he is learning and realizes a major fault and we move forward and he deserves a third year (but a 6 game leash) We already have a guy RH who can take over interm, and quite frankly I would have no issue with him longterm as he is experienced, learned from his past mistakes and guaranteed would bring on a A1 quality OC to over see his offence. Our defence is taking shape and all the key guys will be back, we have some up and comers we are grooming and are really only a dominant D-lineman, maybe 2 from being scary good. Offence too has the parts, need a few tweeks and a better system but can be a very good ball control, grind em down offence if used right. We do need to stop the extra Canadian starter tho at the expense of another import receiver, either a real athletic burner, or a bigger mean s.o.b of a guy who can dominate smaller db's ...and for gawds sake start using Marshall how he should be. It's a shame how we waste him...he should be getting at least 10-15 touches rushing a game and 5-6 throws in various ways..I feel for that guy cause in the right system he would be awesome...
  2. Jones can play DB if someone goes down
  3. Given that he's a pretty terrible back trying to run through traffic I'm going to guess his blocking isn't anything to write home about. He's a small quick back, anything physical isn't his forte. Give him space and let him run that's really all you can expect 5'10"..201 pounds isnt really small for a back
  4. Booch


    in all honesty i see no pro's and cons to be honest as both are effective in stopping the run, just depends on the schemes used, the talent to run the schemes and the in game situations and adjustments. I prefer a 3-4 or a hybrid version of it actually as a base defence because it has more variation and you can hide where pressure comes from more successfully and change the areas of pressure so it's harder for the o-line to make their calls, that is if it is run properly. Most teams now already kind of run variations of a 3-4 anyway, just not the typical 80's and 90's set of 3 down lineman and 4 defined "linebackers"
  5. Really tho...Marshall isn't a washed up has been. If he was used properly he would easily be a 1000 yard rusher and money scoring inside the 5
  6. ah yes...forgot about Wild. Things could be looking up. And I don't think that comments about desperation and losing faith in "all" our quartebacks is soley true. A good team/GM will do whatever they can to try and upgrade during the season and due to injuries, and acquiring Nichols is an upgrade to what we can field at the moment at the QB position so I applaud Walters for this and doing what he could, with what was available to be given up. Plus, he will be a more than adequate back-up to Willy moving forward while we develop a 3rd stringer to hopefully push, or supplant Willy down the road...ala Harris in Toronto has been groomed
  7. He's no elite guy, but he is a proven starter, knows the league, the teams, and the schemes that defences run and what to look for so is far better than our two rookies (Marve and Davis) and will allow us a chance to win and actually run a similar offence to what we did with Willy when we had some success. Still needs tweaking, and maybe we can do that more with a veteran presence as opposed to quarterbacks still learning the CFL game. I would hope too that they don't give up on Marve and this may allow him to learn and develop more at the least as a third stringer when Willy comes back, or battle a new guy come spring. If Picard comes back this weekend and plays with fire against old mates (maybe he has been nicked all year and thus was sub par as he played well first few games) Adams back in at reciever and a mix of Marshall, Walker used to his strengths and the continued improvement of the defence we may just turn it around. And if they add a Lemon and a dash of Jasper our defence will be even better than anything we have putting out to date.
  8. Mainly because signing a QB off the street, not a retread CFL cast-off would serve us no use whatsoever this year for at least a month or so...we gotta go to the dance with whom we brought now. A revamping of the offensive philosophy is whats needed
  9. If this is true then I would think we are the front runners to be honest. Contrary to what alot of people on here think, or claim, we have a lot going for us organization wise, facility wise and fanbase wise. We are truly a few quick pieces and tweeks to becoming legit contender, and a compliment to Westerman is the start.
  10. when you are weak on the o-line...which I not sure we are actually, (moreso scheme and stubborn stupidity) have a running Q.B and need to alter things quickly offensively on the fly..well go to the veer or a version of...that will have the Defensive totally mixed up for the first part here...then when they sort it out...start play action and roll outs to throw..receivers will be open downfiled. I laugh as I post this somewhat, but with Marve,Marshall, Veltung and now Walker all coming out of backfield it prob would work rather nicely
  11. Hopefully we wise up and start to lean on, and use Marshall in an effective manner. The guy is a beast and the type of back who with the more work he gets in game, the more he will produce. Powerful runner and he literally pounds the defence and wears them down. Have yo ever seen him go down on first contact? He reminds me a lot of Willard Reaves on his style of play, and come cold weather and late in season when defences are getting nicked and worn down he will be extremely effective. Totally under utilized this year, and especially as a receiving threat. Get him in open space with room to start thundering downhill...Christ silly we haven't done that more. The times we have it's been money. Walker, not a feature back by any means, but if used right, swings, pitchouts, screens, he can be very effective. Guy has speed to burn and could add a dimension out of backfield we don't have right now. Maybe the being cut and the embarrassment will light a fire under him. The first few years in Hamilton when he was used right Walker was pretty good
  12. a good thing if Wild is snipped, is he would come back here if does come to Canada and not even consider anywhere else
  13. I thought Hunt looked pretty good in last pre-season game. No sign of any knee issues, was fast off edge on outside and several times was able to bull rush the Left Tackle right into the Q.B. If he to be cut, it will be more due to economics/age not so much about ability
  14. interesting that all our former players down there at moment, and draft picks are all sitting at 3rd and 4th on depth charts for respective teams, and I would think a couple (Wild, Hunt and Mathews) would be on their last stabs at getting a look. All would be a welcome addition here. I pretty much guarantee as well the Bilukidi will be here next year as his time and economics will have run out, and possibly late this year. Imagine a corps with Mathews, Denmark, Moore, Adams and whatever random Canuck?
  15. A tag team of Howell and Pierce I think would be best option and probably pretty effective. Howell is actually becoming a pretty darn good coach, and is well respected and it shows as he has lasted through several regimes here now. Throw in Buck to help game plan, scheme and make in game adjustments (even mid drive adjustments) would totally turn the sad sack offence around. Buck even in past has called own plays, so he would be totally capable as the in-game off. assistant down on the sidelines working with the starter, with Howell in the booth managing the gameplan. If anything it can't be worse, and I truly believe actually rather impressive.
  16. I think even thought the defence has been progressing, a unit with a proven CFL ready backer like Simmons, with either Hurl and Bass, Or Bass and Randle makes us better. Randle can go back to corner and Bucknor rotates in and out and focuses on special teams, or Hurl gets rotated in and out and focuses on the teams.
  17. No offence to Thomas but he is fine just where he is and would not be a desired option as a full-time starter. If he was to come in and become one, we would has seriously regressed. In a perfect scenario I would rather him being depth on the PR or as the 2 scratches on the 46 man roster and we had a better option
  18. I think getting a receiving threat (or what they thought was a threat) was more valuable to them than at that point time in their inception than a linebacker...they were sooooo weak at receiver they needed a stud.
  19. hahaha...hey hey hey....I actually was a quarterback in highschool so I can sling it! I always have to laugh thinking back one night when a bunch of us were drinking at Scandals, and for whatever reason I had my alma mater high school leather football jacket on, which said Q.Back on the sleeve. Quincy Williams looks at it and says "wtf you were a QB in highschool?!?!..damn would have hated to see the size of the rest of your team!" ahhh memories Ha ha Scandals. What a dive. Good times, good times. Oh yes...used to jump between there and strawberry's on many a night...Had some good times there with the likes of Williams, West and Jones, Bovell..David Black..among others
  20. Discipline from the d-line to contain, not crash down on play actions and fakes and to a lesser extent..tone down their rush. For the Q.B...Mix in some draws and play action off tackle stuff...quick slants and crosses and I would work in a lot of sweeps, option plays and make the d-end have to choose who to commit to...then when they get too accustomed to that and are trying to figure that out, you nail em with out and ups and fly/post routes because the middle is gonna open up with the safety vacating
  21. hahaha...hey hey hey....I actually was a quarterback in highschool so I can sling it! I always have to laugh thinking back one night when a bunch of us were drinking at Scandals, and for whatever reason I had my alma mater high school leather football jacket on, which said Q.Back on the sleeve. Quincy Williams looks at it and says "wtf you were a QB in highschool?!?!..damn would have hated to see the size of the rest of your team!" ahhh memories
  22. I think Turner would do well rotating in and out off the edge
  23. If we don't lean heavily on the run..have sets with both of those backs in together and use the run and sprint outs and roll outs or option type stuff to help ease Marve into things then MB should be canned the next morning. We have the online to really dominate with a run game if you committed to it and played to it. Marshall is a strong sturdy hard running back who will wear a defense down and if he is working into the teens in carries by third quarter I can see him busting big ones late in game
  24. Sucks he's hurt and to be honest he still should have been in there as the game was not over and a lost cause. I can hear it now that if we ran Brohm out there and he did what he does best..nothing and we got nothing out of those two turnovers people would be screaming murder towards MOS saying that if he didn't "give up" we could have capitalized and got right back in the game. The casual fan doesn't understand the inner workings and psychie of team and players. Sitting Drew to start the half would have been the beginning of losing the room..the fact his players will run through walls for him and would of caused a world of damage to the team..trust me...he made the right call and any other coach would have done same. It was a fluke freak injury and not an issue of him getting pounded. The other game he got knocked out from Hamilton was a missed assignment and partly a cheap shot. All quarterbacks get pounded not just ours and truth be told the online is not as bad as people are whining about. it's more about scheme..a poor game plan and ability to make in game adjustments and somewhat on Drew himself,tho he has finally started to progress as he has shown in his running lately. We do need to change or offensive philisophy, probably coordinator too but the blessing is we will now to suit Marve and roll outs..moving the pocket and the launch points (on purpose) and Marves ability and knack to freelance will I think make this offence something to be reckoned with. You know what Brohm gives you...you now roll with Marve and let him develop on the fly..marvel through the good..learn and stick with him through the bad and assess at years end. If he craps all over..doesn't progress at all and shows signs he can't handle a full playbook then you cut bait. I truly think now that with all first team reps..gameplans designed for him (not Drew) he may just surprise. If he can make the next step he I think can be a better qb than Drew. I know his teammates back and support him and have faith..its time the fans here do the same and put assess in seats..you can't even understand how that fires a team up..gives them that bit of extra..when I used to run out to 60 000 crazies I can't even explain what it did to lift a team and make them better
  25. Not sure what you are referring to or watching, but Adams was far from garbage. Assignment wise was spot on with blocking, and probably has lost about 5-6 receptions (clutch ones at that) for over 100 yards due to penalties. From watching TC and games this year I would say he is the smoothest route runner on the roster, and knows how to position himself to take ball in stride and in best way to produce yac yards. I would bet by end of season he will be in top 5...at worst top 10..pretty good for the 3rd option
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