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Everything posted by Booch

  1. yeah if the Cats defense comes to play..mixes things up and pressure/put some good licks on him he is going to turn it over multiple times. The new offence as well being implemented there is still being eased in, so they may jump on them early with things the Rider's aren't prepared for, and a comeback of any signifigance isn't likely with any of their back-ups. Lose this, and most likely next week with CGY they could be looking way up again at rest of division at 5-7...especially if BC pulls a rabbit out of hat and wins this weekend there's no way CGY will lose 2 in a row.
  2. yeah but wild isn't healthy...and who kows..maybe he plays with a real chip on his shoulder...he did excell in the position Knox was trying to fill
  3. hard to explain...it's just the body conditioning to take a pounding....I'm just drawing off experience as well and what I found and experienced...opening off season, after a bye...or a prolonged absence due to injury or being scratched...was always tough getting back into "game condition"...is that a way to term it..as opposed to game shape in an aerobic capacity
  4. I don't necessarily agree with all Walby say's but have to agree somewhat. If anything it may lead to technique erosion and sloppy play, which in turn could lead to other injuries and yes more nagging soreness, bumps and bruises and discomfort...cause yes the body does get acclimated to the hits and pounding and any extended time off always takes a few games to get back to whee you need to be physically and mentally...
  5. sometimes tho it doesn't take a shot to the head to cause the concussion or the damage over time...it's the sudden stopping of the body in motion where the inertia and energy continues..and as the brain is basically free floating in the skull it keeps moving at that speed until it stops by slamming into the skull. Times have sure changed tho as I recall constantly doing this, and seeing it coached to come in with force and drill a guy in the chin/face with the forehead to "ring their bell" Kick-offs where notoriously bad with guys flying down field at full force trying to pick guys off...especially with the pedestrian style stuff on guys not necessarily looking at you...crazy
  6. yeah that sums Carter up in a nutshell....If the play or game isn't all about him, and successful....he loafs and is disinterested unless he has a chance to take a cheap shot at somebody...watch him over the course of a game...he is pretty indiscreet about it
  7. yup...agreed....at times he tries to be too cute and fancy and score in the sexy way...he just needs to stick with the basics and what is working at the time and grind. With our back, and O-line thee is no reason that when in first and goal we don't/can't pound the ball in on the ground in 3 attempts. That should be our gameplan 90% of the time and just use some passing plays occasionally to keep teams honest
  8. Looking at that tweet it appears that in Mtl there was a total loss of the room....
  9. bizzare timing to clean house tho if you ask me...now we should make a pitch to grab Hebert for the season as a place holder at MLB
  10. It was stated that Mosaics peak level recorded was 104
  11. and if you look at the DB meter it is hovering just below 110 DB...Mosaic maxed out at 104 DB
  12. http://globalnews.ca/news/3731477/its-official-bombers-fans-are-louder/
  13. roy bennet too...but moe is crazy good.....heartbeat of the defense
  14. yeah because we prob would have been at least 100..possibly 102-104..so our average would have been around 102
  15. was odd as when they had the meter on screen it was jumping around 106 to 108-109 on the scores...but they posted 104
  16. Pretty much any big bodied guy could fill that role...not even a lineman type..Any of the national linebackers...Normand....Jeffcoat...it's just a waste and poor allocation of assets Same with Johnson out..as Mike said...nary a sack and minimal pressure...With a combination of Him..Nevis one of him, Nevis or an end is gonna come free or get pressure... And why do you think Jake Thomas has virtually went MIA?....There is a reason for it...why the coaches don't see it is baffling And if it is a salary thing..well Opo has had a 3rd of his off the books from being on 6 game..so not like he is a really expensive guy on the 46 man not dressing
  17. yeah...I know...they both come in for it..
  18. actually Neuf comes in for tight end sets, and has actually been out running quasi patterns.
  19. And with just a couple small tweaks and adjustments to think how much better it could be
  20. Yeah I didn't understand that in the last game either. We waste our DI spots repeatedly. Even the 7 o-lineman ...sure it's a nice luxury, but really how often over a season does it need to be taken advantage of? I would bet Couture hasn't had to wash his uniform yet this year...no knock on him as he doesn't dictate how he gets used, but in a pinch and 2 lineman go down Thomas could step in..I bet Ekakite could too...and would love to see Poop give it a whirl in a pinch.. Use that 7th oline spot on say Drew W...Get him some reps...he can return too seeing as they park Coates' arse back there with Lankford. Or get Conteh on roster...a guy who can kill it on teams, and take reps on defence. It drives me nuts how we dress guys game in and game out with no intention of them ever hitting the field...I felt bad for the times Addison Richards would dress, and do absolutely nothing ...whats the point. I like Oshea as a coach and what he brings, but his roster management is weak
  21. The fact that Walker, Fogg, Flanders can all return kicks, and we keep Lankford on who save for one return and one reception gives us diddly just irritates the hell out of me. We could use his spot for Poop Johnson preferably, or for Thorpe who over course of game gives us way more value on offence, and possibly the big play threat on returns. Same with 4 defensive ends...3 is sufficient and a rotation of Westerman and either Jeffcoat/ OPO with Corney and Nevis and Johnson taking majority of inside reps spelled off by Thomas gives us a way better line-up. These guys would all get enough reps and rest to be really into the game...we could use the Ekakitie spot on say a Conteh/banning or throw Drew W in there Also for what the value we get with the other import LB we DI , why not use that on a Thorpe, or a Poop, or still allow us to roster Lankford if they feel he is so vital? Yeah sure people can clammer about how he the top returner...but that is yardage wise and mainly because we have returned more kicks than anyone...so a somewhat skewwed stat. If anything I think roster management hinders us more than anything and how we allocate our ratio...
  22. yeah I agree...Or even Ryan Phillips...he would have been a more than adequate stop gap until we unearth younger and better
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