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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Since 2015, only two quarterbacks have recorded 10+ game-winning drives while trailing or tied in the fourth quarter: Mike Reilly (12) and Matt Nichols (10). In the same span, Trevor Harris has eight and Bo Levi Mitchell seven. So far this season, Reilly leads the league with four of these drives and Nichols is right behind him with three Scrub Nichols with a bit more extended stats to say otherwise that he is becoming a top tier QB
  2. Yeah I think if we game plan properly we should be able to wear that dline down and run it down their throats, or kill them with the screens and flats type stuff until they start to creep up[ and cheat then burn em mid to deep
  3. I think how I would take it and from my experience you can have soreness somewhere and it doesn't really impede what your doing, just a nuisance, but having pain when doing it hinders you and doesn't allow you to be fully effective Just like the age old saying from a coach..."are you hurt?..or injured?..if you're only hurt then get back out there"
  4. Thats all it was...a bad BC showing. Jennings wasn't ready and by the time he was yanked the game had got out of hand and that lack of B.C preparedness and attitude wasn't something they were gonna come back from...they packed it in plain and simple. Lulay starts and has the success he had before...and he would have that game would have taken a completely different complexion and direction...But I glad...helped us out big time and Sask is in no way shape or form a threat to overtake us regardless
  5. heck..he was his whole career...can imagine what his stats would have been if he trained..didnt smoke...didn't go out late most nights. I used to bounce at Teaser's and don't remember how many times he would be there till close...most times flying solo. Didn't behave or act recklessly and anything like that, but isn't good to be playing a pro sport with how he went about it off feild...just shows how truly gifted and amazing he was truth be told....
  6. He's had a few seasons kicking around down there...couldn't really fill a role of a true DE or a OLB...so can't see it after a year here..maybe 2 strong seasons being really dominant perhaps
  7. Just because a guy doesn't have a ring, or set the world afire in the play-offfs doesn't mean they are not elite..leagues are littered with superstars who never won the big one, or didn't have stellar numbers...bug whip BLM has actually shat the bed more than he has won in playoff crunch time, so is he not elite then as he is far from consistent in getting his team to win in the play-offs. Calvillo as well lost more than he won in cups, so that would say he wasn't consistent and sub par too then...correct? To be honest, I think that Nichols right now is the only guy I'd want running this team if I had a choice..his tea mates seem to echo what he means to them and the team. I as well was not a big time Nichols supporter either, but he has won me over, and from what I hear from people involved with actually playing, and playing against him, he is very well respected and a guy that guys would love to play with...for what its worth
  8. at least when Nichols misses with the long ball it's in a spot where it's either his receiver getting it, or it falls incomplete...unlike Jennings last night where he chucked and had no reason putting it there..double..triple coverage..not leading his receiver properly , or putting it where only receiver can get it. Perhaps that is part of his eliteness in that he is smart and doesn't take unnecessary risks if something isn't there and puts his balls in a good spot...point to ponder eh? I will take his misses all day instead of 4 drive and game killing picks
  9. Yeah there is one where they have the Riders's at 4th..like really??
  10. pretty sure that was a one off by both teams..ugly game by B.C....You don't go from totally owning a team one weak, to being that inept...Wally called it before the game and I am sure heads are gonna roll there...but thanks for vaulting us to third with a game in hand and if we win and bc comes back with a vengeance against CGY we sit in second all alone
  11. Interesting how a season can turn quickly...I not a guy to what if's and thanks to what I think is just a one off by the Rider's and not a true indicator of what they are...or definitely what BC isn't as that was a total biff job by them But..if we beat Edmonton Thursday, and say Lions come back with a vengeance and beat Calgary, we actually will be sitting in second place. W e win and Calgary wins we are a game up on BC for third with a game in hand and only 1 point out of second. worst case if we lose and BC loses we still in third with a game in hand...not a bad spot to be at this point in the season
  12. sure he will...he can make reads..go through progressions and has a brain
  13. It took all edmonton had to beat the Tiger Cats, we basically handled them with ease and could have been worse but I think we schemed on offence to play a safe game..see where the game went and adjust accordingly..was in no real threat to lose I don't think..so we stayed safe...no need to take unnecessary risks if you don't have to
  14. Yeah it is pretty humorous over there on how most think and come to their conclusion.
  15. he seemed to elevate it pretty good last year in palyoffs...arguably his best game of his career...the defense lost that one...and yeah Nichol's at this time isn't elite...stat wise but winning percentage wise since being starter here 14-5...pretty elite numbers Guy leads by example and his team will kill for him..exactly what u want..U won't admit it but you would love to have him leading that green mess right now
  16. figured it was the Lions...I just knew it happened and was a western team...just wasn't sure which one...thought it might have been Edm too
  17. thats what a back handed catch looks like..no help from any other body parts
  18. Nah...it's cyclical, tho lately seems like a long cycle. It's better this way I think for western teams anyway because you would never have all 5 teams in the west with better record than all eastern teams. Cant happen. And really how often is there the cross over anyway?
  19. almost certain it was a salary dump..pretty hefty pay for prob being third string, and I bet he was asked to take a paycut and refused...
  20. Most teams generally have a guy on speed dial just for this situation...I guess they don't...bad foresight on their part. Imagine now if that is there guy come game time...yikes
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