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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Interesting how a season can turn quickly...I not a guy to what if's and thanks to what I think is just a one off by the Rider's and not a true indicator of what they are...or definitely what BC isn't as that was a total biff job by them But..if we beat Edmonton Thursday, and say Lions come back with a vengeance and beat Calgary, we actually will be sitting in second place. W e win and Calgary wins we are a game up on BC for third with a game in hand and only 1 point out of second. worst case if we lose and BC loses we still in third with a game in hand...not a bad spot to be at this point in the season
  2. sure he will...he can make reads..go through progressions and has a brain
  3. It took all edmonton had to beat the Tiger Cats, we basically handled them with ease and could have been worse but I think we schemed on offence to play a safe game..see where the game went and adjust accordingly..was in no real threat to lose I don't think..so we stayed safe...no need to take unnecessary risks if you don't have to
  4. Yeah it is pretty humorous over there on how most think and come to their conclusion.
  5. he seemed to elevate it pretty good last year in palyoffs...arguably his best game of his career...the defense lost that one...and yeah Nichol's at this time isn't elite...stat wise but winning percentage wise since being starter here 14-5...pretty elite numbers Guy leads by example and his team will kill for him..exactly what u want..U won't admit it but you would love to have him leading that green mess right now
  6. figured it was the Lions...I just knew it happened and was a western team...just wasn't sure which one...thought it might have been Edm too
  7. thats what a back handed catch looks like..no help from any other body parts
  8. Nah...it's cyclical, tho lately seems like a long cycle. It's better this way I think for western teams anyway because you would never have all 5 teams in the west with better record than all eastern teams. Cant happen. And really how often is there the cross over anyway?
  9. almost certain it was a salary dump..pretty hefty pay for prob being third string, and I bet he was asked to take a paycut and refused...
  10. Most teams generally have a guy on speed dial just for this situation...I guess they don't...bad foresight on their part. Imagine now if that is there guy come game time...yikes
  11. so now Sask has a LB doing converts and field goals??...or practicing it ..like wtf??..are they that desperate with depth, or is this another Chris Jones Brainstorm...conversion project? Have a better tackler out there for those misses?
  12. That and no clear cut leader to police the room..
  13. Yeah making 3 moves to accommodate one injury reeks of a lack of talent/depth or just no confidence in the back-up and the feeling that they need to win now and can't afford rookie mistakes If they go 2 National receivers I think that really handcuffs whoever your starter is...they need all the threats they can have to slow BC down. I truly think Jones needs to suck up his pride, and make moves to help his team more so in the future and set things up to avoid these issues, and trade some pieces of value that they have in excess (pretty much only a receiver tho is all they have excess) but sadly I think his ego is going to prevent that, and he's gonna flounder
  14. Is he actually injured, or Jones just not a fan of him? How is your ratio going to play out..2 National Receivers at all times?
  15. Thats different tho...The defense in T.O orchestrated those wins, and here Nichols has orchestrated a lot of these wins personally and many would say despite of the defense...big difference
  16. from 2013 to 2016 4 arrests in those 3 years...sounds like a god character guy for a team lacking it
  17. I think tomorrow is THE statement game for the season...not devastating if we lose, but if we go in..take care of business and win then it shows that this is a team that is ready to run and be grouped with the big dogs. Also it would already have playoff implications because if we go 5-2 and say Sask loses, then if we lay an egg and go 5-6 for rest of year (which I highly doubt getting us to 10-8) Sask has to go on a run of 9-2 to finish at 11-7 just to jump us in the standings, and thats only if they sweep us as well. We will easily get the cross over at the worst at 10-8 (probably as its going now better than any East teams record) So in my opinion this is a pivotal game.
  18. Like Nichols gets a tag that he just a game manager/average because he doesn't have the sexy stats, but he wins...leads by example and appears when chips are down you can tie your wagon to him and there a great chance he is going to get you the win, and not make a mental error Conversely Harris has all these stats, gets all kinds of accolades for them, but what has he won?..He tends to choke...is prone to errors and seems to fade and drop off a cliff each year as the season winds down Gimme Nichols 10 times out of 10 as my guy at QB. The guy has heart, guts and fire...has total respect from his team and will do whatever it takes for them, and they feed of it and would do anything for him. Now thats a true leader and a guy you wanna hitch your wagon to, sexy stats be damned...gimme wins and the respect his team shows him (which is all that matters in my books) and he will get his due across the league. Also...he is also just a likeable and decent guy to boot...no ego...no agenda....all things which are icing on top of the cake
  19. and today Sask signs a DT who from 2013 to 2016 was arrested 4 times in those 3 years for various offences...Keep em coming Jonsie...do they not look into character and accountability, or do they just not care..?
  20. kind of shocked about that...he'll get picked up pretty quickly...hopefully not in Sask tho..He would really help that defence
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