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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. according to CFL stats Washington thrown to 12 times, caught 5 Simonise thrown to 3 times caught 3. D Adams thrown to 8o times caught 41. Demski 61 caught 43 wolitarski 30 catches 43 attempts Nichols has 12 int and 11 touchdowns.
  2. who expected Nichols to implode like this? Five interceptions thrown in a half, two cancelled by penalties. wow. If Nichols had played as well this season as he did since he took over, this entire situation would be much better. Don't know what happened to him, but it has to a significant extent ruined this season. I'm not expecting him to turn it around. Also, it's on the coach, the head coach, that they didn't get some time for Streveler as this was unfolding, and did not seem to have plays for his abilities, when he finally went in. Maybe somebody can offer a reasonable explanation for that apparent mistake. This is just from an ordinary fan, maybe there's something I'm missing due to lack of knowledge.
  3. By far the biggest official/league failure is the continuing non calls of head shots. Saw two absolute failures in that department this weekend. four games, two blatant head shots missed completely. Discipline officials for those failures, and tell us about it. Time to stop this old school, out of date, protection of officials. If my Doctor screws up, I can find out about it, but if a ref screws up, it's kept secret. Overprotecting these refs lowers fan respect, the opposite of what they want to achieve. And eject players on the spot for this crap. And don't give me any "football is a violent sport" crap. I saw two plays where defenders clearly lowered their helmet just before a big hit. Credit to the Bombers, they are the least dirty team in the league.
  4. hope a dope. bit like lucy and the football.
  5. Defence played well, although sask offence is not very good. not that much of a test.
  6. I find it annoying that cross over is the hope.
  7. I'm told by my betters that Nichols gives us the best chance to ........ "win" (Must have changed the definition of "win")
  8. I am quite impressed by the number of "knowledgeable" people who are saying, oh no, have to start Nichols next game. 😂 How can anybody say that after that performance today by Nichols. It actually becomes absurd at some point. It's simple. Much, maybe most of the team is just not very good.
  9. very hard hitting in this game. Trestman is looking aggravated last few games. much better game than last night
  10. Or if he plays badly into the second quarter, pull him. Probably better move. If he doesn't like it, too bad.
  11. Next time it happens somebody should warn them.
  12. This is correct. forecast for team and weather are the same . "Mainly cloudy "
  13. can not complain about bombers O line.
  14. sure have been a lot of low grade games this season, and not so good quarterback play.
  15. outrageous that there was no penalty for that hit on lulay.... lowered his helmet as clear as could be. should be ejected on the spot. referee should definitely be suspended. that's inexcusable by the ref.
  16. you have some pretty strong opinions yourself. Carson wentz was a rookie from North Dakota. Seems to have done ok for himself and his team.
  17. Streveler might well have other opportunities. Why not an NFL shot. Seems to be similar to some of the young qb they are playing/looking for now. mobile, big, fast, strong, smart, hardworking, decent arm, fearless, confident, team player, and a leader.
  18. Fans have been asking for Flanders for a while, now we'll see how much he means to the offence. Main difference on offence (imports wise) this year to last, Denmark gone, Flanders out. well, also Bond gone. I would like to see Harris get some plays off. Should not be up to him. Think maybe Denmark was always undervalued. One thing he didn't do much, was drop passes. probably useful, for a receiver. Anyway, since according to the team, all is well with the QB, hope Flanders does the trick.
  19. I hoped getting the BC guy was going to help. Ringmaiden, I think is the name. All of the activities are conducted behind something of a veil. But all football teams are that way. Pretty silly really.
  20. Well there's a first for Trump. I doubt there's ever been something like this before. Wait till he's gone, and we find out the worst things. Cause I expect as bad as what we know is, it's probably much worse. Like He ordered a nuclear attack? That's been my biggest fear since day one. I remember the lefty bloggers writing that they were voting Trump, cause Hillary was an evil liar. They're still desperately clinging to that sewage.
  21. Game sold out. However they do it, the Bombers might want to win this one. convincingly.
  22. gives some statistics to support that. https://www.ganggreennation.com/2018/8/6/17655388/how-rookie-year-playing-time-impacts-a-qbs-future-chances-of-success-new-york-jets-sam-darnold I'm a stats person /sarcasm
  23. no kidding. Maher is probably almost as good as the other guy, and one quarter the salary. Lots of anguish from missed field goals, that should have been made, over the years. Both leagues. vikings cut ryan longwell who I think never missed under fifty, and then lost a playoff game with his cheaper replacement, who flubbed a 27 yarder that would have won it. And people say there are no former Bombers making it in the NFL! That's two now. two kickers. Were tops in finding and developing kickers.
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