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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. might see johnny before this game is over
  2. trump twitter has gone silent
  3. montreal o lineman 67 might not be very good. lot of injuries in one quarter wow. should have named pipkin "rupert"
  4. quarterback that can run a bit. kind of nice.
  5. pip needs to throw it away. why is that so hard for some of these guys.
  6. lulay needs to retire and become a coach. The (hated by speed flex) Jennings throws a td pass!
  7. singles night at the game lol! What a ridiculous idea. I went to singles night at a grocery store many moons ago. bizarre. "hey baby, nice melons'
  8. This guy maintains a good Als site. https://alsternative.com/ and so on
  9. To me what he said sounds like what any quarterback would say. They all think they should be the starter. That's all he said. he's behaved well..... signed in Hamilton, who knows what they told him, not played, traded, to a horrible team, used to sell tickets and jerseys, thrown in with no real preparation, hurt, now backing up... With all the hoopla over the Jets, the Bombers miserable effort in the last game, will have some people opting to spend their money on the Jets methinks. Got to stop exuding full confidence in everything off the field, and start winning some games.
  10. The flooding from this hurricane is astounding https://twitter.com/doseofyei/status/1040502138248544258
  11. I thought Manafort was more afraid of Putin, than the US government. I guess he feels better protected in US hands. Which is probably a wise decision. This could be the final blow to Trump's fragile grip on sanity. Always had the "feeling" that this guy knows far more about Trump than anyone else. Combine him, Cohen, and the Nat enquirer guy, probably not much they don't know.
  12. It shouldn't rest on a coach's decision to challenge. The refs represent the league. It's not that hard to have a ref watching for this. Have the eye in the sky key on this. This is an issue of brain damage, not first down ball spotting. The hit on Lulay was sickening. As are all of these head shots. Also.... the NFL ejected a player on the weekend for a head shot. Why can't the CFL figure out that's a good idea? The league is doing better with this, but needs to do more.
  13. The hit on Lulay did not get a penalty at the time. That ref crew needs to do better.
  14. Any suspensions or fines for the helmet to helmet hits from last weekend?
  15. even the oil and gas companies including big daddy of them all exxon, admit that burning oil is the problem.
  16. Pigeye is citing Donald Trump (😂) Any questions anyone?
  17. a few years ago, 2015 S Carolina Charleston, South Carolina residents are hoping to resume some daily routines after this weekend's historic flood levels — but it's not going to be easy. With some areas of the city receiving nearly 25 inches of rain in the past two days and many neighborhoods still without power or largely isolated due to deep flood waters, a new round of showers is threatening to hit the city — and wind gusts are expected to increase throughout the day. Dubbed a "1,000 year rain event" by meteorologists.... Getting pretty close to too late for anything to stop this. perma frost melting in Siberia would be the real nail in the planet's coffin. signs of that now being seen.
  18. Agree, 17/85 is pretty good at it. I think that's the real point. Is anyone concerned about whether O'Shea has actually learned anything on the job? He seems to be doing the same thing with Nichols that he did with Drew Willy.
  19. My best guess is that he spends a lot of time on the can, and posting on forums is one of the things he does while he's there. I just skip his posts. and the responses.
  20. according to CFL stats Washington thrown to 12 times, caught 5 Simonise thrown to 3 times caught 3. D Adams thrown to 8o times caught 41. Demski 61 caught 43 wolitarski 30 catches 43 attempts Nichols has 12 int and 11 touchdowns.
  21. who expected Nichols to implode like this? Five interceptions thrown in a half, two cancelled by penalties. wow. If Nichols had played as well this season as he did since he took over, this entire situation would be much better. Don't know what happened to him, but it has to a significant extent ruined this season. I'm not expecting him to turn it around. Also, it's on the coach, the head coach, that they didn't get some time for Streveler as this was unfolding, and did not seem to have plays for his abilities, when he finally went in. Maybe somebody can offer a reasonable explanation for that apparent mistake. This is just from an ordinary fan, maybe there's something I'm missing due to lack of knowledge.
  22. By far the biggest official/league failure is the continuing non calls of head shots. Saw two absolute failures in that department this weekend. four games, two blatant head shots missed completely. Discipline officials for those failures, and tell us about it. Time to stop this old school, out of date, protection of officials. If my Doctor screws up, I can find out about it, but if a ref screws up, it's kept secret. Overprotecting these refs lowers fan respect, the opposite of what they want to achieve. And eject players on the spot for this crap. And don't give me any "football is a violent sport" crap. I saw two plays where defenders clearly lowered their helmet just before a big hit. Credit to the Bombers, they are the least dirty team in the league.
  23. hope a dope. bit like lucy and the football.
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