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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. They've worn Harris out this season, by depending on him more than is reasonable, or physically possible for a human being. Just beaten him down with the amount of their offence he was contributing.
  2. I actually thought the Bombers could win this game. Or at least be competitive. They got massacreed. I am officially out of Blue Bomber positivity.
  3. Who sees the team bouncing back from this real low point? Not sure I do. I am sensing some resignation...saw Harris after another pounding by five tacklers, just lying on the turf.
  4. But there were some bad drops too. Adams did not play very well, and dropped balls that I think he should have caught. Edmonton guys routinely make those catches. Ditto Calgary receivers. Really The only wideout we have that is consistent and reliable at getting open, and catching the ball, is Dressler.
  5. The team has had it's ass kicked thoroughly two games in a row. I mean just beaten to crap. and earlier this season Hamilton also beat them to a pulp. This is not a good thing.
  6. So the coaching is above reproach, it's all on the players? I think there's blame for everyone in this mess.
  7. yup, that's what I heard. Bob asked about putting in Streveler, Oshea said Nichols is his starter, and so that's who plays.
  8. this rest of this season is not looking promising at all. They seem to be doing the same thing with Nichols they did with Willy. Which means they Learned nothing from that whole experience. Which is maybe the worst thing, they seem to make the same mistakes season after season.
  9. If the players and coaching staff do their jobs well, Bombers can certainly win. They're better in some areas, worse in some, even in some; overall no objective reason why the Bombers can't win the game. Maybe Lankford will justify their faith in him today. ( not getting my hopes up for that)
  10. cunningham....matt thought it should have been caught.
  11. I wonder where Khari will end up after this season. Can't see any of these coachs staying on in Montreal. Trestman switching Thompson and Franklin, is an example of something that might not happen with the Bombers.
  12. Herb Zurkowsky on pregame Montreal, speculating about who will replace Kavis. Pretty interesting.
  13. astounding. "On Thursday, President Donald Trump posed for an Oval Office photo with one of the leading promoters of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that top Democrats are part of a global pedophile cult." Mueller works for Trump, etc. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-in-oval-office-meets-promoter-of-qanon-conspiracy-theory-that-says-democrats-run-pedophile-cult?ref=wrap
  14. It really is entertaining watching Masoli play like a quarterback machine, then have unforced fumbles, throw picks and dirtballs, , then pull himself together, and go back to outstanding again. Must be a bit tough on everyone around him though. A few years ago, before Collaros got hurt, Hamilton was the best team in the league, specially their defence. Still have some of those guys on defence.
  15. edmonton secondary is really awful. Two guys whiffing on that tackle, was hilariious. Their D smells. can't fix that easily.
  16. hamilton has one receiver and edmonton can't stop him
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