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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming. He proposed a relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature. He found that the average surface temperature of the earth is about 15oC because of the infrared absorption capacity of water vapor and carbon dioxide. This is called the natural greenhouse effect. Arrhenius suggested a doubling of the CO2 concentration would lead to a 5oC temperature rise. He and Thomas Chamberlin calculated that human activities could warm the earth by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
  2. Thanks. Took me three minutes too. This scientist he cites, recently said/wrote that the world is going into a cold phase. The planet just had the four hottest years since record keeping began. Pigseye contributes less than nothing. problem is, somebody might think he knows something.
  3. "Indoor vertical farming is often derided as a pipe dream and completely infeasible on a commercial scale, but Shigeharu Shimamura's farm proves that indoor farming is not only possible, but profitable. Shimamura started Mirai, an indoor farming company in 2004. When the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan, sparking the Fukushima nuclear disaster and causing food shortages, Shimamura seized the opportunity to turn an abandoned, semiconductor factory into what is now the world's biggest indoor farm. At 25,000 square feet, the farm can yield up to 10,000 heads of lettuce a day"
  4. I agree with you. they are growing meat in labs for burger, which is according to some people, quite good. Also, in Asia, growing vegetables in factories. a lot of vegetables.
  5. China has stopped taking our waste "recycled" materials. Stuff that's sent some other places for recycling, gets dumped in the ocean. solution..... stop using throwaway packaging products. RE farming, there's a report out today in The Lancet about how farming might have to change.
  6. pretty hard for farmers to grow crops without a relatively stable climate. renewable energy is in the process of becoming the cheapest source of energy. It's already there in some places in the US, without subsidy.. like it or not, It's past time to move on from fossil fuels. Small country Denmark was an early adopter, and is the world leader in the wind turbine industry. many jobs for them. Let's be like them.
  7. Dressler ...... coaching? Teaching receivers how to get open.
  8. Suzuki has three big houses. Therefore climate change is not caused by burning fossil fuels. The old people aren't going to do anything. Looks like the kids are starting to take over on this. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/01/25/my-message-davos-elites-act-if-our-house-fire-because-it
  9. I guess this is obvious, but following the NFL playoffs, (patriots) makes me think that a good O line coach can take non star players and make them into a formidable line. Not many of the players on that line are high drafts. Maybe this is part of Calgary's success too.
  10. Went to Pinawa last spring, for the first time. Physically, the setting is very nice. The river, the granite, trees/shrubs, wildlife, peace and quiet. Great spot.
  11. Increase in land due to Aral Sea drying up. Increase in land lost due to glaciers melting. In Asia, where people will have no water, when the glaciers are gone. Such great news.
  12. not a good game so far, really scrambly.
  13. Spend the money on something at home. They need it there.
  14. David Phillips, head of environment Canada. Canada is not as cold as it once was, with every region and all seasons warmer than ever before. While Canada is still the snowiest country, less snow is falling in our southern regions. Our mountain snowpack and glaciers are disappearing rapidly, and frost-free days are increasing. Our growing seasons are longer, but so are the length and intensity of our wildfire seasons. In the Great Lakes, the past decade has featured both record high and low water levels. When it rains, it often rains harder and longer, with higher incidents of flash flooding, especially in our cities. Storms seem to be getting bigger and moving more slowly, leaving more damage in their wakes. Scientists from Environment and Climate Change Canada have concluded that the risk of western fires since 2015 has increased two to six times due to human-induced warming and that, in the Arctic, extreme sea-ice minima in recent years would have been extremely unlikely in the absence of human influences. In fact, scientists have made a clear link between climate change and extreme weather events that include heat waves, wildfires, flooding, and sea ice disappearance. Weather changes in Canada are happening abruptly not subtly, rapidly not gradually. As Canadians continue to experience more and more extreme weather, intense month-long heat waves, suffocating smoke and haze from wildfires, and extreme flooding will simply be the norm mere decades from now. Events that were once rare or unusual for our grandparents are now more commonplace, while we all become more vulnerable due to extreme weather. As the Top Ten Weather Stories of 2018 bear out, Canadians must become more resilient—not only for what lies ahead but also for the variations in climate, which are already here. (Rocky mountain glaciers supply drinking and irrigation water for parts of the praries. Not sure what we'll do for water after they're gone.)
  15. Modern American military leaders are Unlike the ones from earlier days, who wanted to win and end wars. these guys love war, and don't like ending them. They want to stay in every war zone, permanently. Been in Afghanistan for fifteen years. Accomplished nothing. Spent trillions. Thousands dead. Good riddance.
  16. Sounds like a good idea to me. His Israeli and Saudi friends won't like it. saw.....trump ending bump stocks.
  17. 2 to 1. Team went into this game a little overconfident maybe. Or tired.
  18. yes, ball size for those two, He said there isn't much difference now, I didn't know that.
  19. How much difference is there? I didn't know they changed anything.
  20. chicago radio amazed by Wheeler's pass on the goal. 5 for 9 Jets on power play against Hawks.
  21. I'm listening to the chicago radio pregame...... announcers and blackhawks coach sound like they have zero expectation of winning the game. "Jets....They're big, fast, they're young, Ehlers is only 22, they have Buff, " lol. MIchelle Obama is from South side.
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