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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I briefly by accident turned on Rush once. He said Hitler was a Nazi and a socialist. couldn't believe it.
  2. Another astounding thing, the enlisted men like Trump. The draft dodging, afraid of the sight of blood, coward. What the hell is up with that?
  3. Laine might be a bit of a problem, how many opportunities/situations has he been given this season? team almost seems to have revolved around him. I suppose at some point some of the players might get sick of that One thing for sure.... it's not Laine! 😅
  4. special closed door something or other happening after the game........ we'll never know what's wrong with this team.
  5. forgot Jets beat the wild in the playoffs in five games. this year's jets can't beat them once.
  6. Jets can't score. even if they had good goalie, it would be zero zero. No fight in this team at all. The team from a few years ago, that had half the talent, had twice the heart. Best player Tanev gets hacked, nobody gives a ****. fooey.
  7. Yeah, good enough to be their candidate for President, but now, a terrible war monger. Some kind of crazy funhouse these people live in. Stephen King summed it up nicely. Pretty good with words.
  8. not when you're operating by the Karl Rove playbook. McCain, shot down, wounded, POW, is scum cause he criticized the caudillo. The Caudillo, five time draft dodger, deserves a full military parade in his honour. These people are blind. Even my idiot bro in law has figured out Trump is scum. Zontar should go back to the Ticats forum.
  9. How many times has 17 to 85 said LaPolice is themain problem with the Bombers (league leading ) offence? def more than 700. MIght be couple thousand by now. Haven't seen anyone ragging on him for it.... well maybe Floyd..... Goalie has lots of good observations. Although I do think he drove a guy out of here, "ducky" I think, 😆 Or at least so it seems to me. don't mean to criticize you. anyway, quite a few fans agree that 55 and 26 aren't playing very well.... and nothing changes.
  10. https://www.enr.com/articles/46550-batteries-edge-out-natural-gas-peaking-plants-in-arizona-rfp
  11. Going to buy gas at Shell. I guess Shell wants to survive more than fifteen or twenty years, unlike the big American oil companies who want to make max CEO pay, right now. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-shell-afpm/shell-to-quit-u-s-refining-lobby-over-climate-disagreement-idUSKCN1RE0VB?utm_source=reddit.com
  12. First goal by Toews, Trouba just stands there. does nothing. He does appear to turn sideways, maybe to get out of the way of the shot. How good is Trouba actually? Maybe not that good after all? Not much effort by Connor either.
  13. I think the President has the power to "classify" anything. Maybe that's Trump's next move. also who knows. imagine living with someone this stupid and cruel for twenty or thirty years. Trump motto is "never give a sucker an even break"
  14. that would be something. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6873379/Astronomers-soon-reveal-picture-taken-black-hole.html I don't get a lot of it, they say nothing can escape a black hole, but they also say anyway, this is a lecture I watched on the subject, which is really accessible.... by one of those brilliant scientists.... his explanations are very good.
  15. https://cleantechnica.com/2018/12/07/envision-energy-says-ev-battery-cell-costs-will-fall-below-50-kwh-by-2025/ discussion of curve looks like change is coming fast.
  16. MIght be worth a questtion from a reporter. oh oh, post game player radio interview excuse fest.
  17. unpleasant to hear so many people cheering for the other team. have they lost three straight at home? ouch.
  18. Good luck now two nothing. 28 shots to 13.
  19. If the Jets keep this up that will become booing. Seems like the only guy consistently trying is Tanev. (radio only) radio guys mentioned that Jets D backs up too far into their own end. Coach must be telling them to do that.
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