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Posts posted by NotoriousBIG






    A part of me dies every time I see a young, smart, black or native dude whine about affirmative action. Are you that much of a fricken loser that you need EVERYTHING equal before you step to the plate?




    Doesn't that make just as much sense as what you said?



    Yes, because for the last 200-400 years it's been the blacks and natives in positions of social, economic, and political power. *


    *And yes, that was dripping in sarcasm. 


    OK, but it's not 200 years ago now. How equal is equal enough before you will start calling minorities "fricken losers" like you just did towards white people?


    Also, why are we talking about this here?



    Come on man. I didn't call white people fricken losers -- I called young, smart white men who sit around complaining about affirmative action fricken losers. 


    And please -- go tell a black person in Ferguson, MO that "its no longer 200 years ago."


    In what sense?  That a thug who breaks the law and attacks a police officer is allowed to get away with it because he's black, the cop is white and there is a racial devide in the city?



    No, in the sense that "racism doesn't exist anymore cause it's not 200 years ago" something a lot of white people say -- without ever even stopping to ask a real-life black person if they feel the same way. 




    A part of me dies every time I see a young, smart, black or native dude whine about affirmative action. Are you that much of a fricken loser that you need EVERYTHING equal before you step to the plate?




    Doesn't that make just as much sense as what you said?



    Yes, because for the last 200-400 years it's been the blacks and natives in positions of social, economic, and political power. *


    *And yes, that was dripping in sarcasm. 


    OK, but it's not 200 years ago now. How equal is equal enough before you will start calling minorities "fricken losers" like you just did towards white people?


    Also, why are we talking about this here?



    Come on man. I didn't call white people fricken losers -- I called young, smart white men who sit around complaining about affirmative action fricken losers. 


    And please -- go tell a black person in Ferguson, MO that "its no longer 200 years ago."


    A part of me dies every time I see a young, smart, black or native dude whine about affirmative action. Are you that much of a fricken loser that you need EVERYTHING equal before you step to the plate?




    Doesn't that make just as much sense as what you said?



    Yes, because for the last 200-400 years it's been the blacks and natives in positions of social, economic, and political power. *


    *And yes, that was dripping in sarcasm. 





    No other group in society is in the driver's seat in virtually every context. 


    Problem is, we only "see" it in when we (meaning white men) are seemingly getting the shaft -- like when a job posting says "preference given to minorities blah blah blah."


    That's when we notice it. Not the thousands of other contexts where being a white male in N America is actually, well, a pretty sweet deal. 


    That's a cop out there. There are certain areas where men are at a disadvantage why should we just ignore that because there are a lot of other advantages? True equality only exists when everyone is treated the same and part of that does include ensuring that men and white men are treated fairly too. Discrimination against anyone is bad no matter how much they are in the drivers seat. 



    It's not a "cop out."


    True equality exists in a pipe dream  -- because our society is designed by guys like us, so guys like us can win easier. 


    Sure there are exceptions -- but they're just that: exceptions. Not the rule. 


    Yes, it's a double standard. But the sad fact is, it's needed. At least for now.

    A part of me dies every time I see a young, smart, white dude whine about affirmative action. Are you that much of a fricken loser that you need EVERYTHING equal before you step to the plate?










    I only lasted about two weeks in my Stats class at U of M.  But I think just common sense tells us that the percentage of anyone in the general populace might be different from the percentage in a specialized demographic, like athletics.  But I could be completely wrong.  Seems like a moot point regardless.


    Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes.


    What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA?  Doesn't correlate very closely does it?  Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter.




    No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. 


    But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. 


    Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. 


    Thank you for saying this.  Yes, there are more Afro-American people in the NFL than in the general population, but the reason for that can be clearly explained.  Not so much for sexual orientation, but some people can't quite seem to grasp that.



    Explain it then



    We did.


    Pro TEAM sports is a social meat grinder. 


    Until 10 years ago being called "gay" was a huge insult. Hell, probably still is in some locker rooms. 


    What kid wants to go through that?


    So you figure skate, dive, run, do gymnastics, or do anything else where the entire culture isn't geared around being a "man."


    It's sad that 'being manly' is now considered bad.

    And we wonder why our society is collapsing under political correctness.  Just because the media tells you most people believe in something is fine doesn't make it fact.

    Silent majority is just that...silent.  They're not complainers and bleeding hearts.  They keep their heads down, live well, and do their jobs.



    Please don't buy into the "real men are being oppressed" nonsense. 


    It's low hanging fruit, to appeal to a "silent majority" of men who are unsatisfied in their lives. 


    But rather than pick people up, it encourages white men to blame women or minorities, or gays. 


    Look, if you are a healthy, straight, white male living in the US or Canada, you have a distinct advantage in probably 95% of the situations you encounter. 


    The handful where you might not have an advantage? Boo hoo. You're a man. Grow a set and do something else. 


    If I may play devils advocate... what other group do people say this to? No one else is told to just deal with it...



    No other group in society is in the driver's seat in virtually every context. 


    Problem is, we only "see" it in when we (meaning white men) are seemingly getting the shaft -- like when a job posting says "preference given to minorities blah blah blah."


    That's when we notice it. Not the thousands of other contexts where being a white male in N America is actually, well, a pretty sweet deal. 

  6. Riders trying to compare this to the 13th Man fiasco are out to lunch. 


    This year, Cat player takes a very common penalty at a really bad time. Had to be called. Sucks that it cost them the return. 


    You can not compare that to sending out 13 men onto the field for the last second field goal. 


    Rider Fans. They really are that special. 







    I only lasted about two weeks in my Stats class at U of M.  But I think just common sense tells us that the percentage of anyone in the general populace might be different from the percentage in a specialized demographic, like athletics.  But I could be completely wrong.  Seems like a moot point regardless.


    Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes.


    What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA?  Doesn't correlate very closely does it?  Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter.




    No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. 


    But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. 


    Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. 


    Thank you for saying this.  Yes, there are more Afro-American people in the NFL than in the general population, but the reason for that can be clearly explained.  Not so much for sexual orientation, but some people can't quite seem to grasp that.



    Explain it then



    We did.


    Pro TEAM sports is a social meat grinder. 


    Until 10 years ago being called "gay" was a huge insult. Hell, probably still is in some locker rooms. 


    What kid wants to go through that?


    So you figure skate, dive, run, do gymnastics, or do anything else where the entire culture isn't geared around being a "man."


    It's sad that 'being manly' is now considered bad.

    And we wonder why our society is collapsing under political correctness.  Just because the media tells you most people believe in something is fine doesn't make it fact.

    Silent majority is just that...silent.  They're not complainers and bleeding hearts.  They keep their heads down, live well, and do their jobs.



    Please don't buy into the "real men are being oppressed" nonsense. 


    It's low hanging fruit, to appeal to a "silent majority" of men who are unsatisfied in their lives. 


    But rather than pick people up, it encourages white men to blame women or minorities, or gays. 


    Look, if you are a healthy, straight, white male living in the US or Canada, you have a distinct advantage in probably 95% of the situations you encounter. 


    The handful where you might not have an advantage? Boo hoo. You're a man. Grow a set and do something else. 

  8. my guess will be...


    Huff vacate the Stamps HC job and promote Dickenson then they hire Cortez as OC.


    Dickenson as rookie HC with Cortez and Stubler as veteran coordinators would be a very good starting HC setup for Dickenson.


    This seems plausible. 


    Not sure if Cortez and Lapo would be a good tandem. I think BC will go either Lapo OR Cortez. 


    George will go to OTT to OC before us for 1 big fat reason -- $$$$$


    I just find it ridiculous that his orientation is the thing that always gets brought up... Seriously who cares? Can he play football? Just seems that there's too much intolerance out there. I'd be awfully shocked if there weren't a hell of a lot of gay men playing football already. 


    Exactly. I wish people would just equally treat each other like normal human beings. No need to make each other different.


    But great to see him make a run at the CFL! Hope all goes well for him.



    I wish Jeff Garcia's wife had a twin sister who was in my kitchen making me breakfast cause I did such a bang-up job last night. 


    Sadly, wishing gets us no where. 


    And yes, there's room for Sam on our D-line. 

  10. I don't see how it's anyone's business where two consenting adults find love.  It's kind of sad in this day and age that there are 5 pages on a topic about any players sexual orientation.  All I care about is can he play football?  The answer to that question is still up in the air.


    I completely disagree with you. 


    I think the fact that there is a 5-page discussion on a players sexual orientation and not a single post saying or even implying "keep that ***** away from my team" is pretty fricken awesome. 


    SEC defensive player of the year? Yeah, dude can clearly play football too. 



    I was referring to his claim that it is easy to explain why there are more black people in the NBA/NFL, etc.

    In part, It has to do with opportunities for inner city youth (especially males) throughout the US.



    So why not baseball?  Just as much opportunity for black kids to play baseball as there is for them to play football.  Yet the ratios are wildly different.  Why?  Don't give me some lame partial explanation, you said there is a clear explanation, so let's hear it.



    1) Culture. 


    Cant compare baseball in the US to basketball. Baseball is much more white America's past time than blacks. 


    Not saying blacks "don't like" baseball but basketball is HUGE culturally. 


    But baseball in Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc? HUGE game. Hence, the representation. 



    2) Genetics 


    Basketball is probably the most genetically selective major sport -- speed, coordination, not to mention extreme height -- all 3 are qualities you can NOT train, at least not very much. 


    Black people very often are born with those gifts. You just had great coaching and opportunity and ka-pow. 





    I only lasted about two weeks in my Stats class at U of M.  But I think just common sense tells us that the percentage of anyone in the general populace might be different from the percentage in a specialized demographic, like athletics.  But I could be completely wrong.  Seems like a moot point regardless.


    Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes.


    What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA?  Doesn't correlate very closely does it?  Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter.




    No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. 


    But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. 


    Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. 


    Thank you for saying this.  Yes, there are more Afro-American people in the NFL than in the general population, but the reason for that can be clearly explained.  Not so much for sexual orientation, but some people can't quite seem to grasp that.



    Explain it then



    We did.


    Pro TEAM sports is a social meat grinder. 


    Until 10 years ago being called "gay" was a huge insult. Hell, probably still is in some locker rooms. 


    What kid wants to go through that?


    So you figure skate, dive, run, do gymnastics, or do anything else where the entire culture isn't geared around being a "man."





    I only lasted about two weeks in my Stats class at U of M.  But I think just common sense tells us that the percentage of anyone in the general populace might be different from the percentage in a specialized demographic, like athletics.  But I could be completely wrong.  Seems like a moot point regardless.


    Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes.


    What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA?  Doesn't correlate very closely does it?  Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter.


    I was actually going to make that exact same point!  Although it brings up an interesting point, what is the percentage of gay people per ethnic demo?  Does it maintain a constant through all ethnicities, subject only to cultural influences ofcourse?



    Stats I've seen is yes, though its always subject to self declaration. Basically impossible to say. 


    There is also the belief that everyone is gay.



    Spend enough time in Manhattan and you'll start to wonder that....



    I only lasted about two weeks in my Stats class at U of M.  But I think just common sense tells us that the percentage of anyone in the general populace might be different from the percentage in a specialized demographic, like athletics.  But I could be completely wrong.  Seems like a moot point regardless.


    Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes.


    What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA?  Doesn't correlate very closely does it?  Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter.


    I was actually going to make that exact same point!  Although it brings up an interesting point, what is the percentage of gay people per ethnic demo?  Does it maintain a constant through all ethnicities, subject only to cultural influences ofcourse?



    Stats I've seen is yes, though its always subject to self declaration. Basically impossible to say. Good luck getting someone in Russia to declare their sexual preference. 


    I only lasted about two weeks in my Stats class at U of M.  But I think just common sense tells us that the percentage of anyone in the general populace might be different from the percentage in a specialized demographic, like athletics.  But I could be completely wrong.  Seems like a moot point regardless.


    Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes.


    What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA?  Doesn't correlate very closely does it?  Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter.




    No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. 


    But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. 


    Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. 

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