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Posts posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. I would recommend they do an exhaustive search, just like any business who wants to get the best employee! They have plenty of time.


    This organization is not exactly the poster child for exhaustive searches. More like convenience hires, friends of friends, and who's available. 


    The only thing that gives me faith is that I know Miller likes winning more than anything else, even friends. And there is simply no way he watched last year and thought "well, those coaches are doing a bang up job. Lets bring em back, no questions asked."

  2. I'm at the point now where I actually want them to make a big production about keeping Etch, and talk about how great he was this year, just so I can sit back and laugh at people on here and watch all the screaming and ants running from their hill being kicked...


    I'm at the point now where I want to see a well managed team on the field, which not only means good players and a smart head coach, but also coordinators that have proven they know how to put players in the best position to win. Bellfool and Etch both failed this year. 


    Maybe its because I pay for season tickets that I'm not so amused. 

  3. Calgary is the model? I'm sold but how much do we have to pay to get Hufnagel here?



    You and I have disagreed on who wins the race to the bottom, Bellfool or Etch. 


    Another thing to consider (something neither of us can weigh in on) is that perhaps Bellefool is easier to work with and less dogmatic. 


    I kind of think that when you hire Etch, you hire The Gary Etchasketch Experience, and that there isn't much compromise going forward. 


    Still, another poster nailed it -- while both guys should be gone, they better have decent potential replacements lined up. 




    I'm certain he left because he didn't like the tone of the board. That's what he said. So he's a liar too. And tries to incite. This isn't stoking a rivalry. It's obvious he's stirring the poop.

    Not for a second can I believe that thing came here in "goodwill".

    Mig, I don't like you. Many don't like you. Your a troll and you lie.

    Sorry for your issues. It doesn't make you a bad person. Cheer up.

    I feel sorry for your kids. Seriously.

    Thank you for proving my point. Best of luck to you.




    If your kids are ever in an abusive relationship and you ask yourself, "Where did they learn that this was acceptable?" you'll have your answer. 


    I'm certain he left because he didn't like the tone of the board. That's what he said. So he's a liar too. And tries to incite. This isn't stoking a rivalry. It's obvious he's stirring the poop.

    Not for a second can I believe that thing came here in "goodwill".

    Mig, I don't like you. Many don't like you. Your a troll and you lie.

    Sorry for your issues. It doesn't make you a bad person. Cheer up.



    I feel sorry for your kids. Seriously. 




    Rider fans everywhere after seeing their backups fail are huddled in a corner rocking back and forth repeating the words "Darian is coming" over and over again.

    Not true, a lot of our backups are doing quite well this season, ie Adcock, Williams, Toston, Clark, Guyton, etc. The problems have been backup QB & MLB.

    And nobody can deny what our starting QB means to this team. 8-2 with him as starter, 1-7 with him out. Just look how Edm did this season without Reilly.

    You're a coward.

    You welched on a bet that you agreed to. Your word is meaningless.

    How you can have so little pride is depressing. I honestly pity you.

    Huh? I agreed to a bet but it's still tbd whether or not Durant is back this year.

    PS, I don't pity you because I don't know you. Cheer up, it's only football.



    I'm not trolling a rival fan site -- coward, you are NOT WANTED here. 


    You'd think with all the balls you willfully receive in the Rider locker room that some testosterone would rub off on you.


    Find some pride man. 


    Rider fans everywhere after seeing their backups fail are huddled in a corner rocking back and forth repeating the words "Darian is coming" over and over again.

    Not true, a lot of our backups are doing quite well this season, ie Adcock, Williams, Toston, Clark, Guyton, etc. The problems have been backup QB & MLB.

    And nobody can deny what our starting QB means to this team. 8-2 with him as starter, 1-7 with him out. Just look how Edm did this season without Reilly.



    You're a coward. 


    You welched on a bet that you agreed to. Your word is meaningless. 


    How you can have so little pride is depressing. I honestly pity you. 


    I guess the honeymoon is over.

    It's heading for a messy divorce next season. Replace all  the coordinators, Mike. 



    And start finding players Walters. 


    I would put the Firing Order at 1A Etch, 1B Bellfool, 2A MOS 2B Walters


    Might even move Walters up ahead of MOS. Really like Mike and am still appalled at the lack of talent we had on the field. 







    Riders content to lose with a 41 year old rather than get their young qbs playing time.

    Is that the Taman effect?
    Do you mean the Grey Cup championship win at home effect? Most teams will never enjoy that feat in their lifetimes. IMO he deserves a mulligan considering we are without our marquee QB.

    It's all about the playoffs.

    Nope it doesn't work that way. No mulligan given for not having your marquee qb. Sask needs to find a QB who can at least manage a game allowing other players to step up. To date, that has not been achieved Taman and group. As much as it pains me to say this, see Calgary as a perfect example of what needs to happen when a 'marquee' player goes down.
    Agreed that our backups haven't stepped up at all this season but to say this is typical Taman is nonsense as our backup last year is Winnipeg's new saviour. Taman can't win em all, a lot of folks thought Sunseri had what it takes to step in, too Jekyll & Hyde however.

    It'll be very interesting to see what happens in playoffs when hopefully we get all of Durant, Labatte, Best, Dressler, Allen, Taj, etc back in the lineup. Looks like Riders vs Ticats in ESF.

    No typical Taman is to pay a premium for starters and star players and save money by neglecting the depth. How is this not exactly what is going on in Saskatchewan? Trust us, we watched Taman GM our team longer than he's been in Saskatchewan. There's a certain way he operates and that really hasn't changed.
    Other than QB & MLB I don't think our depth has been that bad. I'd like to see someone other than Rod Williams on the corner.

    And even if your evaluation of Taman is true, I'll take a year or two of rebuilding to pay for a championship. It's the year after & we still made the playoffs & it looks like alot of our injured starters will be back in time for the playoff run. It's anyones to win this year.



    Any one's except the team starting the 41 year old QB with the "local boy with the brother in the NHL" stinking up the receiver corps. 


    You guys are sowing the seeds of an inept GM with a big check book. I thought you said you were leaving? Now go!




    A troll being banned is a good day on a fan forum. A GREAT day is when a troll leaves on his own because the membership beat him to a pulp. Congrats fellow MBB members!!

    Beat me to a pulp? You're kidding right? I said I would leave if I lost the bet and earlier today it looked as though I did. But after listening the Chamblin tonight it sounds like Durant is only on the 6 game for SMS reasons and that he can still be pulled off & play in Game 18 & the playoffs. So the wager is still a go....

    GO AWAY. 


    You said you would leave. Find whatever ounce of dignity you might have and troll somewhere else. 


    I'm sure your Corey Chamblin blow up doll needs fellating. Have at it.

    Blow up dolls & balls on chins. Is that all you have to offer these forums? Your posting skills are right up these with the Bombers win/loss record the past decade.



    And you are a delusional troll who is currently the laughing stock of Riderfans. 


    Don't expect to come here for safe haven. You have NO FRIENDS here. 


    I'm sure there's some lonely Rider who would be willing to throw his balls your way. Maybe that guy you were ogling through the fence?


    Beat it or I start making pope and Catholic jokes again. 


    A troll being banned is a good day on a fan forum. A GREAT day is when a troll leaves on his own because the membership beat him to a pulp. Congrats fellow MBB members!!

    Beat me to a pulp? You're kidding right? I said I would leave if I lost the bet and earlier today it looked as though I did. But after listening the Chamblin tonight it sounds like Durant is only on the 6 game for SMS reasons and that he can still be pulled off & play in Game 18 & the playoffs. So the wager is still a go....



    GO AWAY. 


    You said you would leave. Find whatever ounce of dignity you might have and troll somewhere else. 


    I'm sure your Corey Chamblin blow up doll needs fellating. Have at it. 





    Closed practice so how does Migs know how Durant looked? Signals getting through his tinfoil hat?

    Pretty easy to look through the fence in the NE corner of stadium.
    So you are confirming that you looked through a corner of the stadium? Did you do that?
    You refuse to answer questions.

    You respond that you don't comprehend to others.

    Frequent antagonistic challenges.

    Poor relational skills.

    Interloping into a rival sympathic forum.

    All signs of a disturber.

    Of course I looked through the fence at practice....



    Sounds like someone I'd want living in my neighbourhood. 


    Let me guess, one hand was on your binoculars and the other hand was "occupied?"



    Closed practice so how does Migs know how Durant looked? Signals getting through his tinfoil hat?

    Pretty easy to look through the fence in the NE corner of stadium.

    So you are confirming that you looked through a corner of the stadium? Did you do that?



    So when you're not supporting Durant's balls in the locker room you're peering at him through a fence. 


    Let me guess -- during the off-season you drive a big white van and spend a lot of time near school yards?





    Durant currently throwing the ball at practice. Looks strong.

    Durant's balls hitting your chin with more force this week? That's good to hear. Tell us more. We really appreciate everything you do around here.
    Keep bringing the homophobic jokes. I'm here to talk football, thanks for showing us why you're here.
    You do know what homophobic means right? It's the fear or negative attitude towards homosexuality. Brice's post doesn't imply either. He's just implying that you're enjoying your time with Durant balls. He even states that it's good to hear.

    Can I play with Durant's balls too?



    I guess so -- that way Migs can start playing with Joseph's balls -- then they'll have a full blown QB controversy.  




    O'Shea and probably Bellefeuille deserve a Mulligan this year. Etch, not so sure about.

    Etch has turned in a better performance as a coordinator this season than Bellefeuille has...



    Disagree. Defense has shown some glimmers but I would give the athleticism of the guys playing the credit. 


    Etch's inability to stop the run, game after game after game, shows how stubborn and clueless he is. 


    Bellefool has some pretty lame receivers to work with, not much in terms of running back, and the worst o-line in the league. 


    Granted, saying Bellfool is better than Etch is like giving the award for the worlds tallest midget but whatever.


    Difficulty with your argument:  Etch runs a D that is predicated on the athleticism of his players... 

    The lack of focus on the run is intentional, the belief is you don't lose games because of running teams, and I think that's a pretty fair gamble over all. Too much focus on what they've done vs. the run is silly. They have kept the team in most games and made teams kick a lot of field goals as opposed to touchdowns. Yeah there have been a few poor games by the D, but overall they've given the team chances to win more often than not which is all you can ask given some of the issues that crept up with the team make up this year (notably underwhelming defensive line play for much of the year in particular Anderson getting hurt and Vega having a brutal season


    Bellefeuille hasn't adjusted the O much to keep things working smoothly, regardless of lack of talent it's become predictable and easier to defend. 



    Fair enough, but in your post (in bold) you kind of wrote the book on why Etch sucks -- he shows up and suddenly players are underwhelming or have brutal seasons. 


    His schemes (or maybe his coaching/approach) consistently cause players to have their absolute worst seasons of their career. 


    To me, that is the epitome of a bad coach. 


    I'd tie the can to Bellfool too -- make it a package firing. 


    O'Shea and probably Bellefeuille deserve a Mulligan this year. Etch, not so sure about.

    Etch has turned in a better performance as a coordinator this season than Bellefeuille has...



    Disagree. Defense has shown some glimmers but I would give the athleticism of the guys playing the credit. 


    Etch's inability to stop the run, game after game after game, shows how stubborn and clueless he is. 


    Bellefool has some pretty lame receivers to work with, not much in terms of running back, and the worst o-line in the league. 


    Granted, saying Bellfool is better than Etch is like giving the award for the worlds tallest midget but whatever.

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