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Posts posted by captaincanuck12

  1. 12 hours ago, Noeller said:

    Regarding the JPT comparison, the difference is its not the norm for him. It was a couple of incidents... Whereas with Cherry, this is just who he is. Also, JPT apologized... Fiercely and sincerely. Grapes not only didn't apologize, he spoke out saying he refused to apologize because he believes strongly in what he said. I like Cherry and his hockey takes... He's a staple of my hockey viewing life... But his politics finally went too far. Snet did the right thing. 

    Actually Grapes was given the opportunity to back track his comments and apologize.  However he decided he didn't want to do that, and stood by his comments.  The guy is old school and very much stuck in his ways. He doesn't care about political correctness, or phrasing his opinions in a political correct manor.   If he rephrased his comments, then likely he still has his job.

    On a personal note, watching HNIC since the 1980's, I believe the guy is just a blathering idiot.   I've almost always changed the channel, done an errand, or something else every-time he comes on the air.  I won't lose any sleep over his dismissal.

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