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Posts posted by captaincanuck12

  1. I agree with the sentiment here.  They played excellent today and did control the play for a majority of the game.   Morissey needs his eyes checked... that giveaway was horrendous.  Good thing they stemmed the tide in the 2nd.

    The last 2 goals they gave up were pretty nerve wracking...and it reduced Helly's save percentage numbers.  

    I'm cautiously optimistic going forward!

  2. 4 hours ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Interesting, Gaitor still resides on the 1 game IR, perhaps cooler heads prevailed and Walters vetoed O'Shea's immediate dismissal. 

    Too bad for Lucky, he showed early on in the season what he could do unfortunately LaPo couldn't find a way to consistently exploit his talent, doubt he comes back next year.  

    I'm 99% sure Gaitor is gone.    I think the IR is purely a business move.    

    Regardless I'm fired up for this game tomorrow.  

  3. 27 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    At the end of the day healthy Fajardo, wounded Fajardo, healthy Evans, bum toe Evans...it doesn't matter. The single biggest thing the Bombers have going for them right now is that they are peaking at exactly the right time. We have played our best football of the season in the past two games. The RIders play over the past month has been lukewarm at best. They have won, but most of those wins can only be describes as fugly or even downright lucky. I think no matter who suits up for them on Sunday we will be the better team. Just need a bit of luck and good officiating and I can't see how they can beat us.

    That's an extreme reach for CFL standards.  We'll see if the refs pander to the melon head dominated crowd.   The number of holds the Riders are called for will determine the outcome of the game.

  4. 1 hour ago, Eternal optimist said:

    By no means memorable, two terrible teams playing in a practically meaningless game, but the comeback win against the BC Lions in 2010 will always hold a special place in my heart, as it was the first live Bomber game I ever attended with my girlfriend (now wife). We were hooked thereafter and bought 2011 season tickets the next year.
    Old highlights if anyone is interested:


    I was at that game too.  I remember losing it with elation after Beasley picked off Printers to seal the win.

    Most memorable  wins:

    1988 grey cup.  Michael Gray goal line int.  

    1990 grey cup.  Complete dismantling of the Eskimos

    2002 west semi.  The bomber d shut down the Lions and a dumbass bomber fan ran onto the field to attack one of the BC lion players.

    Most memorable losses:

    2002 west final  The Esks were putting on a clinic , and the Bombers stormed back.   Arland Bruce could not make a catchable 3rd and 10 ball and the Esks escaped with a W.   The following week I was in Edmonton for the Grey Cup still distraught that the Bombers weren't there.   Had enormous fun pissing off the Esks fans and rubbing it in when MTL beat them.

    2007 grey cup.    Sour taste in my mouth ever since.  How Kerry Joseph was MOP after that performance eludes me to this day.



  5. 6 hours ago, 66 Chevelle said:

    geez... where to start? how about with...

    1) maybe you shouldn't expect to win a game when you score 20 or fewer points, but, you should expect to win a game when the last time your offense touches the ball they put together a 4th quarter, 63 yd, 6 min 35 sec touchdown scoring drive, that included 4 first downs, that gave your team the lead while leaving a mere 3:18 left to play in the game... not to mention, Medlock follows up the scoring drive with a 79 yd kickoff that found the Riders being their drive on their own 5 yard line... yeah, I expect to win that game... 

    2) maybe you shouldn't expect to win a game when you score 20 or fewer points but you do realize that this game was won by a team that scored fewer than 20 pts (19-17), don't you?  maybe we should have been awarded that win because they shouldn't expect to win a game with fewer than 20 pts... that  seems only fair...

    3) maybe you shouldn't expect to win a game when you score 20 or fewer points but that happened 11 times during the 2019 season... if you increase that number by just 1 pt to 21 pts it was accomplished 8 more times, or a total of 19 times during the season... in fact, Hamilton won a game this year by the score of 13-10...

    4) 20 pts seems a bit... specific, doesn't it?  why not 19 pts, or 21 pts... should you expect to win the game if you do score 21 pts instead of 20? I mean after all the entire league only averaged 24.7 pts per game this season... 4 teams had an average of 22.8 or fewer... granted, they didn't win a bunch of games but one team in that group made the playoffs with an average score of 22.6 pts per game!  crazy, huh?  Ottawa managed to go entire season and only average a mind numbing 17.3 pts per game!

    5) would it really have made a difference if we say that the Bombers have the same exact scenario as in #1 above, but, that touchdown puts the Bombers up 36-35 with 3:18 left in the game... then the Riders have the walk off FG to win the game 38-36... would it have been the defense's fault then for losing the game? to me, and maybe it's just me, but any time your team puts together a final possession drive to take the lead, regardless of the final score or how many points were scored, the offense has done it's job and it's up to the defense to secure the win, or, if nothing else, get them the ball back with some time left on the clock to try and score again... the defense on this day did neither...

    6) the Bomber's offense out scored the Riders in the second half, maybe the defense shouldn't have given up so many points in the first half!  see how that works? 

    7) you are correct, the Bombers did not get a first down in the first quarter... that was was kind of hard to do when your defense was giving up 9 first downs in the first quarter to the other team... however, the offense did manage to get first downs when it mattered the most, that late game go ahead scoring drive (see item 1 above), which was for nothing as the defense promptly follow that up by allowing the Riders 6 first downs on the following drive to get that walk off, game winning FG... 6... SIX... VI... seis... one more than 5, but one less than 7, 6 first downs in less than 3 minutes...

    I could probably come up with more reasons but I'll stop at 7... I think 7 serves my side of the conversation well... 

    7 points seems oddly specific...  :D  

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