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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. I thought the play was cheeky in a good way. Execution not so much
  2. What’s up with Andrew Harris fumbling so much this season?? It is annoying !! Relax not harping on him too much but just saying he’s leaving the ball behind what seems to be more than normal
  3. Funny somebody mentioned slants to Matthews earlier today
  4. I think he said no because of $$ but I could be wrong?
  5. My question about Collaros and the Argos. Why not just go out and sign Kevin Glenn if you’re looking for a vet? I bet kg would produce better than Zach ..
  6. The university teams might have something to say about that
  7. Yikes forgot how unbearable this place is after a loss 😂 wont win many games with what was it, 6 turn overs. Bombers got it handed to them and it’s disappointing especially without Masoli playing Im actually excited for us to play some western teams to see how we really match up... first preview of a competent football team since Edmonton and it wasn’t good
  8. Off topic here but to me the CFL has a lot of bad bad football teams this year. The product is showing on the field and we’re watching some bad, boring football games I’m trying to determine if the bombers are 5-0 good or there is just a lot of dumpster fire ..
  9. This is one of the biggest bead scratchers and piss offs I’ve seen in a while. I actually thought rick Campbell was a pretty good coach. Trying to figure out what the **** he was thinking . Gonna have explaining to do
  10. Wow shocked by this move. Not a fan of this call
  11. Can somebody give the low down on what they are hearing please
  12. “ a lot of holding on us tonight huh” - Matt Nichols
  13. Who was saying the bombers couldn’t complete intermediate routes or sustain drives.....
  14. So I’m traveling through Saskatchewan doing some mini donut events this summer, and I turn on the radio and within 30 seconds—I kid you not—I hear and I quote “ye and years later my mother told me that the woman I was in a relationship with was my cousin” on 94.1 fm @Ripper Saskatoon I guess the stereotype is true
  15. Tin foil Phoenix had some success too, I think ...
  16. Didn’t watch the game... saw highlights with Milt wearing a rider jersey.... someone wanna put that into context for me?
  17. I was in the “mosh” ... my girlfriend, although beautiful has scary bad taste in music
  18. Haven’t looked over any of this thread, ****** **** faced. Holy **** is lucky whitehead fast that is all blue 2-0!!! Best in the west!!
  19. I also missed the game. Fajardo going to be a serviceable qb for the riders?.... he put up pretty good numbers
  20. I don’t mind reading your posts and watching you banter back and forth with everybody. However this is just absurd. you can’t seriously believe what you’re writing
  21. Haven’t heard a lot about Corey Washington ..
  22. A little early to call him a dinwiddie with wheels 🙄 I mean really, 3 series..
  23. I for one love the pre season and TC, not only is it nice to have the good weather and obviously bomber football back, but I enjoy keeping track of the players and seeing who shines and who flops. kind of an interesting dynamic
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