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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Posts posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. 6 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Limited? Idk about that.  He was playing a bit more than Lawson all last year. Only wj played more snaps imo. 
     If you go way back to the last time we had two imp dts and Jake and Kongbo I’d agree his reps were in a good spot. At that time I don’t think any of the dl was playing too many snaps. 

    Adams in rotational will be exceptional imo. I think he needs time before he can play as many reps at de as dt though. But his cardio might be back to where it needs to be already. I’d be thrilled if it was. 
     Yeah I can’t wait for garbutt to be back. 

    I will be paying special attention to Devin Adams on Thursday.

  2. 23 minutes ago, BigBlue said:

    what I would like to see is to bring in high quality local bands and forget about trying to get celebrities… further, I would get them on the field bandstand for an hour before the game, PLUS, the halftime show. That might attract a lot of the under 40 crowd and even a bunch of teenagers.

    Community-based teams are strengthened by the community, if we let them.

    I was at Times Changed a couple of months ago, to hear 2 local groups. The joint was packed (including the dance floor).

    Don't know how this would translate to the larger venue, but definitely worth a crack. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Mike said:

    There shouldn’t be a barrier of entry based on the wording of questions for fans to get information from a show promoted to fans 

    For sure…but if I’m obligated by my employer to do a show with an unwilling participant, I’m going  to try to maximize my chance at a decent conversation that holds some value.

    Big question: What can a conversation look like, that fans want to hear and the coach agrees to discuss?

    @Noeller thoughts?

  4. Against my own better advice I briefly tuned into the coach’s show last night, and without beating a dead horse, it is even more abysmal than ever. Absolutely zero substance. 

    Except now, Osh and Taylor have developed some kind of weird power imbalance thing where the coach shoots Derek with passive aggressive darts and DT responds with meek self deprecation. 

    Have other markets found a listenable alternative to the issue of the reluctant coach? Maybe, throw out Kyle or Wade once in a while for a slightly more meaningful show? 

  5. 21 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Jay Washington needs to be in the debate as well.

    Jay was  a terrific back. Richard Crump was part of that era too.
    I remember Crump rushing for 3 TDS one game. He had a decent run here but didn’t match the productivity of Washington.

  6. 3 hours ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    Some more context: Ottawa was absolutely jobbed by the officials in that 1981 grey cup game.
    They called (actually) the worst OPI I’ve ever seen on Tony Gabriel (on a play where Gabriel himself was interfered with twice) while Ottawa was driving near the end, with a less obvious DPI non-call the next time the Rough Riders got the ball.

    We think the refs are bad now and justifiably ***** about the command centre, but the 80s and 90s officials were a different level of terrible. 

    Unfortunately, I missed that part of the game, as, that day, a group of my friends and I enjoyed a large scale experience with electric Kool-Aid (punchbowl version). We lasted with the game until the half, but became far more interested in the wonderful world of Disney on another channel. 

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