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Everything posted by Adrenaline_x

  1. Are we gonna be top 2 in offensive production? Doubt it. But that has more to do without an experienced all star qb, able online and star recievers. Mc is not the exciting hire I was hoping for but he did manage to get the offense with max hall moving the ball down the field. Instead of getting blown out like we were in the first half of the season. We were still in games late in the 4th. Not a ringing endorsement for sure, but we had a whole host of issue on offence.
  2. WTF did we leave Kohlert unprotected? He appeared to me to be the best Reciever we had on the field for the majority of the year. He easily outplayed Ettiene and even poblah.. I guess both of them were injured for a part of the season.. But I can't believe we let him be taken. Hopefully it was our Horrible Offensive scheeming that made the rest of our Cdn recievers looks horrible, or unable to catch a football... But ATM i think Kohlert is a big loss.
  3. People dislike Berry's antics on the sidelines but he was pretty successful with the team. And we have been much worse since he left with 3 different head coaches, 2 gms and various ceos.
  4. Big deal on the big back end deals. The contract aren't guaranteed so Ottawa could cut the players later or renegotiate before having to pay them out. Ottawa should pick the best players and deal with the fallout (cap) later. Payouts can always 9 game a player that is not bending to your will.
  5. I agree with Brandon, although i'm not sold on Berry as an OC. Our Offence has been unproductive for 4 plus years now and i strongly believe we need an experienced OC to right the ship. Bellefeuille with max hall seemed to be progressing after he took over, but i'm not sure Kahari has enough experience to turn our offence into some more spectacular. The offence has been holding us back for so long and we only seemed to win with the Defence played lights out and ST were playing strong. Maybe its the talent level from QB to OL to recievers and its on the players, but we need an OC to leverage what we have and that i think comes from experience running offences with different players and skill sets.
  6. everyone will love him until the season starts and we don't start winning Not suggesting we won't win, just if we don't people will start going nuts. Saying the right things in the press conference. I wanted change and got it.. Hopefully he is light years ahead of burke.
  7. Burris would be a good qb option as long as you have colloras (sp?) coming in as well. Burris would make the team instantly better in the short term, but you also need the replacement ready to come in soon. I wouldn't be upset with Burris.. I want our QB spot to improve immensely. Burris would be a good step.. but so would some other QBs coming onto the market.
  8. Cortez reportedly made $300k in Hamilton. Burke made $225 last season. Not a huge difference. You more times than not get what you pay for. If the Bombers are relunctant to understand this concept when it comes to key positions at the player or management level, they can't be surprised by negative results that ensue and will have to accept we will continue to be mediocre if we continue to fool ourselves. Giving Khari Jones the keys to this football club because he would come with a cheaper price tag and coupled with errenous rationalizations (such as being a former Bomber) and over-rating of what he brings to the table to justify this decision will more than likely not turn out well. Especially in sport where careers tend to be short, compensation can not be compromised when it comes to attracting quality talent whether one likes it or not. I agree, but Cortez as a head coach is probably not the best example of this. He was awful. I dunno.. His team would have been excellent if the defence wasn't so horrible.. The team excelled at scoring points.. which is something we fail doing most seasons as of late.
  9. yea cuz that henoc guy and greaves have just been such busts.. When the ratio goes down to 2 NI's we'll be golden. sigh. such quick, comedic wit. Watson, Volney, Woodson, Dunn, Swiston are all still either here or on CFL rosters are they not? 2 crappy injuries to guys plus Aprile going back to school tells me the drafting isn't nearly as piss poor as your attempting to make it out to be.. but I mean continue to slag an ex-gm on something that he wasn't really all that pathetic at, by all means... especially when said GM relied on current GMs input in said draft choices... the reason our canadian content is so piss poor is due to previous regimes mortgaging the future for a hope at winning now... even a complete idiot can see that.. Previous regimes? How long you gonna keep humming that tune??? Mack was in charge for part of 3 seasons & took part in 3 CFL drafts. He''s the reason we suck at the Canadian positions. On top of our lack of Canadian talent, he hired LaPo, fired laPo & hired Tim Burke to replace him which was an unmitigated disaster right from the start. Really not all that pathetic??? Kelly and I think even Taman at the end left our depth in shambles.. I mean, we had shawn gallant starting at safety for christ sakes at one point. we had no LB depth, no Dline depth behind Brown and very thin o-line depth behind the starters.. our canadian receivers were a joke plain and simple.. Since Mack was brought in, we have an actual progression plan of some sort at o-line, actual starting level LB, a plan in place to try and fix the safety spot again and some decent Dline depth in the pipeline. I think your blind if you think the talent hasn't been steadily improving. Its far from elite but its on the right path... a damn sight better then it was.. Now with Walters as the GM, I do fully expect it to improve via FA and probably same level of quality drafts.. Rebuilding the teams Non-Import talent base takes a long time when your unable to land any guys via FA and when you lose em due to crappy situations.. but this problem was in place BEFORE mack regardless if you believe it or not.. They may have been plan at oline but our oline sucks so whatever plan was in place failed horribly. 3 years we've had issues at qb and oline and it's still the same issue todoay Plans are great, but if the plan sucks then having a plan is no better then not having one.
  10. Oooooh. When you whisper redblacks it sounds more super awesome. I will use this going forward.
  11. No they will not. Might get one years grace period but it won't be any more than that. As it should be. In a nine-team league where six teams make the playoffs, it should only take one year to contend for a playoff spot, which is usually 8 - 9 wins, and 2 years to contend for the Grey Cup. We're not talking about a 30-team league where half or two-thirds of the teams don't make the playoffs That's ridiculous, you have to take a more in depth look into things than simply wins and losses, especially when the Bombers are moving into a 5 team conference with stiff competition. I don't think it's ridiculous at all. Bombers should be competitive and be able to win 8 games minimum next season. Other teams can do it, why not the Bombers? Saskatchewan went from 5-13 in 2011 to 8-10 in 2012. TIcats improved from 3-15 in 2008 to 9-9 in 2009. Stamps went from 4-14 in 2004 to 11-7 in 2005. Argos improved from 3-15 in 2009 to 9-9 in 2010 and from 6-12 in 2011 to 9-9 with a Grey Cup victory in 2012. Those are some recent examples. Bombers have an added advantage of reigning in the other teams this season with the expansion draft because the 10-12th best imports and 7th and 8th best non-imports on all those other teams are better than the Bomber equivalent. Talent discrepancy between all the other teams and the Bombers should narrow ever so slightly but every little bit helps. Bombers will have ample opportunities to improve the team this off-season. They said they will be a player in free agency. Well that better consist of more than trading and signing Zach Collaros to a contract because if that's all they do, they will end up like Edmonton - a team with a good Qb and little else. Sign Harris - he will help with Canadian content immensely. Sign Dressler - our receivers aren't anything great and he would immediately become our No. 1. Sign a halfway decent O-lineman - yeah, even someone like Picard who is on the downward side of his career. He 's better than our current centre and better than bringing in garbage like Dewitt last year. Our current line is too young or not good enough, take your pick. Time for some effective change there. Sign free agents for our secondary. Ours was crap most of the year and made up mostly of midgets. No real gamers back there since 2011. If free agents aren't an option then scour the States for a few that are taller than 5'9". I'm tired of this attitude that it takes "at least 2 years to rebuild." This attitude seemed to be rubbing off on Burke as that is what he said at the end of this season so he can leave for all I care. That's a loser attitude and excuses slow progress. If the team makes some good free agent signings and fills in the rest with some talented players from the down south no reason they can't make the playoffs. yeah just like that sign everyone on your wishlist easy right? Except it's never that easy. Chances of getting 1 impact player in free agency are low never mind multiples. Yes you can turn things around in one season, but it doesn't always happen and if there isn't a huge turn around in record you can't judge solely on that. When you're a team with so little continuity and no quarterback expecting a quick turn around is just setting people up to fail. Apparently 4 years isn't enough to turn it around it either. Might as well continue on.
  12. Reilly was suscpeted to wait as well and didn't. If the bombers trade for his rights they might be able to sign him before FA
  13. The problem is that, other than Higgins (whose qualifications are questionable), the person you are looking for doesn't exist. If they really did their research and determined that Walters is the best guy out there, then I have no problems with it. So there are no other coaches or operational guys on any other team or in short hiatus with more experience then Walters and or less then Higgins?
  14. Pretty sure there was the same reaction when Mack was hired by some. Not worried. Imwt and all that. Walters seems like a good football man to have in the organization, but i fail to see how he is any bit qualified to handle such an enormous task as transforming a horrible team that has been mostly crap since 2008 into a highly competitive team that push for division champions each year. Cis coach to shitty st coach to assistant GM to intermin GM, Not seeing the cfl experience in building a great team from the dog pile we currently are. Sure he has CIs experience but how does that translate into the cfl? I rather someone like Higgins or someone with similar amounts of experience helping manage teams that have turned from crap into top 4 teams in the league. Settling with Walters May turn out to be great, but i don't understand our perpetual gravitation to rookie management hires..
  15. Atleast it would be interesting and entertaining which has been lacking with our ***** of a team for too long
  16. Since we fired berry for an 8-10 season we have never won more then 8 games (if memory serves). I had no idea at the time that those were going to be looked upon as the good years 5 years down the road. Atleast I know what Hamilton fans felt like when they sucked constantly and had some 2-16 teams. Week.
  17. OMG, you are...your…avatar. Sadly no. I wanted Kelly gone 1/2 thought the season. I dispised him with a passion. My avatar was changed out of my immense displeasure with the circus that has grown around these parts since last offseason and thought this season, I love the bombers, but after the abusive relationship we've had the past couple of seasons I begun to secretly hate them without being able to leave them..
  18. The sad fact is that only once in the last three years have we won more games then Kelly did with his circus.... ONE. With supposedly more canadian talents and import talent and better qbs under center. Wow. It's pathetic.
  19. I have very little confidence in the current management team to make our team successful in the short term. Miller announcing burkes firing and suggesting he could be back as the DC is complete bush league. Sorry.. But doesn't the GM (interim or otherwise) make player/coaching decisions?. If we don't aggressively go after experienced CFL gms and coaches then we are in much bigger trouble then we have been the last 5 seasons.. We have been a joke for during this time while to, ham have turned from crappy teams into grey cup contenders...., All thenWhile we continue to promote from within keeping the parts of the management teams in place that have contributed to the problem. Brutal. Miller. Search for and hire the best GM you can find and then step back and manage the financial aspects of the team. Don't just hand the team to Walters and then tinker with it.
  20. Great examples. But the norm is not having the CEO making Hc/assistants hiring/firings . Those should be done by the GM, the one who is building the team. The CEO holds the money bag so should have some input as far as budgeting, but beyond that is should normally be hands off. Miller might be a good entrepreneur but has zero background running or managing a football team beyond being a borderline cfl player.
  21. What other winning cfl football teams have the CEO making football operation decisions beyond selecting the GM ? The bombers have been horrible, top to bottom for the last 5 years.. We need to start follow winning examples from around the league.... Try radical coaching and GM experiments have consistently failed going back to rienbold, Kelly, Burke and Mack and even buck (player moves). So maybe they should stop and go " hmmm. Maybe we are the issue and should build the team with experienced cfl coaches and management teams"
  22. The apathy that's washed over bomber fans with deepens meaning more and more people will stop watching, carrying or following the bombers.
  23. Well.. Something I don't get is that no one is going to want to come here as a GM if Miller will be meddling. Not sure I agree. A GM will sign on for three years and build the team as they see fit. Miller can ***** all he wants but his hands are tied other then perhaps laying out a budget for personnel and coaching staffs. miller is not going to be able to fire the GM in the first or second year due to finacial hardships to pay out the contract and the optics of it all. Which brings me to my second point. Any GM is going to get a 3 year contract, presumably, and be set with a steady income with the upside that they can transform a truly horrible team into something really competive. If they get fired they take a hit to their ego and continued to get paid. Pro sport are very competitive and so are all the player, coaching and management staffs. They All want to show what they can do to the rest of the league. Walters May be okay but it will only reinforce to the fan base and the rest of the league that the bombers are a joke and continue to promote people from within that are already part of the problem. If they weren't the team would be doing alot better.
  24. Hal can move the ball fairly consistently. Something none of the other bb qbs have been able to do this year.
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