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Everything posted by Adrenaline_x

  1. A Dominant o-line would allow a less experience QB more time react and find the open recievers.
  2. Which three recievers??? How many do we currently have under contract. These season could get scary pretty quickly if things dont change before preseason. EEEEK...
  3. It's more likely to be the worst contract since Casey Printers signed with the Ticats. Except Burris has thrown for 5000 yards wherever he has played and scored plenty of touchdowns. And also throws plenty of picks, got benched more than anyone should with the money he makes, and more often than not doesn't get the job done when it gets cold outside. vs..... hall and goltz that can't move the offence consistently. Sorry.. I rather have a future hall of famer playing for us while the backups get more time to develop.. BUt that just me.. But i'm done suffering through 5+ seasons with throwing rookies out there when our "Starter" was hurt.
  4. dont know unless you ask. Maybe Danny Mac comes out of retirement for the season..
  5. It's more likely to be the worst contract since Casey Printers signed with the Ticats. Except Burris has thrown for 5000 yards wherever he has played and scored plenty of touchdowns. Printers played well in BC with a great supporting cast, and no where else.
  6. I have little Faith we find our own young, promising qb... We haven't done it in the past 20 years... Insanity.. doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Yer hilarious.. 20 years? Didn't we find McManus in the first place and give khari and then Glenn their shots (even if we didn't "bring" them to the cfl). Not to mention when was the last time we had a CFL hall of fame QB doing the scouting for a new qb? Lighten up. It's not the same thing at all. Danny McManus came into the league in 1990.. 24 years ago... Khari and Glenn were backups from other teams that we traded for.. Khari came in and took over for from Bell if I recall correctly and Glenn was backing up Khari and took over after Khari's shoulder gave out. So.. No.. Since Danny Mcmanus, who have we developed by scouting and bringing in vs Trading for someone else's backup? No one that has become a starter yet. Not saying we don't trade for someone.. but i have zero faith that after 20 years we find a QB not in the league now that is starting for us next year or the year after that.. And then that might be too soon to expect a non cfl Qb to come into the leauge learn the ropes..
  7. I have little Faith we find our own young, promising qb... We haven't done it in the past 20 years... Insanity.. doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
  8. What exactly were you expecting Henry Burris to win for us? And yes...Walters should be sure to sign Steve Myddleton, the mystical free agent NI OL, just give him a blank cheque. It is going to be a couple years of rebuilding in terms of NI's and QB's. That's the price we pay for relying on Buck Pierce for 4 seasons, wasting picks on Etienne's and Pencer's. If this rebuild isn't done right and we chase mediocre players like Burris to the detriment of developing better players, it will take even longer. But if the fans sit through two more years of medirocity there won't be any fans left to pay the bills... Pierce was a stop gap to help fill the void while we looked for / developed a future starting QB.. it didn't happen.. The qbs that we had failed to perform and have been cast off. If you are okay with 2 more years for 4-14 - 6-12 years you will be mightly lonely in the stands.. The major fallacy spewing from yourself and a few others is that Burris and a couple free agents in this year's market are going to change the fact that we are the worst team in our division...they won't. Need to rebuild this football team from the ground up, starting with management and coaching, now on the field. Right... but having All Stars or players with consistent histories of playing at a very high level elivates the play and talent of the team as a whole. Burris is not going to make us champ on his own.. But he would have remidied a huge and glaring issue that this team has been reeling with for the past 5 seasons. If the Team is competitive and in the hunt, the fans and players are going to show up. Going along with questionable talent at key positions is going to have us going through around and around in cirlces.. You can have the best Recievers in the league, but if the QB can't get them the ball the team is going to still stuck.. Yup.. Keep Rebuilding.. the last 5 years of rebuilding were such a success.. Tried the use old veterns, Tried using the young players that may or may not be up and comers... We need a mix of both and Burris/Glenn/ Collaros/ Rielly could have made a big difference. Hopefully things change, but until something really changes i'm not going to be optomistic.. Been there done that the last 5 years.
  9. not really since you can Cut one at any time.. Dont you have to be under the salary cap at the end of the season and can be over at any point during the season?
  10. The difference being, that both those teams had younger Quaterbacks that were playing at a high enough level to replace the aging starters.. I would argue that Calgary did not give up on Glen, but could only protect one QB and picked their QB of the future. We are in a much different situation.. We have Max Hall and "FIx My Tie" Goltz that have show that, at best, can win some games when the Defence dominates the other teams offence.. I would much rather have either of those QBs then what we have now. One may be on the way out, But through for 5000 yards last year and 40 touchdowns.. In comparison how many did we have? Those QB played a very integral role in those teams making it to the grey cup regardless of how you think they played in the Grey Cup. I guess Peyton Manning is a bum..
  11. The team had the best offense in the league and the worst defense in the league. Wasn't his fault. Bottom line is today is a massive failure for the Bomber organization. I'm constantly defending the Bombers but today was a colossal failure. Walters really let us down. You said the same thing twice already or did you forget? One thought mind! I've never been so angry as a loyal Bomber fan. No matter how fans try to spin it, today was a huge failure. Woohoo...we saved $25,000! Meanwhile Ottawa has their man. Ottawa has TWO starting QBs that have been in the GRey Cup the TWO previous seasons. We have Max Hall.. Who i actually like.. But realize he is not at the same level as any other starting QB in the league, Well at least with last years offence.
  12. What exactly were you expecting Henry Burris to win for us? And yes...Walters should be sure to sign Steve Myddleton, the mystical free agent NI OL, just give him a blank cheque. It is going to be a couple years of rebuilding in terms of NI's and QB's. That's the price we pay for relying on Buck Pierce for 4 seasons, wasting picks on Etienne's and Pencer's. If this rebuild isn't done right and we chase mediocre players like Burris to the detriment of developing better players, it will take even longer. But if the fans sit through two more years of medirocity there won't be any fans left to pay the bills... Pierce was a stop gap to help fill the void while we looked for / developed a future starting QB.. it didn't happen.. The qbs that we had failed to perform and have been cast off. If you are okay with 2 more years for 4-14 - 6-12 years you will be mightly lonely in the stands..
  13. No.. I think the fans will be willing to go through the growing pains with Qbs that are showing glimpses of being something great while being inconsistent. The fans are not going to sit through another season, with the same performance from the same QBs we had last year.
  14. Or crushed under the weight of a fan-base's unrealistic expectations .. Imagine Bomber fans wanting a playoff spot. Not a GC championship Just a playoff spot. Oh & some respect. Yep, unrealistic alright. My point is more to the fact that the vast majority of uneducated fans are going to expect whomever it is that lines up behind centre to work miracles and simply go out and win .. they aren't ready for a young quarterback to struggle .. to allow that player to learn to fight through adversity and eek out tough wins .. to grow from those tough loses .. people are going to want to yank him at the first sign of trouble .. it's a sure fire way to destroy the confidence of a young player and it's part of the reason why we find ourselves in this situation now .. Why would they be ready and willing to site through young Qb's struggling? Theyve already been doing this for 5 years.. Just because the management team has changed doesnt mean the expectations for the team will change. You can't do the same ******* thing for a 6th season in a row and expect the fan base that supports the team to go " No worries.. We will sit here while you rebuild for the 3rd time in 6 years" Walters isn't responsible for getting the team into the mess but he for ******* sure is responsible for getting the team out of this mess and to do it quickly.
  15. vs going another season or two with Goltz and Hall? I bet the latter is going to be the steeper price to pay for the team in the short term and possible mid to long term.. Last thing this team needs is for Fans to become disinterested if the team repeats last years performance.. It will be alot harder to get the fans back in the stands once they decide to give up.
  16. 6th year of the rebuild.. Its no longer a rebuild.. Its just the state of the team/organization. edit- not sure how this replied to you.. BUT... you need a capable QB to build around even if for a year or two.. You can solidify the QB and then mold the players around the offence that you need.. Earning you wins, and respect in the process. We are a wasteland, that no one wants to play for.. We are going to have to over pay at some point to get the players/ coaches / talent that we need to come here..
  17. It's February. People need to stop getting their panties in a knot, sit their ass down and just watch it all play out. We have no slightest idea what the final product will be. People need to relax. Maybe you and Noeller don't. But I know we're going to suck major ass again this year. Bookmarked... Last year 75% of the internet Bomber fan community believed we were going to be good even though it was obvious we weren't. This year, it's Mr. Perfect and Noeller. Please show me where I've said we will be a good team this year. From this very thread... "Everyone was super optimistic and excited too and at the end of the day it resulted in a four win season. It's just too much of an unknown at this point how things will pan out." Also from this very thread... Of course we're going to suck, we were 3-15 last year and have more holes than Portage Avenue in April. The point is, is that there are still lots of time to add pieces to the puzzle to start to get the ship turned around. This was never going to be a one year process. People need to realize that." Yup.. we are going to suck.. because we can't for the life of us find/buy/beg a starting qb to come play for us behind our horrible oline, enemic Offense, and rudderless team. Yup.. We wouldn't suck though if we could get a qb, spend alot on fixing the o-line immediately and addressing other sore points.. Do we offically have a DC yet? If the O-line was above average, we may have a chance with Hall.. But really what has changed other then coaching so far in the past 4 months? Nothing much... New coaches, untested, rookies, and all new systems to be implemented.. Untill any real changes surface, they is nothing to be optomistic about, other then i plan on taking my 4 year to his first game this year...
  18. Three? Burris, Collaros and ?? Reilly Reilly was traded to Edmonton before free agency last year then was extended. He never hit the market. We could have made a trade before Edmonton did. Sure, and the GM at the time has since been fired. To say however that Reilly was a free agent that we missed out on is not true. He was never a free agent. True... But we missed out on him because he didn't want to play here. Clean slate of gms, ceo, coaching staff.. Second verse.. Same as the first..
  19. Three? Burris, Collaros and ?? Reilly Reilly was traded to Edmonton before free agency last year then was extended. He never hit the market. Right.. He was traded and signed so he could sign before FA. Semantics really. We all know he was going to another team, and would hit FA if hey was interested in signging with anyone else. But the point still stands.. We missed out on him becuase its appears we are wasteland where no one wants to risk coming to incase they die due to the radiation poising that apparently exists with our CFL team.
  20. Maybe because you hedge your bets and take the best QB you can guarantee you can get through the draft without having to to worry about the outcome of a bidding war.. You know.. like we could have traded for Glenn last year. (speculative) If anything it shows they aren't complancent in what they have and are trying to field the strongest team possible.. Wish i could feel the same way about us. They are sitting pretty.. They have TWO STARTING QBS that HAVE BEEN TO THE GREY CUP In the past two seasons... Meanwhile, we sit here trying to figure out what we can possibly do to find someone better then Hall and Goltz..
  21. Bad waste of resources? How so? They can cut anyone before training camp without paying a dime. This will make the team competitve and make it easier to sign FA when the FA know what type of players will be on the team. Hmm.. Sign with a team that has a future Hall of Famer, or sign with a team that has no really QB, and who's offence has been horrible for 5 + seasons with different OCs, gms and coaches.. And has a bunch of rookies running the team.. I was hoping for the best.. But things are trending the opposite direction..
  22. Pretty big let down again... 3 FA QBs choose not to sign here, for whatever reason. Walters ****** up. When the team/city/fanbase has been suffering for 6 seasons, you make it so that the FA Have no choice but to come here, whether you pay through the nose for the QB or do whatever you need to do. Burris would have made an immediate difference, and given the team, prospective Free agents and fans hope for the season.. Pay him 400-450 K per year if that's what it takes.. Your team has suffered at the QB position since we CUT kevin Glenn. Build off the QB and once you have a solid team you can cut the high price QB if he doesn't justify the Salary. So... we go with Hall, Goltz and who? Willy? He looked good in limited action on a championchip team. We aren't going to pay big money for him and why would you? Hes unproven. I care less and less about this team.. Sad, Maybe not a fan? Whatever.. Been a diehard since i can remeber going to games with my dad.. But this slow drain into the toilet for the past 6 years is wearing too much on me..
  23. Kavis looked like a fool with his consequences speech, yet nothing followed. To me it looked like he couldn't deal with the pressure. Nelson would be good. I think Marshall would be good and better then kavis. Our defense has been decent for a few years in a row. And if we can magically turn our offence around and keep the d off the field we might be able to improve our record next year. I will be more worried if we don't get collaros or Burris and we don't immediately improve our oline , blocking and run game.
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