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Everything posted by Adrenaline_x

  1. What a great morning to be here in the stadium. Sunny, a bit cool, but i'm happy to be here. So far its been a breeze getting to the stadium, no traffic and best of all all the parking i could possible want.. not ONE car in the parking lot closest to the entrance. Once i got to the stadium doors things became a bit tougher. The doors were locked so i walked around the whole stadium trying to find an open door.. When i didn't i was happy that i keep my grappling hook in the back seat of the my truck so a few minutes later and a few attempts to set my hook i was up and over the wall. All has been quiet so far, other then the lone security guard that yelled at and chased me.. I dealt with him quickly and quietly but i feel a bit bad about the headache he will have later. So far the field is looking good.. No one else has arrived yet and none of the players have made their way onto the field, but i will be sure to post updates as things progress.
  2. Yup. We keep hall no mater what really. He has the most experience and played okay for last half of the season, with a shitty online in front of him, and receivers dropping balls. The offensive schemes were the greatest. Hall is not a super star but outplayed all the other qbs on our roster last year. If willy goes down, I much rather go to hall then have to hope broom or marvel can carry the team. Hall is kinda like Glenn. Serviceable, but not capable of carrying the team on his own. He gets the ball to the receivers and let's them make plays. Hall does not have a cannon but it's not as weak as most suggest
  3. that's a huge cop out answer. SHOCKER!! Just pm the sources, that's all. i wont throw them under the bus. why would i, just want you to prove it. Why is that so difficult? Heh This board is so bi-polar. One day people say we should accept inside info as fact when presented by forum members and mods. next day you have to PM someone your source so they can verify it. WTF? WHO CARES.. I like that DR. CFL is sharing his inside info. I can choose wether to believe it or not. If he/she doesn't share the inside info because the can't or wont share the source we are worse off.. Chalk it up as a rumour, and if you don't believe it, cool. Ignore it. edit : I have an extremely large penis.. I will make sure to pm you proof.
  4. I like Hall. He did pretty well last year considering what he was playing with. Willy looked okay. Brohm looked.. terrible. Marve looked like his uncle suggested which was surprising, even though it was garbage time.. but well.. the whole game was garbage time.. Meh. I'm excited to see if he can be successful when when the other team's starting defense is on the field. If he is.. move him up to the backup slot.. if he keeps playing like that and out plays willy, make him number one.. Same goes for all the QBs. If willy is the Starter, great. If the other QBs out play him consistently then they should become the #1 Qb. First Pre-season game of ours where 3/4 of the QBs looks promising and were able to move the ball.
  5. Preseason blah blah blah. Defense, with the players on the field was horrible against the run. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come. Hopefully we see more of marve instead of Brohm. marve looked quite good in garbage time. Good pocket presence, and knew where the first down markers were, Willy? Meh. Hall.? Meh. Timing off... But to be expected. But marve with no names looked to be placing the ball nicely.
  6. Would you get fired for drinking at work? Nope. CFO takes me to kings head for power lunches. Not much happens in the afternoon following it.
  7. Wtf won? Pvr cut off. Tsn doesn't list it. Wtf????? Edit. Found it on cfl.ca game recap. Rangers suck
  8. since i didn't know who this person was... http://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/related/1dy0pr/jessica_nigri_is_bouncy_nsfw/
  9. Isn't that Mike with the shades?One of my favourite gifs ever. Such a loser... Why is he wearing shades to an indoor basketball game? For extra swag points. To hide his blood shot eyes
  10. The other site died for me when the site design changed quickly for the worse. The color scheme here is very easy on the eyes and doesn't make me angry when browsing. As the the mods moderating, I don't notice it at all, which means it's being done properly.
  11. My thought is, if the players are getting hurt, because we are pushing them to hard, then maybe the players haven't done enough in the offseason, or atleast this spring to get their bodies into game shape. Easy for me to say though, I work at a desk job. That being said I started training for Winnipeg rec league ultimate frisbee an month before it started. And this is 1 hour games with only running
  12. is there a more unlikable member of the media? BANG, BOOM, BREAKING, WOW! Someone needs to make a comic book about this guy! Wait. He's not in a comic already called " real life " . He seems like a tool
  13. Actually, David Asper and Brock Bulbuck spent $500,000 of the Bombers' money to maintain full control over the Board. Shame on the BOD for allowing their personal issues to cost the club this much money. So you think it was a good idea to allow Sammy to abuse his power and force one of his (unqualified as he has no connections to the City of Winnipeg) buddies onto the Bombers BOD, in exchange for $500,000 in taxpayer dollars? Okay. What difference does it make??? If they get someone from the City of Winnipeg, it is still going to be one of Sam Katz's friends. You know, since he is the Mayor of the city? All this is, is the Board of Directors pissing money down the drain because the three guys in charge can't allow someone else with money and influence onto their Board. So you think the BOD should just be spineless and play into Sammy's criminal game? The BOD recommended 3 individuals with the City of Winnipeg, based on their position within the City and their qualifications. Sammy has ignored the Bombers on those recommendations. Thankfully Sammy's only got a few months left. So much bias in this thread lol. But with your comment specifically, I think I rather Sammy place a guy on the board that would do what's in the best interest of the city or even Sammy, then have another Boyz club member to go along with the rest. Sorry but after following the team for the past 27 years, I've decided the bod manages the team like a playtoy instead of running it like a profitable business. If it was their own money on the line and we're paying out pocket for losses, the team would have made a lot different decisions.
  14. Dogma was a gooder. Chasing Amy was on par. Only movie I didn't like as much was clerks 2
  15. What's the new IP address so we can't edit our host files to point to the new site?
  16. ... accept someone who is not accepting of people that are naturally born with a different sexual preference? Oh ok. I agree with u, but some people don't accept / believe people are born gay/lesbian. Me? I believe people are born straight/gay/lesbian/ furries. What I find pretty interesting is that most of these same people that are against gay men, tend not to make any noise when it's two girls in relationship.
  17. If you are going to quote or disect the tweet, atleast quote it “My faith won’t allow me to ACCEPT what took place over the weekend! Sorry, NOT sorry! #AdamAndEve #NotAdamAndAdam.” http://www.calgaryherald.com/sports/football/calgary-stampeders/Canadian+Football+League+fines/9835757/story.html I agree with same sex marriage and gay (lesbian, transgendered etc) rights. But i don't see anything wrong with the tweet.. Maybe he should not have said anything at all, but really he didnt say anything derogatory or slanderous or try 'to create/spread hatred. His faith doesn't allow for same sex marriage. Believes in adam and eve and not adam and adam. Cool. he is welcome to his opinion and he wasn't attacking the dude.. Just doesn't agree in his life choices. If he was saying he doesn't believe he should have been drafted, then thats a different issue. The issue i have with religious people using the bible to denounce same sex marriage is that these same people believe God has a set path and uses divine intervention to cause all sorts of things. Children, who were baptized in their own church come out later as being gay.. Now.. see... if god made these people the way they are and has this plan for them, and could stop and change their sexuality, then why hasn't he (god)? People are blinded by their religion and look to it or hide behind it when things make them uncomfortable. Do i like watching two guys make out? no.. It kind of grossed me out .. But the thing is, that's MY Issue/ I need to deal with, not them and they should be free to be whoever they are.. that's the whole point of living in a free country where you are protected from being prosecuted.
  18. And this is where your wrong.. the law has the limit for drunk driving set so low that I think you are wrong. I can drink 4 beers feel 100% fine but if I had to take a test I'd blow over, get someone baked you think they're ok to drive compared to having a couple beers? The people who go get themselves completely **** faced and drive are pretty much the biggest pieces of garbage on the planet, but impaired is impaired and if I'm too impaired to drive after a few beers then you better believe that people who drive stoned are too impaired to drive. U fail to see the difference. Drinking alchol and drivinging and smoking pot and driving are normally completely different.Here's why. When u get shitfaced it takes hours for someone to sober up, some wake up drunk the next day. Get stoned provides a rush, followed by giggles or paranoia and then subsides within an hour or so. No aren't sober but u aren't blasted out of your head like a drunk. You could smoke a whole joint and be pretty normal hours later. If you get **** face drunk you are going to be drunk for a fairly long time. That being said driving while under the influence puts everyone at risk and losing a life over it isn,t worth it. Walking around stoned or shitfaced is okay. Normally u are only harming yourself. I'm totally for legalizing pot and taxing it like we do alchol and tobacco. It's used by a large portion of society and because of such it should be allowed. It does cause issues when trying determine if someone is sober enough to drive, but DUI can still be determined via field tests. As for pro athletes, the majority of the players I lived with ( apartment complex) smoked, and smoked often. Didn't seem to effect their on filed production.
  19. Disagree. I can accept average. I can't accept players obviously playing hard each game. Ladd takes a lot of shifts/games off while other like frolic are charging around 90-100% of the time. Ladd didn't play hard for Noel and his effort level went up quickly when Maurice came on board. He gets played to play and wears a c as captain. If the captain isn't out there giving it his all, he shouldn't be out there and or should not be captain. What use is a captain that doesn't play hard each night or when they are down??? Take his c away and give it to a hard work to lead by example. I would be happy if they traded ladd
  20. Disagree. I can accept average. I won't accept players obviously not playing as hard each game. Ladd takes a lot of shifts/games off while others like frolic are charging around 90-100% of the time. Ladd didn't play hard for Noel and his effort level went up quickly when Maurice came on board. He gets paid to play and wears a c as captain. If the captain isn't out there giving it his all, he shouldn't be out there and or should not be captain.
  21. What's Ladd doing wrong as a captain that makes you think he should be replaced? What makes the other three better options? Putting the C on Scheifele would be a huge mistake IMO. I'm ok with putting the C on a young guy if it's a young, developing team around him (Crosby, Toews for example). It's different with the Jets though. We've got a handful of quality vets on the team, so we don't need to burden Scheifele with the added pressure of trying to be the team leader. Late to this thread. The issue with Ladd is that before the coaching change his effort level was obviously missing. He talked about playing better and playing hard each night but didn't show up. Meanwhile, wheeler and Kane and trouba and shied fly were working their asses off flying all over the rink. Then Maurice comes inboard and instantly Ladd starts playing harder? That not the leader we need and I think we should ship him out and shakeup the culture of the team. I can take the losses if the team is hard working, fore checking, blocking shots and rushing back to play D. I can't take the same team not showing up the next game vs a weaker team. That speaks to leadership and that falls on Ladd. Wheeler could make a great captain as he shows up each game and is flying out there attacking, rushing back, Kane is out ther flying all over, taking shots, hitting everything and not afraid to stand up for his teammates. I would love to see Ladd out of here.
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