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Everything posted by Adrenaline_x

  1. This is what i like to read in newspaper articles.. Reporting.. Not a columnist piece with all the writers opinions being stated as fact.. The facts the reporter is reporting are actually facts. go figured.
  2. You make it sound like he had a choice. Ottawa picked him in the dispersal draft, he wasn't a FA that went over there. And of course Glenn wants to be a starter. What QB in the league doesn't? Jason Mass? Seemed content backing up for the last years of his career..
  3. But.. Out of 4 Qbs we put on the field last year, he was the only one that could consistenly move the ball down the field with little protection and with Recievers dropping passes. I'm expecting more from the offence this year and expect the OC to have a good gameplan that plays to our players strengths vs adopted and then edited NCAA offence we tried running last year. But.. we need a lot of upgrades on the o-line and so far i haven't seen much that has changed from last year. This concerns me.
  4. Well any starting QB is a stop Gap until the next QB out plays the current starter. With glen being 34 yrs old, he could be our starter for 4 or 5 more years if someone doesn't out play him.. And if none of our younger QBs can out play him, then they shouldn't really be starting.. I get that QBs will grow quicker with more reps but all the reps in the world are not going to help if they just don't have it in them to be bonafide CFL starters. We should be going after the best QBs available.. Just like Ottawa did. If the Bombers think Willy, Hall, Broughm are better then Glenn, then that is their prerogative. But if they are wrong and Our Qbs **** the bed, then the Bombers are going to be in a world of hurt as the Fan base is already tired of the same old **** and fan support has been waning.
  5. apparently my mirrored avatar was too confusing for some people
  6. I think Hall is gonna be a sleeper... he played well considering the team he had around him. He didn't look out of place like Goltz and Boltus did. I think he will push for the #1 spot.
  7. Right now we have no safety net.. I would think that we would all know by now that having a safety net is a good idea. If willy fails, then its on Hall / Broughm? and if they fail? we write off the season mid august like last year, and say things will be better next year. 5th season since Berry was fired and Glenn was Cut.. And we are still trying to do the same thing? I like to think this management team knows what they are doing.. but i thought that about the last management team, and the one before that. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.. If you take that approach you bring in Glenn if you can incase things go really bad. If things go well you have a vet Backup QB.
  8. Well when you want to stop inventing make believe arguments about Joe Mack I'll stop arguing with you. It's totally different because I'm calling Lawless a terrible writer, which he is. Nothing more nothing less. Just stating the simple fact that since Tait moved to the Jets and Turner stopped doing anything the Free Press coverage has been laughably bad and Lawless is part of that. No way,man. I'll argue with you till the cows come home about Mack. You get bothered.... and you do get bothered.... even though you deny it... whenever someone dares to criticize Mack. Yet you criticize Lawless any chance you get which I find hypocritical. So, hey everyone.... Looks like 17 & I are juuuust getting started. You can't defend Mack.. The record under him is laughable. yes.. We made it to the grey cup which was a really nice surprise, but its like Buck and Lapo Willed us into that game. The lack of talent at the O-line, Qb and and OC coaching positions never got better... Mack took a bad team over from Kelly, and didn't really improve it in the 4 years he had managing the Team. Did he find some good players? Sure.. But he didnt address the positions that needed to be addressed. Lapo was a good coach and was good for the team, but he had **** to deal with.. Burke's team looked even worse with similar players.. but i digress. That's the CFL for you though. Squeak into the playoffs and get hot. Yup.. part of why the league is fun... But the grey cup appearance doesn't really speak to this being becuase of the work Mack did.. sure. he is repsonsible for getting the team there.. But he is also responsible for how shitty the team was before and after that
  9. You see once again you miss the entire point. I love to argue, the problem is that you started bitching and moaning about the fact that I didn't let you get away with your bullshit so in an effort to ease up I said I'd tone it down as long as you did, but you didn't so now I am wondering why. The problem with comparing your criticism of Mack is that you invent things, when I criticize Lawless it's all the truth and much more about an opinion than pretending it's all fact like you do in regards to Mack. Don't worry, you can't get me worked up because I don't get worked up about this stuff like you do. Have you ever seen me complain about people arguing with me? That's the entire goal here. Settled Down shelly
  10. Well when you want to stop inventing make believe arguments about Joe Mack I'll stop arguing with you. It's totally different because I'm calling Lawless a terrible writer, which he is. Nothing more nothing less. Just stating the simple fact that since Tait moved to the Jets and Turner stopped doing anything the Free Press coverage has been laughably bad and Lawless is part of that. No way,man. I'll argue with you till the cows come home about Mack. You get bothered.... and you do get bothered.... even though you deny it... whenever someone dares to criticize Mack. Yet you criticize Lawless any chance you get which I find hypocritical. So, hey everyone.... Looks like 17 & I are juuuust getting started. You can't defend Mack.. The record under him is laughable. yes.. We made it to the grey cup which was a really nice surprise, but its like Buck and Lapo Willed us into that game. The lack of talent at the O-line, Qb and and OC coaching positions never got better... Mack took a bad team over from Kelly, and didn't really improve it in the 4 years he had managing the Team. Did he find some good players? Sure.. But he didnt address the positions that needed to be addressed. Lapo was a good coach and was good for the team, but he had **** to deal with.. Burke's team looked even worse with similar players.. but i digress.
  11. He's a terrible interviewer. He doesn't know how to ask a proper question. He starts almost everything with "Tell me about..." rather than asking an actual question. Lawless is too agressive and gets caught up in his own ramblings. He'll lose what he's taking about when he goes off on his rants. He's also bad for cutting Hustler off. He can't handle having to wait a few seconds to say what's just come into his mind. He's better in print b/c he has time to put his thoughts together. I agree. But his columns in the paper are long winded and not to the point. Very similar to how I would pad 18 page essays in university to meet the 18 page requirements. He's better then nothing.. But so are a lot of other media types :/
  12. And if Willy stinks it up and goes 0-6 you don't think there still will be controversy? I'd rather our insurance be a proven CFL vet which worked wonders with Calgary the last two seasons. Agreed. There is no controversy if willy/hall/ bb play better then kg. if kg play betternthen the rest, the others have to work hard to unseat him before kg retires. Pretty much win win.
  13. Lawless is a loser? Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. I wish I was as big a loser as in my field as Gary is in his. He is really hard to listen to on the radio.. on H and L i end up switching it off once he is on and oges off on a tangent.. He doesn't have the speaking ability to be on radio.. He may be a very knowledgable sports reporter, but he isn't very eloquent when speaking or trying to get his point out.. Alot of blah blah blah, "look, the facts are" or " my sources tell me" blah blah etc. Its like he struggles horribly to get out what he is thinking.. Hustler on the otherhand is the complete oppoiste and has no issues talking on the radio. Lawless seems to be a bit bi-polar is his media reports.. He can go from one extreme to the other from day to day, and i for one don't appreciate, or enjoy reading these types of reporting.. I rather the report report the facts, offer some opinion and leave enough for the reader (me) to make my own opinion of the situation... For the most part he goes blasting off attacking something without laying out a complete argument as to how he formed his opinion. Lots of "losers" get promoted based on office politics or other reasons, then based soley on their skill.
  14. Looks to be a lot better then the players on the other team.
  15. Sounds like sour grapes bro. I wanted Burris here badly, but Ottawa did what they felt they needed to do. They acquired two of the three best available qbs available as soon as they were available. Glen? He signed the contract he did and he has to live up to it. That's pro sports. Does anyone fault mack for signing Jyles and then pierce when he became available even tho Jyles looked upset at the press conference? Management will do what they think is best for the team and onto fault getting 2 very good qbs to start the franchise off. One only has to look at our record for the past 4 years to see how not having a reliably good qb starting each game turns out.
  16. First we NEED a RB... seeing as simpson and ford have not been re-signed. You can't seriously be worried that we're not going to find running backs...that's the easiest of all... Worried that we can fin a Rb? No. Worried we are going to find a great running back that can run out in the open, up the gut and can block? Yup. RB are easiest to find, but finding great RB isn't easy.
  17. First we NEED a RB... seeing as simpson and ford have not been re-signed.
  18. not sure i've seen etchandsketch d before. or know that it was him or what was crazy about it. anyone got some videos?
  19. but... we haven't had a gooder since Roberts... OR to a lesser extent Ried.
  20. Your comment is a contradiction.. If hes and upgrade we should attempt to sign him at a rate that we can justify. Then why do we pay for any free agents since our system is "different" If he is a great RB, then he should be a great RB on a team that can setup similar situations for him to excel.. But seeing what has happened here the past 5 years, i guess we might not be able to create the situation. So no simpson, or ford.. Then who? I can see us letting ford walk if he is really overpriced, but why Simpson? Inuries alone i suppose/ We may end up with a really shitty RB when we probably need a great RB to take the pressure of our willy.
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