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    Logan007 reacted to kelownabomberfan in The Gender Pay Gap   
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  2. Disagree
    Logan007 reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in The Gender Pay Gap   
    That would be a prime example of gender pay gap and the way they skirted the system.
  3. Disagree
    Logan007 reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Upcoming Movies   
    As far as action flicks go... both are  

    I kid, I kid- they are fun movies. 
  4. Disagree
    Logan007 got a reaction from voodoochylde in Upcoming Movies   
    Affleck was the best Batman/Bruce Wayne.
    This news saddens me.
  5. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in Upcoming Movies   
    Bleh, Noeller come on.  Bad Boys 2 was crap compared to the first Bad Boys.
  6. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from JCon in Upcoming Movies   
    Bleh, Noeller come on.  Bad Boys 2 was crap compared to the first Bad Boys.
  7. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from Brandon in Upcoming Movies   
    Bleh, Noeller come on.  Bad Boys 2 was crap compared to the first Bad Boys.
  8. Haha
    Logan007 reacted to 17to85 in Upcoming Movies   
    I am not convinced you are qualified to name the best action movies. 
  9. Like
    Logan007 reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Upcoming Movies   
    But as a prequel its no surprise. Though if they set it 10 years ago i think Affleck could do it.

  10. Like
    Logan007 reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Upcoming Movies   
  11. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Star Trek Thread!   
    Yup, agree with most of your points.  I like the guy playing Sarek, but agree with you that he needs to be more cold and logical.  He's acting more like how I think Spock should act.
    I love Michelle as well, but she's getting her own show so I wish they'd make the story line involve new characters we haven't seen before instead of bringing back old characters all the time.  That's what I liked about the old series.  They were always fresh and different.
  12. Like
    Logan007 reacted to The Unknown Poster in The Star Trek Thread!   
    I enjoyed it over-all.  Thought it came across fully baked as opposed to last season's early episodes that were clearly hampered by the change in show runner.  The one thing, the show will always be hurt by the lousy premise that Michael started the war when she really didnt.  That was something they just were never able to make right last season.  Better to move on and forget it.
    The negatives:
    - Portrayal of Sarek.  I think the writers' reverence for the character hurts the portrayal.  He was always portrayed as cold, emotionally distance and a bit of an *******.  But we see none of that.  What was good about TOS was the moments that showed us he was more than that (his obvious love for Amanda, his confronting Kirk over Spock's katra, his approval of Spock's friends etc) were special *because* of how cold he was.  The JJ films made this same mistake.  Its almost like they're trying to retcon Spock's issues with his father from Sarek to Michael.   We really need to see some more coldness from him.
    - Humor.  Dial it back just a bit.  My advice to them is, ask yourself if a professional military would behave that way before airing a "goofy" scene.  In particular Im talking about Tilly's first scene on the bridge where she compliments....was it communications?  And then back and forth on the pods.  At least on the pods, Pike interjected to tell them to knock it off and they did (similar to STID where Spock & Uhura were bickering during an important away missions but they ignored Kirk's order to knock it off).
    - Pods.  Yeah....I know some fans are raving about it as an exciting sci fi scene.  I sort of glazed over a bit.  But Im not a fan of adding crazy elements to something for dramatic effect...like in STID when Kirk & Khan are hurtling themselves through space from one ship to another and have to hit a tiny little mark...thats not dramatic enough so add in asteroids.  Same thing here.  A bit too insane.  But not bad...just, hard to care about for me personally.  And you knew the blue shirt (ha!) was going to die.
    - Humor.  Other then above, it was well done.  Tilly is very charming.  Dont force it.  I didnt mind her interactions with Pike either but I would have liked a scene or line where she expresses admiration for him so that her super awkwardness was a bit more grounded.  But the episode was long.  She's an ensign on command track.  He's a legendary Captain and who happens to be heroic, charming & handsome.  Perfect foil for Tilly but I'd like to hear it.  We KNOW he's a legend because of canon but Tilly would be the perfect character for us to see through her eyes.  Almost have her say "everything is going to be okay.  Captain Pike is here."
    - Cinematic feel.  Amazing.  It looks and feels like a movie.  The SFX are top notch.  The wide screen is great.  How it's directed.  Cinematography.  Everything.   Star Trek has never looked so good.  Oh and more traditional sound effects were added too...the background ship sounds and the door swoosh on Enterprise etc.  Also seems the space shots have been toned down as far as the overly blue, foggy look goes.  Looks more like traditional Star Trek (rendered by modern SFX).
    - Acting.  Pike has been a great addition.  The rest are top notch as always.  Even when given little to do (Stamets) they hint at a lot of depth.  They just have to reconcile how the senior bridge crew have so far done little compared to the stars who mainly arent bridge crew.  And it seems they will by giving the bridge officers more to do.  Some good actors there too.
    They love love love Michelle so she's here to stay (especially with her own show coming).  
  13. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Star Trek Thread!   
    Well, has anyone else watched the first episode of Discovery?  Was pretty good.  I like the small amounts of humor they through in.  Sometimes though, it feels so dramatic at times because of the way they film it, or because of their grim facial expressions that I'm sometimes like..."did they just make a joke?  Yes that was a joke...hey that was pretty funny actually".  I liked the guy who plays Pike.  Them going through the minefield of rocks with those little glass bubbles kind of lost it for me though...had to really suspend disbelief for that one.  Otherwise it was an overall decent episode.
    Not liking that they're bringing back Michelle Yeoh.  I liked her character, but it just feels like they're going back to her too soon.  Move the story forward.  Stop bringing back old characters.  But I also haven't seen the episode yet so maybe my mind will change.
  14. Haha
    Logan007 reacted to Noeller in Upcoming Movies   
    You're always welcome to be wrong....
  15. Like
    Logan007 reacted to iHeart in Upcoming Movies   
    and Bohemian Rhapsody not being one of them heck they got screwed in hair and costume design as well
  16. Like
    Logan007 reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Upcoming Movies   
  17. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from wbbfan in Upcoming Movies   
    This is what it should have been.  I could care less if there are women in it, but the torch should be passed on, not just a reimaging of the damn movie beat for beat almost.  And I hope they use practical effects instead of all CGI because that new one just looked like absolute ass.  All the ghosts looked to clean and fake.  And lastly, I hope they have a good story and decent jokes.
  18. Haha
    Logan007 reacted to 17to85 in Upcoming Movies   
    No offense but what Leslie Jones doesn't know could fill a warehouse.
  19. Like
    Logan007 got a reaction from Noeller in Upcoming Movies   
    She talks like she has a 5th grade education.
    Actually that's not true, my 10 year old in the 5th grade talks better then she does.
  20. Like
    Logan007 reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Upcoming Movies   
    Why, with the Pennyworth timeline of course...duh. Where Alfred goes into a wormhole and stops both parents from getting killed and.... yeah, I got nothing...
  21. Like
    Logan007 reacted to Noeller in Upcoming Movies   
    Yes, in so much as the first one was solid, the 2nd try was pretty much ass, and the 3rd try is by far the best so far....so, for JR, here's hoping they get their own Tom Holland to do everything justice!
  22. Like
    Logan007 reacted to Brandon in The Gender Pay Gap   
    Exactly,  not to mention it's usually women who are more likely to take maternity leave and/or stay at home with the children for which those reports factor in.   
    For myself I'm in IT...  when I went to school and through out my work life it's been 90% male.  That being said the female that works with me makes the exact same pay as what I do and receives the same increments and benefits.  
    Now my wife who is in an administrative world who works with a tonne of admins is the opposite with 90% of them being female.  That being said the males at her work make the exact same pay.  
    Now some people might point out that the world has way more CEO's that are male and high level executives and just maybe it's because the scientific nature of a male may just be better then a female.   Do you not think that any private company would choose a person based on potential profits over gender preference?  In this day and age hell no.  Now days its so cut throat that they don't give a crap who they hire/fire as long as the big companies can squeeze some extra profits.  
    Another area is athletes...  the reason that LeBron makes a bazillion dollars and ladies in the WNBA make peanuts is because their is no interest and they do not generate that kind of profits.   I like the example of Ronda Rousey when she was in the UFC she was making near 10 million per fight when she was on top which exceeds nearly everyone on the roster...  they pay based on what the person can bring back to the company. 
    In this day I don't consider gender pay an issue,   I'd think the much bigger and relevant issue would be how big companies use places like China and India and force employees of both genders to work in poor conditions for such terrible low salaries.   
  23. Like
    Logan007 reacted to Fatty Liver in Upcoming Movies   
    That is literally the worst movie trailer I've ever seen in my life, effective though, I know one movie I'm not watching.
  24. Agree
    Logan007 reacted to Goalie in The Gender Pay Gap   
    The Gender pay gap certainly exists but.. Im not convinced its as big as some think. I think its 100 percent based on the jobs ppl choose to do. 
  25. Like
    Logan007 reacted to Brandon in The Gender Pay Gap   
    As per gender pay gap it's been proven already that it does not exist.      I don't even know why it's even a discussion anymore?    
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