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Everything posted by Logan007

  1. Didn't we know this already, or was this just the official announcement because they weren't allowed to do it before the Grey Cup?
  2. When you hire DC as HC....there are consequences. And there are going to BE consequences.
  3. It's funny that the HC isn't even hired, yet we seem to "know" all the positional coaches already. LOL
  4. I don't know if I can throw the ball as inaccurately as he can and look as bad doing it. That's a pretty high level to achieve.
  5. ...Since you brought it up, I've been meaning to point out that its "Seeing as how"...and not "Seen as how"... That bothers me too... for all intensive purposes I could of cared less what you guys think. "Intensive purposes" LAWL!
  6. I actually enjoyed his music. It wasn't flashy but I enjoyed listening. The snowmobiles were cool too.
  7. LOL. Watching this on a computer because of no Satellite kind of sucks. Maybe I'll splurge next year...I dunno...I'm so cheap. Miller's looking for a GM... Internet high five!
  8. LOL. Watching this on a computer because of no Satellite kind of sucks. Maybe I'll splurge next year...I dunno...I'm so cheap.
  9. Was that just a snowmobile that jumped the stage? I kind of missed that.
  10. I feel the same way. I've watched Grey Cups in the past with enthusiasm no matter who was in it just because I love football. But this year seems soured by how shitty our team was.
  11. But we are willing to bring in Khari who is currently a rider man... But the difference is, Khari loves Winnipeg and wants to come back.
  12. I've gotta agree with some others here. In the past we've always seen the FP or Sun post the guys who are coming in for interviews. Hell I still remember when they showed the pictures of Ritchie, Reinebold and the other two coming off the plane for interviews way back when. The question is valid, why haven't we heard anything so far? If this is a community owned team then why are they hiding these "interviews". I'm not saying they're putting the wrong guys in place, I just want to know why all the secrecy? Something just seems not kosher with how this is going on. Dunno, just a gut feeling. Especially if all the rumors are true. Too many rookie's in charge. As a side joke, why do we keep inheriting Hamilton's cast offs as if it's a good thing? Creehan, Boltus...I mean come on...it's HAMILTON!
  13. Right, and this goes without saying in most cases. Yet look at how many doctors, politician, businessmen, etc...who supposedly "know their field" are nothing but corrupt individuals out to line their own pockets and not care about the people their suppose to be protecting? The doctor that does nothing but fill out prescriptions, the politician who does nothing but spend tax payers money for their own benefit, or the businessman who uses your ideas or steps all over their employees just to get ahead? All these people are so called "experts", yet you still have to question everything they do. All the promises they make (FYI I just picked those 3 off the top of my head...but you could put any job profession in there). The sad truth is, the Bomber Team has been screwed over for many many years by these so called "experts". Our team is in shambles. How can we sit idly by and just let them hurt our team when their "expertise" is giving us the heebee geebees? All we're trying to do here (well some of us anyway) is logically figure out why they're making the decisions they are. After 20 years of messing things up with a few good years thrown in, it's inevitable that we're going to question every move they make. You're right, we're not experts, but we love our team and we're passionate about them. And most of all, we want to see them succeed.
  14. He's asking legitimate questions that we should all be asking. I hate the Riders, and it's painful to see them in a home town Grey Cup game. (It's even more painful that I'll be cheering for the Ticats, a team I also can't stand.) But why have they had so much success over the last 8-10 years and we've had mostly failure? We should definitely be looking at those key points BigBlue posted about. Saying, "Go to the Riders forum!" is like sticking your head in the sand. Let's figure this out so we can reverse our fortunes -- and maybe theirs, too! I agree, but easier said than done based on the mixed messages we're constantly bombarded with. One on the one hand you hear: 'Be your own person, don't change for anyone, be confident in who you are'. Then you hear, 'you can't do this alone, there is always room for improvement, look to others for support'. This trickles into sport mindsets as well. If you looked at professional sport organizations as one entity, some become very insular in their thinking and in their approach while others are more liberal in who they look towards for advice and support. My guess is that the Rough Rider organization has a good blend of people in appropriate positions that find the balance between 'I'll do it my way" with "Let's learn from others". Pet peeve police on patrol, but do you guys know you're not suppose to post INSIDE the quote of the previous poster? It makes it look like it's a part of their post. Under the line...UNDER. KTHXBYE. My bad. Do it again and you will be shot LOL...FYI I meant to say that wasn't directed at you. Just everyone. EVERYONE NOW AND ALWAYS! I'm looking at you Tackle. O_O Now back to the thread. Sask does seem to have a good format lately. It's working for them.
  15. He's asking legitimate questions that we should all be asking. I hate the Riders, and it's painful to see them in a home town Grey Cup game. (It's even more painful that I'll be cheering for the Ticats, a team I also can't stand.) But why have they had so much success over the last 8-10 years and we've had mostly failure? We should definitely be looking at those key points BigBlue posted about. Saying, "Go to the Riders forum!" is like sticking your head in the sand. Let's figure this out so we can reverse our fortunes -- and maybe theirs, too! I agree, but easier said than done based on the mixed messages we're constantly bombarded with. One on the one hand you hear: 'Be your own person, don't change for anyone, be confident in who you are'. Then you hear, 'you can't do this alone, there is always room for improvement, look to others for support'. This trickles into sport mindsets as well. If you looked at professional sport organizations as one entity, some become very insular in their thinking and in their approach while others are more liberal in who they look towards for advice and support. My guess is that the Rough Rider organization has a good blend of people in appropriate positions that find the balance between 'I'll do it my way" with "Let's learn from others". Pet peeve police on patrol, but do you guys know you're not suppose to post INSIDE the quote of the previous poster? It makes it look like it's a part of their post. Under the line...UNDER. KTHXBYE.
  16. That sounds dumb. Why would someone not be happy to be offered a promotion?
  17. Thank you, I was just going to say, don't forget him tossing Ritchie out.
  18. Bravo sir. You have just won the internetz for today.
  19. Can people please post links to where they "heard" such and such a person is not interested in the Bombers? I see so many of these quotes it makes me wonder who here is making **** up and who's telling the truth. Link me up with where it says Higgins is not interested in joining the Bombers.
  20. It's all speculation, but perhaps Walters has already been deemed by Miller to "not be the guy" to sit in the GM chair, so for now he's making the announcements. Also, everyone keeps saying that Miller shouldn't be hiring anyone without the GM...except that he hasn't hired anyone yet. It's just us speculating and rumor mongering. Nothing has even happened yet to our knowledge so as of this moment, Miller is still telling the truth. That the new GM will hire the Coach. Doesn't mean he won't start figuring out who's out there that might be interested so that when they do hire the GM he can say "here are the candidates interested...go get em. If you want to try the ones that said no again, be my guest." OR, perhaps the new GM will also be HC and take on the dual role. As of this moment we just don't know.
  21. I'll wait until the actual check is waved in front of his face and we'll see if he still turns it down (if asked). Asking him right now is dumb. Anyone can say no. But then someone comes along and puts money in front of you and says the HC job is all yours all of a sudden thing change. It's like saying you'd never sleep with a hot prostitute, even if it was for free. But wait until she strips naked in front of you and starts lap dancing you and all of a sudden your **** is taking over your brain.
  22. That, I hope, comes to fruition. It would be nice to keep him. I just hope they hire someone good.
  23. Whoever it is I hope there's more experience there then Walters. Still not sold on him.
  24. No, the joy is in the fact that we're getting a new head coach, not that he was fired. I'd actually liked to have seen him stay on as DC. But whatever. He ****** up big time...and he did it often. So, buh bye.
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