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Everything posted by Logan007

  1. I just can't see Wade hiring Khari as HC. That would just be a foolish move on his part, and he'd be called out on it. OC he MAY be able to get away with, but I'd rather see him as QB Coach for now until we see some proof in the pudding. As much as I love Khari and want him to come back here in a big way, I just hope they don't jump the gun. Hire your GM, let your GM hire the coach, and let your HC hire his group. If Khari is in that mix then so be it.
  3. I find it hilarious that almost NO ONE read the subject line of the thread...YOU BE THE GM. LOL..."First of all, I'd hire a GM"..."I'd put Walters as GM"...etc... Oh you funny people make me laugh. AAR AAR AAR AAR
  4. I like 'Chancellor' myself... he'd be the Chancellor on Chancellor Oh the Star Wars references abound.
  5. Something to the effect of (and I'm paraphrasing): why would I want to go there .. it's where kickers and their careers go to die .. Berry was the coach at the time who rode Westwood out of the league and almost did the the same to Serna, so his comment rings pretty true. He looked like a psych case on the sidelines after a bad kick. Add to it the fact that Canadinns had hard to predict wind and we really should have been a kickers last stop at that time. ahh yes cause Westwood wasn't a washed up old vet at that point and Serna wasn't a below average american kicker... I applaud Berry for doing that. Bravo sir...bravo.
  6. I think that had to do with Burke saying Goltz was named starter and then 1 or 2 games later they change their minds. That's why he was so pissed at them. And I wouldn't put Elliott and Goltz in the same boat. Goltz may be great short yardage, but he's not close to being as good as Elliott. Not that it matters any more.
  7. I was gonna say, how did Will Ford get on that list?
  8. I still think he's one of the best short yardage guys I've seen in a long time. If we used him as a 3rd string and brought him in to do that kind of work I think it would help us a lot. Boltus showed just how bad he was at...well...anything. Even Brink sucked at short yardage compared to Goltz. And if he was trained by a QB coach I think he could even be used for a fake. Not knowing if Goltz is coming in to run or pass would be a huge benefit. He wouldn't even need to be a great QB, just someone who can do a quick run or fake for us when we need it. I personally don't think he's as bad as he looked out there near the end when they stopped using him. I think MB favored is little useless puppet Boltus and both he and Burke tossed Goltz away because he wasn't the Reilly caliber QB Burke thought he was going to be.
  9. He is, same as Reilly was last season. But the thinking is we do the same thing Edmonton did with Reilly and get him over so we can work on signing him to a multi year deal.
  10. He's a really good short yardage QB, but I haven't seen much more out of him then that. He's good at both the plunge forward or the sneak.
  11. Exactly why would Marcel know anything about what's going on with HC or GM? Why would anyone tell any of the coaching staff, "hey, this is who we're hiring...so you know...get ready to pack your bags sucka's." Especially if the HC is going to give you the boot and hire a new OC.
  12. Agreed. Collaros has shown us enough that he's at least a decent QB, and if we're getting a QB coach as well next year, then all the better to bring him in.
  13. Don't say stupid things like that EVER AGAIN!!! Now go to the corner and have a time out.
  14. Well from what I heard from Bob Irving this morning on CJOB, it looks like they're not going to make any decisions about Burke until after the Grey Cup is over.
  15. You really shouldn't consider a blow up doll a "high level source".
  16. Sammy was the first worst QB that I ever watched play, that's why I mentioned him. He was so bad we boo'd him off the field and he flipped us the finger. ...ah the good ol days.
  17. How did you even figure that out? Who the heck remembers who was in training camp and then got released?
  18. Get in line...I've already accepted HC position from Mike. You can be my OC. By the way, the play book will have a lot of Nanoo Nanoo and AAR AAR AAR's in it. So prep yourself. Orsen...*cough cough...ahem* I mean the "Board of Directors"... has already allowed me to spend the money to change the field into the shape of an egg. I plan on running the Oopty-Oop, exclusively... Excellent, I love that play. And I think I just found our new Stretch Management Coach...
  19. I don't know but Sammy Garza should make that list. I'm going to search the internet for the fat guy now. FYI...WTF!?!?!? How did Buck make our top 10 QB's? http://www.dailyheraldtribune.com/2012/09/03/10-best-quarterbacks-who-have-played-for-the-winnipeg-blue-bombers
  20. Get in line...I've already accepted HC position from Mike. You can be my OC. By the way, the play book will have a lot of Nanoo Nanoo and AAR AAR AAR's in it. So prep yourself. Orsen...*cough cough...ahem* I mean the "Board of Directors"... has already allowed me to spend the money to change the field into the shape of an egg.
  21. Ok, so Miller's quote is: Miller: Kyle's in charge of running the football operations, and working in that. And this is a change that this organization is going through where we actually work together, and proper people are making the right decisions, now, in charge of players who's playing each week. And we're getting to that process of getting the roles defined where we can all work together. Media: Will you have some input on that...who's playing each week? Miller: Absolutely not. Not my role. Media: Coaching staff? Miller: that's for the head coach and Kyle to decide.
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