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Posts posted by Bigblue204


    Edmonton gives up an int, a fumble for a TD and another int in the first quarter but they hold Montreal to 9 points. Turn it over on downs in the 2nd quarter and end up down by 12. Get a TD back before the half and end up down by 5. Pretty much what we did last week, but we ended up down by 31 at the half. Shows you what a difference a great defence makes.


    They also miss 3 makeable FG's taking 7 points off the board. Still end up winning the game. Oh yah, that's with 13 players on their injured list including Reilly, Bowman, White, Simpson, Chambers and Coehoorn.


    Or how much playing a team with no offence at all helps.



    this. Fairly sure hamilton had more first downs in their first drive then montreal did the entire first half.


    Could be a think with J-Homo having good chemistry with Marve, with both practicing more together as backups. J-Homo is probably a better option to stretch the defense, compared to Veltung. Veltung seems like more of a slot guy, and less of a burner.


    By god I think gbill's got it.  Moore was out and the backup slot is Veltung.  Adams is out and the backup WR is Gordon.


    Soblem Prolved.



    If Veltung isn't injured I would prefer him starting over JFG.


    it helps when you can get that type of pressure only rushing 3 guys...which edmonton did often last night.


    Mostly because if Cato's first read isn't there he's leaving the pocket regardless of how much time he has.  Feel bad for those OL, it's the worst blocking for a QB with happy feet like that because you never know what he's doing.  You could have a great pocket and then the idiot runs right into the pass rusher that you've blocked perfectly.


    hopefully we don't see that happen tonight!





    Sucks that their only practice this week was interrupted by weather. Hopefully the mental reps work for Marve.

    Too bad they didn't take into account that the weather could be bad, it was forecast...they could have had it and hour or more earlier.
    Right, because forecasts are always right.
    Long term forecasts, I agree. But when the forecast says there's a storm coming in a couple hours, it's usually accurate.


    Yeah, that's a big BS from me.  I've looked at the forecast many times first thing in the morning this summer, and it's barely ever right.


    I found this is helpful. Resets itself every couple of hours. Doesn't always show rain, but you can certainly see when large storms are coming out way.





    Sucks that their only practice this week was interrupted by weather.  Hopefully the mental reps work for Marve.

    Too bad they didn't take into account that the weather could be bad, it was forecast...they could have had it and hour or more earlier.



    They would have had to have the "Union" okay that adjustment and it would have taken them months to get around to looking at it. 


    Q. Was there sufficient urgency? 


    A.  I think not, shut up or we'll strike!


    Show the proof that they would have needed a "Union" ok..to move it a couple of hours, otherwise your comment is a total guess!


    fairly sure it was joke



    There's blame to go around but I would love to hear somebody actually elaborate on how it's Drew Willy's fault. I'm not saying he's perfect or that he doesn't have plays where he doesn't do as he should, but I'd like to actually see somebody bring more of an argument to the table than "he doesn't get the ball out quick enough" - seems like such a last year argument at this point.

    I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. Reading blitzes, making quick decisions, and getting rid of the ball is how Danny Mcmanus made a career. It's where Willy is lacking. Just because you don't like the argument doesn't make it invalid


    No the argument loses validity when you expect a qb to catch the ball and instantly throw it. Even Danny Mcmanus and Kevin Glenn, two notably quick throwers had trouble when the pressure was in their face as quickly as it's been coming for the Bombers this year. Drew Willy is the least of the problems on this team. 


    add to that slow developing routes/no one open.

  7. Gbill is correct. This is a multi faceted issue

    First and foremost we are dealing with a pocket passer. This means teams will blitz with out any regard for breaking contain.

    With that in mind.. To counter this.. We need either a great offensive line or a qb that makes fast reads and delivers the ball quick.

    So what's our issue? Our offensive line is average at best, and our play calling is atrocious. We have slow developing routes and a qb who isn't making quick decisions. It's a recipe for disaster.

    Is the coaching to blame? Yes.

    Is the offensive line to blame? Yes.

    Is Drew Willy to blame? Yes.

    People who blame just one of the three are out to lunch and don't know how football works. And I hate playing that card but it's true.


    There's always more than one problem when you have a game like yesterday. Saying that, I think 2 of the 3 issues can be addressed quickly by getting rid of the first one. I know I'm going on about it, but 7 games in is enough. Willy has proven he can perform and perform well. He is our future and I don't want to watch a mediocre OC ruin his career.


    273 total yards on offense and a grand total of 8 points against a defense that had little to play for after the first half - it's only natural for the defense to let up a little bit with such a huge lead.  Yet, the Bombers could only score 8 points...and they punted the ball 12 times....and I see a comment from Goalie that the offense had some "nice drives."  Laughable.  With MB in charge I think it's pretty apparent that the Bombers will have, at best, an average offense.  At worst, with Willy out, an offense that probably sinks to the bottom of the league.


    The OL couldn't put more than 2 decent plays in a row together.  Limiting factor on this offense, doesn't matter if they bring in Mike McCarthy or Dave Dickenson or Vince Lombardi to call the plays.  Bellefeuille has a history in the league so you can judge him on that, but hard to judge the job he's doing here just because that offensive line is so awful.  When your QB has a guy like Laurent two steps away from him by the time the snap is in his hands it doesn't matter if it's a screen, shovel pass, or what hot routes he's called pre-snap, the play is over.



    It isn't hard to judge his job here. Last year, ok the talent was flawed. This year we have at the very least decent talent on the oline. And this exact thing happens everywhere Marcel goes. Just to beat a dead horse, while in MTL his O gave up over 50 sacks...the very next year, they gave up below 25....same players. It's not something that is going to change.

  9. a few years back, when we were all saying its just a matter of time before Taman did his thing with the team, no rider fan would listen. Now it's all coming together just like the other Taman teams. This is what he does, spend and trade all for the now, and while it did bring in a grey cup, they will likely be stuck in this mess for at least another year. Should get rid of Taman asap and start the rebuilding process now!

  10. In terms of running the ball. I don't think it should be one guy over the other. I like the split duties, 50/50 seems like it would be a perfect mix for these two guys.


    Would just like to say I didn't know marshall could cut like that in small spaces. He made a move on a LB in the 4th that was incredible. I believe it was during his longest run of the night. Just slipped right by him!

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