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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Oh ohhhh a 3down writer is gonna be upset!
  2. Gonna need some screens to make that Dline back off
  3. The in game interviews need to stop. I don't care who is doing it....just stop. They're always awkward and always seem to take place during big plays or key moments in game that then get ignored. I hate them!!
  4. Isn't that when someone leaves the huddle late for a sub?
  5. After the news broke, another media person was talking about how he liked that Black would describe the game as if he was talking to someone who never saw the game before. Which sounds like a good idea on the surface. But it just isn't. Most of the people watching know the game, add in the fact that he continued to get basic things wrong and it just made things bush league. You don't need to talk to people like they've never seen the game (literally no other league does this, not even obscure games like the AFL). You need to be passionate and knowledgeable.
  6. That's hands down the best thing 3rdown does.
  7. Maybe...TSN/Bell is finally listening to my advice via Twitter?
  8. Isn't that regarding the replacement of one of the starting 7. We start 8...that 8th player can be replaced by an International.
  9. Top ten in yards - If this is correct, looks like only 4 make the top 10 in yards so far. Lawler Whitehead Lewis Wieneke Burnham Jordan Ellingson Ambles Demski Moore
  10. You can as long as there are still 7 cnd starters. Bombers start 8. They'll be fine if one goes down and an import steps in.
  11. Maybe hope now, but not moving forward. He's had his worst season to date and is 35. If you're looking at rebuilding, I understand wanting to move on especially if you can flip him for some other players/picks etc.
  12. They did. And TO recovered another 4(I might have that # wrong) fumbles caused by Jeffcoat. I believe a few of those drives ended in points.
  13. That article also leaves out TO recovering all the forced fumbles caused by the Dline....that was single biggest factor in that L in TO.
  14. Is there something up with Arbuckle? Ottawa had him, didn't want to re-sign him....now TO looking at trading him, even though their QBing has been suspect. Seems odd that you'd consider trading away a "starting" quality back up QB when you're in a tight race near the end of the year....?
  15. How would they do that exactly?
  16. Agreed. and he was open on some of the passes Collaros forced.
  17. There were a record number of missed kicks this past weekend. It's not as dry as you might hope.
  18. But the Argos are 1st in the east and just beat hamilton.....?
  19. The performance from kickers yesterday probably ups his chances of catching on somewhere down there.
  20. meh didn't like 6 of those guys get hurt before the year started?
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