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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. This. Fans thinking one thing doesn't mean the Team thinks the same way. I'm confident the coaching staff will have the team ready to go for every game. Regardless of records/reputations.
  2. Yeah its becoming clear that you need to force the riders to go deep. And BC is the opposite. Force them work the ball down the field.
  3. 2 different channels showing this double header...on the TV guide it says there was a CFL pre game show before the Als and Argos game....on both channels what they actually show is Top 40 hail Mary's....could you imagine that happening Sunday morning with the NFL? **** sakes. TSN is trash.
  4. Most people were forced. I felt forced to take it. But the thing that was forcing me is a deadly virus that spreads like wild fire.
  5. I've referenced an article on here before where Arbuckle says he was wanting to re sign, but Ottawa just never reached out. I'll try to find it.
  6. Teams can still dress 3 qbs. The fact Ottawa hasn't when that's the stable they have is a failure of the coaching staff. They didn't trade him, they just didn't re-sign him. But yeah that should cost their GM his job.
  7. This is true. As I know a few 1st timers who voted for PPC. I also think it's possible some people who normally voted for the Libs went to the PPC. It's not just taking votes from the CPC.
  8. I've been saying it since he was elected. Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell. He knows the game too well and has too many resources to help him....especially now being an ex president.
  9. A dog and Tom hanks!?! Gonna be one of those movies where someone is chopping onions right next to me isn't it?
  10. I'm already seeing "Vote was rigged" and "Just divide the country into libs and cons" posts from people who openly admitted they were voting PPC lol!!! Lots of Salty tears from that crowd right now. Funny enough, a lot of them were also 1st time voters. I suppose they are finally seeing what happens when you live in an echo chamber but the rest of the country does not. I do remember something about a "purple wave"? Guess that was just kool aid.
  11. Lol come on man. 4 hrs...no piss was available? Am I the only one who has had to provide a sample when I couldn't pee and did? It's not hard...he's not a 5 year old. Literally stand up at any point today and go take a piss whether you have to or not. Sure he was dehydrated after a game....but for 4 hrs he had zero to drink? Nothing at all?....come on man....4 hrs to pee just a little bit...they don't need a gallon. I could maybe believe it if it was 20minutes (even then that's a stretch) but 4 hrs!?!?!
  12. They're still kids...still gonna be gross lol. But like others have mentioned, only 1 or 2 mild colds last year. Not at all like my son's 1st year in school.
  13. There is a cold making it's way through the schools it seems. My boy had it, a bunch of kids in his class too. My buddies kids have had it too.(All neg on Covid tests) Here's hoping that's all your fam has!
  14. Like last night when they randomly played highlights of Andersons career...even though cgy wasn't in the game and Harris had just got to the 6th spot all time...like why not show highlights from Harris' career?? Not only that but they almost missed a play while talking about a guy who wasn't on either team playing that night...so bizarre some of their choices.
  15. Exactly. If anything you want your opponents to finish the season on the road. That's a much more difficult schedule. I'm all for the riders playing 4 of their first 5 at home. The fact they lost one of those homes is fantastic.
  16. Harris gets his fine. Edem too (to go along with a broken wrist...) Micah walks away clean....WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE!?!?!?!?!!
  17. That's because throwing an opponents helmet is something you get ejected for. It was a penalty. The panel was not in agreement about whether he should have been booted though. I believe it was in Edmonton....I want to say BC vs EDM but I could be wrong.
  18. yeah they have the talent to carry a below average QB to a W at home.
  19. Well damn...if this week wasn't a trap game before. It certainly is now.
  20. I was all for giving Legs some more time....but that time has come and gone and the improvement hasn't been there. Time to bring in someone else.
  21. It's been reported for a while now that ****** (sorry tucker) Carlson was double vaxxed early.
  22. I think you can add Reilly to that list too.
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