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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Pavs and Hutch.... Hutch has a one way contract so he's not going anywhere....
  2. It would be nice if he could get a few seasons... collect some big pay cheques in the NFL.
  3. Brock always had that reputation... back when wrestling was entertaining I remember Lesnar vs Goldberg being probably the absolute worst match. You could tell both mens egos prevented them from actually putting on a show and it ended up being one big long bore-fest of them not wanting to sell to each other.
  4. I still don't exactly understand the point of the game? You explore different planets... but aside from some space combat and exploring what is the goal of the game?
  5. Mike why do you even bother trying?
  6. I thought they did a great job on this!
  7. O Henry - caramel centre, chocolate covering, and more nuts than ever.. I nearly spit my drink out on that one!
  8. What guys do you think he should of invited? Here's a link of all the players... I think they did well http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/display_players.php?tmi=9024
  9. Brandon


    All I ask UFC to do is to have the big intro and better walk in entrances. Also get knees to the head back in the game. The yellow card also was a good thing.
  10. I only didn't recognize one name, that roster is pretty good. Tkatchuk can't play because as UP said he's obese these days. Taller version of wade Miller. I'm only sad that Luciano Borsato didn't get the call lol. Hawerchuk was on 1290 this afternoon and said it was hard to get guys because they had other commitments. I hope they can get Pokey Reddick, Eddie O, Olausson and maybe a guy like Housley?
  11. Jeeze if you're going to post slanderous accusations... at least provide the photo evidence of these so called photos!!! I kidddddddddddd.... Looks like Trump has peaked and it will be a slow decline and he will fade away
  12. I was more so referring to past years with the under achievers ... I don't really want to see Neufeld back on the field once he is healthy.
  13. BLM had so much time , on a few plays he was able to look to all his reads... and then start over and look over a few of them again.
  14. The Riders had (have) a chance of winning this.... they blew many chances with ill timed penalties and fumbles.
  15. Wow Calgary has been getting burned by the deep ball quite a bit tonight....
  16. Jennings has a rocket arm ... seems so effortless when he flicks the ball 20 yards down field. I don't think he's as bad as Bishop... seems to have some potential and he's still early in his CFL career.
  17. Brandon


    If it has Takada and drums then it will be magical.... how can you not get pumped up with an intro like that! It even has some skin showing for the ladies!
  18. I love how many people are jumping back on the bandwagon I do find this funny.... I'm glad we won the last two games... but I will be more impressed when they start making the right decisions..... such as replacing players who clearly suck after a few games rather the keeping them around for a full season before making the move.
  19. But they did bomb the ball in the 2nd half... a few key drops , a few bad penalties and a bad run by Harris killed most of our drives.
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