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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. My point was that LeFevour had a few great games and he was the next greatest thing.... same with Troy Smith.... same with Rakeem Cato.... same with a whole crap load of other 3rd stringers. Franklin might have a great upside but to compare him to Trevor Harris is foolish. Franklin at this point in his career is a nobody and wouldn't be worth a whole lot for a trade.
  2. Chiles is over rated, but I do enjoy the fact of that bonus and hopefully more anger within the Rider fans community.
  3. Sutton seems to always have big games against us.... Stafford is a big meeeeeeeh....
  4. How does Ottawa do it with 2 starting QB salaries.... Same with Calgary ..... How do other teams survive when they over pay for massive salaries on receivers or aging vets. The Blue are far from being a team with a massive pay roll.
  5. I LOL at people on here who are paranoid about or salary and use the most ridiculous mathematics to think that if we add one guy it will kill our salary cap and that we will be having to cut all stars left and right. I wonder what every other team does and how they survive with sometimes 5 qbs on the pay roll and who bring in guys left and right with out having to cut all the guys on the team.
  6. Why would you compare Franklin to Harris? One guy had 4350 yards with 33 TDs while the other had under 1000 yards passing and only 6 tds and only started 2 games. What about Danny LeFevour... he had 1200 yards passing and about 400 yards running?
  7. This is a good problem that this club has to deal with... I much prefer that we have an overload of young talent and our difficulties is finding a spot on the team for them.... rather then the Thrashers mentality of put the guy on the ice and hope and pray that he turns out ok and that he can produce like a vet.
  8. Marcoux and Edmonds both do a good job when filling in on H and L.
  9. As any of our guys dropped a larger then average amount of passes? Talk about nit picking!
  10. Wtf has Franklin done. Every team has the next young great qb. I thought Adams in Montreal was the next greatest thing?
  11. The D line is getting a much better push...I think that is the biggest factor.
  12. Who are they going to fire? It's a lack of quality players which is killing the team.
  13. The fact that he was even on stage doing any kind of show is amazing in it's own. I knew someone who battled the same battle he did and it was a complete struggle to even do basic daily routines. Absolutely amazing that he could do a tour.
  14. Brandon


    Rogan always has had this problem where if he likes a guy he will sell way over the top for his guy. In the 3rd round he was screaming for Diaz and saying McGregor was done and gassed. Every single punch (even if it was a punch that was blocked) he would scream. Yet in the 4th round when Diaz slowed down and was getting kneed in the clinch... he was silent. Rogan is terrible.
  15. Brandon


    Just watched the last few fights..... Anthony Johnson is a scary man.... For the main event... Joe Rogan was absolutely terrible. I never seen him favor one fighter over another. Brian Stann is way better at being impartial and telling the action as it is rather then over exaggerating one fighters action over another. I had McGregor winning easily... glad that he got the decision.
  16. They'll trade him to the Riders straight up for Durant... it will be a gong show
  17. I missed the games tonight... I do find it funny reading the thread after already knowing the final stats. People suggesting Collaros was cold and has lost it.... had 5 TD's,,, I assume he did very well. As for the Riders... you know somehow this team will lose in Saskatchewan... that still won't take away the fact that they'll lose a whole crap load of other games.
  18. I perused the rf board the other day.... the one young fool completely embarrassed himself with his pitiful attempts to disagree with your comments. Apparently if anyone speaks ill of the green or if you decide to use facts and the truth to back your own arguments... the only reply they have is calling you names and suggesting...
  19. And Zach chokes at the end with a terrible terrible throw... he could of easily dumped it off to Gable or even ran for the 1st down
  20. Crappy that Hamilton's defense couldn't of held them at 2nd and 16
  21. LOL at hamilton guy returning that int and trips over his own legs
  22. This game is actually perfect for us... Calgary has looked very unfocused and may lose the game . The Riders aside from Durant running for his life have done barely anything at all aside from playing a clean game.
  23. Or if they stop taking terrible 15 yard penalties....
  24. Messam fumbles and once again keeps the Riders back in the game... pretty reckless with the ball. Calgary could be up by 21 if they were to play smart....
  25. The Stamps receivers have dropped 3 routine catches which have killed drives.... the game could be a blow out had they made those catches.
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