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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. The season was a little more fun because of the pickem pools. Thanks for hosting!
  2. Over 28000 at the game, 50/50 took home 32k.saddest quietest bus ride ever. How about that Sims-walker?
  3. Won't separate from the pack if I take the same guy as everyone else.... I'll go with Messam.
  4. I'm actually a little surprised it took as long as it did for someone to pick him up. Wonder what he was doing to keep busy.
  5. Some of us think Elliott was a good player, better than anything we currently have. Some of you disagree. I think if we kept Elliott as our starter and cut Buck lose in the offseason we would be in better shape than we are now. Sadly, we will never know. Seriously, if there were a pro-Elliott/anti-Elliott debate thread it would be 90 pages long, and would repeat itself over and over. Are we really going to do this again?
  6. Typical Sun headline...hardly an exodus!....not so sure it is about the chaotic atmosphere...more like MONEY! The lack of winning and negative atmosphere plays as large a roll in attracting and retaining players as money does .. what incentive does a top tier free agent have to stay in (or come to) Winnipeg when there's little chance of making the playoffs (and making the extra coin associated with a post season birth)? If two contracts are being considered, both offering similar money, what would entice someone to join an organization that's constantly under the microscope and in a state of continual change? Loyalty, Commitment, We're in this together? Or is that a thing of the past. It's certainly a nice sentiment, and how much an individual values such things will vary from player to player. One thing is for sure though: these guys aren't signing with any team out of the kindness of their hearts. They need to get paid, and making the playoffs is a big part of maximizing your earning potential. Fact is, as long as the Bombers are in a tailspin they'll have a harder time attracting (or retaining) quality players with options. That has really nothing to do with Loyalty and Commitment. Because if it did what you're suggesting by making this statement (and even with your remark it varies) is that well-compensated professional athletes place loyalty and commitment very low on their priority list which is simply not true. Some, and I repeat some professional athletes and the organizations they represent achieve the best of both worlds (compensation and loyalty/commitment). With the Bombers, hard to say how it's going with this. I try to remain optimistic that we have the right people in places (or are looking for them) to build this type of culture. And to add one more thing, for the people who think winning solves all of this are dead wrong. Because losing also shows a lot about a person's character and if their first reaction is to jump ship then I say need a boost . . . Certainly loyalty and commitment and so on factor in to every players decision to choose where to play. So do other things such as 'can I realistically be a starter?', or 'does this team have a terrible coaching staff?' or 'does this team have a hope in hell of making the playoffs?'. We agree that those factors play a role, we disagree on how important they are to the vast majority of players, American or otherise. Money talks, and there is a direct corrolation between a teams success on the field and an individual players earning potential. Did Philip Hunt display a lack of loyalty to the Bombers by signing in the NFL for more money? Would Akeem Foster have chosen to come to Winnipeg if he wasn't traded here first? I bet he's choked up that he's all but lost a playoff pay cheque, and all the positive thinking in the world won't replace those dollar bills.
  7. I'm sure I've said as much while watching college teams I know nothing about play. I mean... it's football, what more do you want? Of course, it's a lot more fun to watch your team win than lose.
  8. I had a tough time convincing someone to come to the game with me after my wife opted to sit this one out. Most of my 'casual fan' buddies have already sworn not to attend another Bomber game til sanity is restored. Interest in the Bombers may be at an all time low... people don't even jingle their keys at the people bailing at the end of the 3rd quarter... but I'll be there, as always.
  9. Typical Sun headline...hardly an exodus!....not so sure it is about the chaotic atmosphere...more like MONEY! The lack of winning and negative atmosphere plays as large a roll in attracting and retaining players as money does .. what incentive does a top tier free agent have to stay in (or come to) Winnipeg when there's little chance of making the playoffs (and making the extra coin associated with a post season birth)? If two contracts are being considered, both offering similar money, what would entice someone to join an organization that's constantly under the microscope and in a state of continual change? Loyalty, Commitment, We're in this together? Or is that a thing of the past. It's certainly a nice sentiment, and how much an individual values such things will vary from player to player. One thing is for sure though: these guys aren't signing with any team out of the kindness of their hearts. They need to get paid, and making the playoffs is a big part of maximizing your earning potential. Fact is, as long as the Bombers are in a tailspin they'll have a harder time attracting (or retaining) quality players with options.
  10. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2013/09/25/the-stage-is-set-for-a-blue-bombers-exodus-after-this-season Yes, money talks, and I wouldn't blame anyone for wanting a shot at the NFL however unrealistic their chances.
  11. Kindly take the boycott talk to the Winnipeg Sun comment section.
  12. I'm having a very tough time deciding my picks. I think this is the week I slide to second or worse...
  13. Thanks Goltz and Cornish for getting us all off to a great start... I'll take Jerome Messam
  14. See http://www.morningbigblue.com/community/blog/4/entry-21-game-11-blue-bombers-at-edmonton-eskimos/
  15. You said last, not me. And hey, if he WINS, then there can't really be any debate, can there? this is MBB. There will always be debate.
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